Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situation
2) He did not end any war
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorism
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill Saddam
5) He hindered the financial sector
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHING
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in government


I know boys......cover your ears and scream fail, Fail, FAIL

Historians will view things differently
We do not need to wait for historians, RWer. It's the here and now, and if you think you're going to see a history of Obama similar to the absolute bullshit regarding Lincoln, you're probably right, but that doesn't change the FACTS of the matter. As much I I'm sure you're wishing it will. Same with Lincoln. You simply hope that the masses will believe bullshit so you can pretend that Obama was this great success as a leader. You live in a fantasy land void of all historical fact, reality and logic. Keep dreaming big, loser.
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Where is this magic land that you live in where polititions are always honest?

Ron and Rand Paul for starters. But even without them, bald-faced lies should be discouraged ... not encouraged. But, as you can see by the poll, there are still folks who "love him even though he's a liar." There vote acknowledges his lies but they embrace him just the same. There's something pathologically wrong with that.
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situation
2) He did not end any war
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorism
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill Saddam
5) He hindered the financial sector
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHING
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in government


I know boys......cover your ears and scream fail, Fail, FAIL

Historians will view things differently

Perhaps a couple of mentally retarded "historians" will see things different but HISTORY will deem the man a liar, criminal, con-man, and Marxist.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

The truth is; they have nothing better than Obama to offer. The political leadership of the Party seems to know it even if the actual leaders (Limbaugh and O'Reily) do not.
Where do I stand on Barack Obama? How bout on his grave?

That's not a threat, it's a wish. (for the NSA snoopers on this site)
Last edited:
1) Obama worsened a bad economic situation
2) He did not end any war
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorism
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill Saddam
5) He hindered the financial sector
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHING
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in government


I know boys......cover your ears and scream fail, Fail, FAIL

Historians will view things differently

Perhaps a couple of mentally retarded "historians" will see things different but HISTORY will deem the man a liar, criminal, con-man, and Marxist.

It is this version of what passes for a Republican Party that will be condemned by History
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situationEconomy getting better all the time.
2) He did not end any warActually ended 2 of them
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorismKilled leader after leader
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill SaddamFull credit for killing OBL
5) He hindered the financial sectorAfter CDO's and CDFs, it needed hinderence or did you like the $700B bailout his predecessor authorized?
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHINGNow you're just being stupid
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in governmentDrug America kicking and screaming into the league of nations with better healthcare
8) THERE IS NO GAY RIGHT many on the right are gay; now they can get married in an increasing number of states. Too bad for you.


Old saying, "if they are shooting at you; you're doing something right". "Fuck you" is as weak and effeminate as ammunition gets but it's all you've got. Hilarious.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

I am going to use a metaphor to make a point.

If you were kind enough to take into your home a criminal and the police came for that criminal would you legally adopt the criminal and make his attitude and his boasts your own and his defense your responsibility?

Would you enthusiastically embrace his value system until no one could tell you were not also a criminal?

Well, that is EXACTLY what has happened to the Democrat Party.

In the days when our political discourse was kinder and gentler and more collegial Democrats were reasonable and likable.

Then it became radicalized by extremists and Socialists.

So that now the Democrats are now virtually ALL extremists!

Read this article to see one writer's view of how and when it was documented as taking place.

The Radical Takeover of the Democrat Party


Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:15 EST

By Dale O’Leary

June 6, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Democrat party is in the midst of a great battle and while the pundits recognize that something is going on, none of them seem willing or able to explain the nature of the conflict. At root, the battle is a battle between Liberals and Radicals.

Take the issue of rights. Conservatives believe that everyone has equal rights, no matter their sex or race or ethnic background or religion. Liberals also believe in equal rights, but they believe that equal rights should lead to statistically equal outcomes. Conservatives accept that giving people equality of opportunity and rights does not guarantee equality of results, but Liberals see inequality of results and assume that there has been some injustice. Therefore, Liberals push for affirmative action, quotas, and other artificial mechanisms, which they hope will create statistical equality. This inevitably replaces one injustice with another.

Radicals are not interested in equality of rights or even statistical equality of results. Radicals believe that all history is the history of class struggle: the rich oppressing the poor, those of European ancestry oppressing those of African ancestry, men oppressing women, heterosexuals oppressing gays, lesbians and transgendered, America oppressing developing nations. It is not enough for the oppressors to stop oppressing and offer equality of opportunity and rights, or even equality of results. According to the Radicals, the oppressors have enjoyed "privileges" that the oppressed have been denied. This privilege consists in belonging to the privileged oppressor class. So even if you personally have never engaged in a single act of racism, sexism, or homophobia, the fact that you are a white, heterosexual male means that you have benefited from being a member of the oppressor class and therefore you are guilty and you deserve to pay.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | The Radical Takeover of the Democrat Party

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

I am going to use a metaphor to make a point.

