Where's The Mass Exodus of Scout Troops?

Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Oh, of this I have no doubt at all. The question is how long it will take until your fucked-up, inhumane, murderous ideology will ruin them. I do hope you didn't name them Eva and Joseph.

You should also have no doubt that 'National Socialist' is a libtard sock, Sherlock.

No actual neoNazi would advertise the fact so that people wouldn't reflexively dismiss him. If this loon is not a sock then he has to be the stupidest moron on the planet, and methinks him being a sock is just way more likely.
Dont get all emotional about it. Marriage to the person they love for one. I'm still not seeing your Bible passage telling you God gave you the power to deny them that right.

Marriage is not a right.

tapatalk post

And here we see the willfully ignorant conservative, for whom 2+2 will forever be 7.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.
Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Oh, of this I have no doubt at all. The question is how long it will take until your fucked-up, inhumane, murderous ideology will ruin them. I do hope you didn't name them Eva and Joseph.

You should also have no doubt that 'National Socialist' is a libtard sock, Sherlock.

No actual neoNazi would advertise the fact so that people wouldn't reflexively dismiss him. If this loon is not a sock then he has to be the stupidest moron on the planet, and methinks him being a sock is just way more likely.

No, he's a Rightie and yer stuck with him...
Marriage is not a right.

tapatalk post

And here we see the willfully ignorant conservative, for whom 2+2 will forever be 7.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.

Well, if he is so stupid that he doesn't know the difference between moral rights and legal rights, or lacks the ability to differentiate between then, then he deserves the scorn he gets as a Right-Wing dinosaur.
Oh, of this I have no doubt at all. The question is how long it will take until your fucked-up, inhumane, murderous ideology will ruin them. I do hope you didn't name them Eva and Joseph.

You should also have no doubt that 'National Socialist' is a libtard sock, Sherlock.

No actual neoNazi would advertise the fact so that people wouldn't reflexively dismiss him. If this loon is not a sock then he has to be the stupidest moron on the planet, and methinks him being a sock is just way more likely.

No, he's a Rightie and yer stuck with him...

Then you are too stupid to discuss the matter with.
And here we see the willfully ignorant conservative, for whom 2+2 will forever be 7.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.

Well, if he is so stupid that he doesn't know the difference between moral rights and legal rights, or lacks the ability to differentiate between then, then he deserves the scorn he gets as a Right-Wing dinosaur.

That he was speaking of legal rights instead of moral rights was your presumption, ass hole.
Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Dude, my CATS are smarter than you.
Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Dude, my CATS are smarter than you.

And your cats are real cats, not libtard socks pretending to be cats.
The Scouts were always about family values, not sexual diversity. At 12 we weren't talking about our sex lives, there's nothing awesome about kids doing it at that age, let alone homosexual stuff.

And they still are. The gay kids have families too you know and they are joining the scouts for the exact same reasons the straight kids are. When their sexuality is discovered, they get to stay in the scouts…just like the straight kids. Being gay or saying you are gay isn’t “talking about sex lives”. 12 year olds shouldn’t have sex lives, but they can still know they are gay. I did.

No, you are confused. Your rambling away from it means you can't address the fact. Black men were treated differently than white men.

Right…and that was ruled unconstitutional just like treating gay people differently is being ruled unconstitutional time and again

So that meant that not all men were equal. You're talking about relationships, not individuals. There is no constitutional right to marry anyone you want. There isn't even any state law to that effect now. So far we have gays imitating heterosexual marriage but it will just be a matter of time before that's challenged. Why two people?

Marriage is a fundamental right. It has been declared such by the Supreme Court of the United States on no less than three occasions. In order to deny a fundamental right to a group of people, the state must be able to identify a societal harm in allowing it. Understand now? Using a reasonable person standard, you must be able to identify the societal harm in allowing consenting adult gays and lesbians to legally marry each other. You can’t which is why anti gay marriage laws are being struck down.

Good luck with your Polygamy thing. I really don’t care…and states could use the jobs that will be required to change hundreds of legal codes.

There was only marriage, now there's gay marriage. Even though offspring will not result, so society doesn't benefit from the union. So let's do away withlegalities since it no longer recognizes the special relationship between men and women.

No, there is still only marriage. Two non familial consenting adults voluntarily choosing to legally make decisions for one another. Name the state where procreation is a prerequisite for legal civil marriage. {cue Jeopardy music here). BZZZZTTT sorry, trick question, there isn’t any. :lol:

Huh? I said posts ago it wasn't legal. I also said it doesn't relate to gay marriage. I also said opinions don't matter since society is being bullied into it by a very vocal minority.
And I pointed out to you that society didn't want interracial marriage. If "society hadn't been bullied", we would not have allowed blacks to marry whites until the mid 1990s instead of 1967 when "activist judges" ruled in Loving v Virginia. I realize you don't like these uncomfortable parallels pointed out, but they exist none the less.

