Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Obama, a man of no experience in anything is what they're calling someone who was the best one for the job...

the world is exploding into chaos all around us, we have a new government entitlement strapped on our backs, food and gas prices through the roof...taxes raised, fines for not BUYING SOMETHING form your master President, and on and on and on...let the great times roll on

I'm just amazed at some people
Obama is doing a fine Job . World is exploding around us WTF . American care act I have never seen so many stupid people in my life trying to take away something that is going to be good for everyone not just a select few . Insurance should never have been put in the hands of employers.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

They are just being hateful and do not believe what they are saying, otherwise they would give you a choice in the poll.

I gave 5 choices. One thing we can ALL agree on is that he's a liar. You do remember him saying that we can "keep our policy and doctor" - don't you?

Thank you fur proving my point.
Top ten President

Considering the do nothing Congress he has had to deal with, he has accomplished quite a bit
Top ten President

Considering the do nothing Congress he has had to deal with, he has accomplished quite a bit


Absolutely! Just think of all the wonderful taxes he's given us. What's really great about that is sycophants watch people paying the tax he implemented and clap. Call it an accomplishment. That's how you know modern leftists are nothing but authoritarian fascist shit bags.
Oh, and the wars! Dont forget the wars. And the assassinations! Even of Americans without due process!

Thanks, Obama!
Obama was the best one for the Job , no if ands or buts . Mc same we would be at war with Iran , China. Mitt Romney we would be talking wage decrease instead of wage increase .
So the GOP needs to step up and run a candidate that can win . Not some cereal box character. All politicians LIE . Tooth fairy is not real , Santa Claus is not real .
In 2008 anybody with a "D" after their name was going to be elected President. But you fools in the Democrat party actually picked an inexperienced person with a nanosecond in Washington over Madame Hillary!
As much as I dislike her, she would have made a 1000% better President than what we ended up with!

Now we need somebody who can come in and FIX the mess we're in! Somebody who has experience in actually balancing a budget. Someone who knows how to reduce a deficit and turn it into a surplus. Someone who knows that each and every time taxes are cut, the amount of money that goes into the Treasury increases. It happens 100% of the time.

And that person isn't a member of the Democrat party!
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?

Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

He has lost all credibility. He is not only not a man of his word, he is weak and a coward and a liar and a buffoon. He hates and wants to destroy everything America has traditionally stood for. His lies have been deliberate. His strategy hoodwinked a country. Not even that 47% supports him anymore. The last time I checked, last week, it was 38%.
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, improved educational and vocational prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women and increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

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Obama was the best one for the Job , no if ands or buts . Mc same we would be at war with Iran , China. Mitt Romney we would be talking wage decrease instead of wage increase .
So the GOP needs to step up and run a candidate that can win . Not some cereal box character. All politicians LIE . Tooth fairy is not real , Santa Claus is not real .

LOL. Mitt may not have been my first choice but he knows how to run a business -- Obama hasn't a clue. America - in my opinion - has become a big business so we may as well have someone with business savvy running it.
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

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So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.
Obama was the best one for the Job , no if ands or buts . Mc same we would be at war with Iran , China. Mitt Romney we would be talking wage decrease instead of wage increase .
So the GOP needs to step up and run a candidate that can win . Not some cereal box character. All politicians LIE . Tooth fairy is not real , Santa Claus is not real .

LOL. Mitt may not have been my first choice but he knows how to run a business -- Obama hasn't a clue. America - in my opinion - has become a big business so we may as well have someone with business savvy running it.

Mitt would have also garnered the respect of foreign leaders and we would not be having the unrest to the degree we are today and tomorrow. It will continue under Obama's regime reign, as all those leaders know Obama is an empty suit with nothing to offer but apologies for America. They laugh at him, he is so easy.
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?

Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

He has lost all credibility. He is not only not a man of his word, he is weak and a coward and a liar and a buffoon. He hates and wants to destroy everything America has traditionally stood for. His lies have been deliberate. His strategy hoodwinked a country. Not even that 47% supports him anymore. The last time I checked, last week, it was 38%.

I have a feeling that 38% may be an inflated number. When his constituents start losing their jobs or have their hours cut back to 29 hours per week those numbers will drop even more when his fans have to sign up for Obamacare. My ex-wife has been trying to get insurance through the exchanges and is STILL having difficulties. She can't afford the premium so she's trying to get a government handout to cover her. She's about to pull her hair out.
He is a politician, which by definition, means he is a lying sack of shit. What differentiates him from his predecessor and whoever will follow him?
Rhetoric and marketing.
Top ten President

Considering the do nothing Congress he has had to deal with, he has accomplished quite a bit


Absolutely! Just think of all the wonderful taxes he's given us. What's really great about that is sycophants watch people paying the tax he implemented and clap. Call it an accomplishment. That's how you know modern leftists are nothing but authoritarian fascist shit bags.

When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control
.our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...

True. Everyone can be assassinated or held indefinitely without due process. Whistleblowers, though he claimed he'd protect them, have an equal opportunity to get thrown right under the bus. Everyone get to pay the tax unless you're fully on the democrat plantation. In which case, you get to have the other people pay your tax. Talk about equal treatment under the law!
Top ten President

Considering the do nothing Congress he has had to deal with, he has accomplished quite a bit


Absolutely! Just think of all the wonderful taxes he's given us. What's really great about that is sycophants watch people paying the tax he implemented and clap. Call it an accomplishment. That's how you know modern leftists are nothing but authoritarian fascist shit bags.

When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control

I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

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