Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not much choice there. In the poll. Should have, "Better than what the republicans offer". This constant Obama the liar routine, especially after following the Bush non existent wmd's act. I think he's done well considering the republicans trying to sabatoge anything he does.

Low IQ voters ALWAYS vote for a Democrat, oh, BTW, try to learn something instead of spewing left wing lies!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

He's still a big sack of shit and I see no likely improvement for him.

Absolutely! Just think of all the wonderful taxes he's given us. What's really great about that is sycophants watch people paying the tax he implemented and clap. Call it an accomplishment. That's how you know modern leftists are nothing but authoritarian fascist shit bags.

When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control

I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

The most lasting political view of this era will be how a small group of Conservatives seized the Republican Party and help the country hostage while they engaged in tantrum after tantrum

They will succeed in preventing Obama from accomplishing anything in his last term, but the damage they do to the Republican party will last a generation. The Obama administration will mark the shift of the country to the left and a permanent liberal court system
He is a politician, which by definition, means he is a lying sack of shit. What differentiates him from his predecessor and whoever will follow him?
Rhetoric and marketing.

I was Republican for years and years until the "weapons of mass destruction" thing and the open southern border and the implementation of Homeland Security which was a huge power grab and has hindered my freedom in a negative way. I still support many Republicans (the Ron Paul types) but reject the RINO types.
If I was new to political message boards, I would want someone to point out the OP and 'poll' so I could get a thorough understanding of the term "TROLL". Otherwise, I'd still be looking under bridges and wondering what all the fuss was about.
...and I think it's hilarious that those that claim Obama "lies every time he opens his lips" have only his overly optimistic "If u like ur plan...u can keep it" to back up their egregiously false accusations.
Funny, Over my 20 plus years of practice...I recall plans and docs being changed yearly without subscriber consent...whenever employers decided to cut costs on worker benefits. Everyone seemed to take that in stride back then before the ACA...and now, despite it's many benefits, including coverage for all despite pre-existing or prolonged illness ...Obama detractors repeatedly scream that it's "destroying America"...

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I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

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So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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Not much choice there. In the poll. Should have, "Better than what the republicans offer". This constant Obama the liar routine, especially after following the Bush non existent wmd's act. I think he's done well considering the republicans trying to sabatoge anything he does.

Low IQ voters ALWAYS vote for a Democrat, oh, BTW, try to learn something instead of spewing left wing lies!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

Please explain what you think the significance of the Yellow Cake Uranium mentioned in the article is.
When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control

I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

The most lasting political view of this era will be how a small group of Conservatives seized the Republican Party and help the country hostage while they engaged in tantrum after tantrum

They will succeed in preventing Obama from accomplishing anything in his last term, but the damage they do to the Republican party will last a generation. The Obama administration will mark the shift of the country to the left and a permanent liberal court system

You mean took the country hostage when they wanted to negotiate a deal to delay the ACA mandate, were told no and that they were terrorists. Then to have Obama delay the ACA mandate by executive decision? If nothing else, you guys are consistently, and shamelessly hypocritical and dishonest. I'll give you that.
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

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So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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The truth is Obama was responding to fears that Obamacare would force people into government plans. Obama was trying to say that nothing in the bill would force you to change plans

He had no control over what insurance companies and employers would do
Not much choice there. In the poll. Should have, "Better than what the republicans offer". This constant Obama the liar routine, especially after following the Bush non existent wmd's act. I think he's done well considering the republicans trying to sabatoge anything he does.

Low IQ voters ALWAYS vote for a Democrat, oh, BTW, try to learn something instead of spewing left wing lies!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

Please explain what you think the significance of the Yellow Cake Uranium mentioned in the article is.

Uranium enrichment: how to make an atomic bomb.... The goal, therefore, is to beef up the percentage of U-235 in uranium ore so that there is enough of it to induce and maintain a chain reaction.

The first step is to mill the ore into a concentrate called yellowcake, which is typically composed of 70 to 90 per cent triuranium octaoxide (U3O8). This is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) ahead of enrichment.
I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

The most lasting political view of this era will be how a small group of Conservatives seized the Republican Party and help the country hostage while they engaged in tantrum after tantrum

They will succeed in preventing Obama from accomplishing anything in his last term, but the damage they do to the Republican party will last a generation. The Obama administration will mark the shift of the country to the left and a permanent liberal court system

You mean took the country hostage when they wanted to negotiate a deal to delay the ACA mandate, were told no and that they were terrorists. Then to have Obama delay the ACA mandate by executive decision? If nothing else, you guys are consistently, and shamelessly hypocritical and dishonest. I'll give you that.

History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama
So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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The truth is Obama was responding to fears that Obamacare would force people into government plans. Obama was trying to say that nothing in the bill would force you to change plans

He had no control over what insurance companies and employers would do
How much do your handlers pay you to spread bull shit lies like that?
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

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So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public (republicans shut out)
4. No more secrecy
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill
6. You’ll know what’s in it (Republican Senators didn’t know)
7. We will put every pork barrel project online
8. Promised to cut deficit in half in first term or be one term.
9. Close Gitmo
10. Leave Iraq first thing he's president. Left on Bush timetable then declared victory.
11.“We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks with Interest”

Should i go on?
The most lasting political view of this era will be how a small group of Conservatives seized the Republican Party and help the country hostage while they engaged in tantrum after tantrum

They will succeed in preventing Obama from accomplishing anything in his last term, but the damage they do to the Republican party will last a generation. The Obama administration will mark the shift of the country to the left and a permanent liberal court system

You mean took the country hostage when they wanted to negotiate a deal to delay the ACA mandate, were told no and that they were terrorists. Then to have Obama delay the ACA mandate by executive decision? If nothing else, you guys are consistently, and shamelessly hypocritical and dishonest. I'll give you that.

History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama
History will see obamacare gutted after the 2014 midterm elections and conservatives regain control of the senate, and then a full repeal of the most disastrous bill ever written in 2016 after a republican takes the white house.
He is a politician, which by definition, means he is a lying sack of shit.

Amazing that both sides seem to forget this every 4 years.

None of the above. I like him no more or less than I did in 2008 when I didn't vote for him.
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?

Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

He has lost all credibility. He is not only not a man of his word, he is weak and a coward and a liar and a buffoon. He hates and wants to destroy everything America has traditionally stood for. His lies have been deliberate. His strategy hoodwinked a country. Not even that 47% supports him anymore. The last time I checked, last week, it was 38%.

I have a feeling that 38% may be an inflated number. When his constituents start losing their jobs or have their hours cut back to 29 hours per week those numbers will drop even more when his fans have to sign up for Obamacare. My ex-wife has been trying to get insurance through the exchanges and is STILL having difficulties. She can't afford the premium so she's trying to get a government handout to cover her. She's about to pull her hair out.

More victims of ObamaCare:

Roughly 1,800 New Jersey children had their insurance plans cancelled last week due to Obamacare.

With the flurry of cancellation notices hitting mailboxes across the Garden State, one parent, Bob Miotla, told the NJ.com news of his son's cancellation made him "extremely angry."

"Without having that safety net, if an illness arises, we will probably take him to the ER," said Miotla, who is on Medicare and disabled.

Obamacare's new mandated requirements killed New Jersey's low-cost children's insurance coverage plan, FamilyCare Advantage. The plan, offered by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, was designed for children whose parents make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and offered medical, dental, and vision coverage for just $144 a month. The program, which was the first of its kind in the nation, was implemented six years ago and considered a model for others states seeking economical ways to provide quality coverage for kids from working class families.

more: NJ Obamacare Cancels Insurance Plans of 1,800 Children

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