And yet polygamists have managed for thousands of years. If decision making is your excuse we could make it four people, three in an agreement is a majority. And who are you to say three can't love each other equally? It's hypocritical to accuse the majority of being intolerant while you won't tolerate anything but your view.

No, legalized Polygamy hasn’t really survived all that well…


The more civilized and Democratic a society, the less likely it is for there to be legalized polygamy. Do you know why that is?

That's not an argument, just opinion. Your position is that opinions that differ from your own should not even be considered. Typical.

And that’s a deflection. So, you think that all the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage like tax benefits, estate planning, employment benefits, medical benefits, death benefits, etc should just go away? Have fun storming the castle! :lol:

You can't connect the dots, apparently. You claimed kids were revealing their homosexuality and getting kicked out of the Scouts. Now you aren't talking about sex?

Ah…you’re suffering under the delusion that in order to be gay, you must have sex. Nope.
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Marriage is not a right.

tapatalk post

And here we see the willfully ignorant conservative, for whom 2+2 will forever be 7.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.

YOU made the assumption that he was talking about "moral rights" and everyone else assumed he was talking about legal rights. Interesting that you think your assumption is correct and everyone else was wrong.
In September 2013, a new scouting group (not affiliated with the BSA) called Trail Life USA (which will not admit openly gay youth) was created.[43][44][45] In September 2013, several Baptist congregations, as well as churches from other Christian denominations, replaced their Boy Scouts of America troops with those of Trail Life USA.[46]

My son will be joining in January of 2015. :)

Good move....

I would not want you affiliated with my sons Boy Scout Troop

Indeed don't need my kids brainwashed by your stupidity which I am sure was passed on.

I've never missed a rent payment. Good value to pass on to your kids
Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Soon, they will be bright enough to know they need to keep their friends away from old dad.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

Just more radical Jacobin cultural imperialism.

And to answer your question; BOTH. The BSA has a long history of closet homos and pedos exploiting their positions of authority.

Anytime you have a job that give a person authority over young kids and the trust of parents you will have sick pedophiles flocking to it....Why do you think they become school teachers and priests?

Unless for some reason one WANTS the pedos having access to kids......
And here we see the willfully ignorant conservative, for whom 2+2 will forever be 7.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.

YOU made the assumption that he was talking about "moral rights" and everyone else assumed he was talking about legal rights. Interesting that you think your assumption is correct and everyone else was wrong.

He left the matter ambiguous, and if you thought him wrong you should have asked him, idiot. But you assume he got it wrong, when even then he is still correct, and you call him the idiot?


You libtards have been a blast for the past few days, loll, please, keep it going.
Actually my kids are smarter than I am. I love that. They got brains from both their parents and are bright as hell.Just moved my youngest to the next grade even though she is younger than everyone else,middle one is really advanced in mechanical things and oldest is in a reading group at school most kids didn't even know existed and according to teacher will test easily into the gifted program. :)

Soon, they will be bright enough to know they need to keep their friends away from old dad.

You mean from the old sock, which NS is, a libtard pretending to be a Nazi.

Lol, in most states it is still not a right, and Thanatos is most likely speaking of moral rights, not legally defined rights anyway.

It is simply amazing that libtards like you deliberately misinterpret a statement and think you have proven something by that.

Really, you are that stupid.

YOU made the assumption that he was talking about "moral rights" and everyone else assumed he was talking about legal rights. Interesting that you think your assumption is correct and everyone else was wrong.

He left the matter ambiguous, and if you thought him wrong you should have asked him, idiot. But you assume he got it wrong, when even then he is still correct, and you call him the idiot?


You libtards have been a blast for the past few days, loll, please, keep it going.

And you are calling everyone else idiots for their assumptions. Fact: marriage is a fundamental right as declared by the SCOTUS. Your moral view on the legality is irrelevant.
YOU made the assumption that he was talking about "moral rights" and everyone else assumed he was talking about legal rights. Interesting that you think your assumption is correct and everyone else was wrong.

He left the matter ambiguous, and if you thought him wrong you should have asked him, idiot. But you assume he got it wrong, when even then he is still correct, and you call him the idiot?


You libtards have been a blast for the past few days, loll, please, keep it going.

And you are calling everyone else idiots for their assumptions. Fact: marriage is a fundamental right as declared by the SCOTUS. Your moral view on the legality is irrelevant.

Its downright amazing how stupid some people are even with access to the internet. How hard would it have been to simply research it?

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