If you were kind enough to take into your home a criminal and the police came for that criminal would you legally adopt the criminal and make his attitude and his boasts your own and his defense your responsibility?

Would you enthusiastically embrace his value system until no one could tell you were not also a criminal?

Well, that is EXACTLY what has happened to the Democrat Party.

In the days when our political discourse was kinder and gentler and more collegial Democrats were reasonable and likable.

Then it became radicalized by extremists and Socialists.

So that now the Democrats are now virtually ALL extremists!

Read this article to see one writer's view of how and when it was documented as taking place.

The Radical Takeover of the Democrat Party


Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:15 EST

By Dale O’Leary

June 6, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Democrat party is in the midst of a great battle and while the pundits recognize that something is going on, none of them seem willing or able to explain the nature of the conflict. At root, the battle is a battle between Liberals and Radicals.

Take the issue of rights. Conservatives believe that everyone has equal rights, no matter their sex or race or ethnic background or religion. Liberals also believe in equal rights, but they believe that equal rights should lead to statistically equal outcomes. Conservatives accept that giving people equality of opportunity and rights does not guarantee equality of results, but Liberals see inequality of results and assume that there has been some injustice. Therefore, Liberals push for affirmative action, quotas, and other artificial mechanisms, which they hope will create statistical equality. This inevitably replaces one injustice with another.

Radicals are not interested in equality of rights or even statistical equality of results. Radicals believe that all history is the history of class struggle: the rich oppressing the poor, those of European ancestry oppressing those of African ancestry, men oppressing women, heterosexuals oppressing gays, lesbians and transgendered, America oppressing developing nations. It is not enough for the oppressors to stop oppressing and offer equality of opportunity and rights, or even equality of results. According to the Radicals, the oppressors have enjoyed "privileges" that the oppressed have been denied. This privilege consists in belonging to the privileged oppressor class. So even if you personally have never engaged in a single act of racism, sexism, or homophobia, the fact that you are a white, heterosexual male means that you have benefited from being a member of the oppressor class and therefore you are guilty and you deserve to pay.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | The Radical Takeover of the Democrat Party

Great article! What a perfect description of today's Dem Party. Thanks.
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situation
2) He did not end any war
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorism
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill Saddam
5) He hindered the financial sector
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHING
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in government


I know boys......cover your ears and scream fail, Fail, FAIL

Historians will view things differently

Seems like that is what you, troll, every time someone points this shit out to you
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situationEconomy getting better all the time.
2) He did not end any warActually ended 2 of them
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorismKilled leader after leader
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill SaddamFull credit for killing OBL
5) He hindered the financial sectorAfter CDO's and CDFs, it needed hinderence or did you like the $700B bailout his predecessor authorized?
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHINGNow you're just being stupid
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in governmentDrug America kicking and screaming into the league of nations with better healthcare
8) THERE IS NO GAY RIGHT many on the right are gay; now they can get married in an increasing number of states. Too bad for you.


Old saying, "if they are shooting at you; you're doing something right". "Fuck you" is as weak and effeminate as ammunition gets but it's all you've got. Hilarious.

1) The economic situation is not better.. and is actually much worse than any historical 'recovery'
2) He did not END any war
3) Obama killed no leader.. had no part in finding them.. had no part in figuring out where they were.. and has done nothing different at all in terms of improving any efforts against terrorism
4) He did not kill OBL, nor was he integral in getting OBL... he gave an OK... as stated, he did as much in killing OBL as Bush did to kill Saddam
5) The financial sector does not need hindrance.. and i have not supported ANY bailout
6) You are being stupid.. please show where any governmental power is granted for the executive branch or ANY branch to bail out private business.. we will be waiting
7) Again... show where there is any granted governmental power to have government take over, subsidize, or force participation in the purchase of a good or service
8) I don't care if they live their lives with whomever.. I don't care if they get the same married tax rate.. I don't care if they get inheritance rights.. as long as it is all the same.. BUT I do care when the government tried to force people to be accepting of the actions and choices of another... we discriminate against the actions of others CONTINUALLY, and RIGHTFULLY so... you get to not allow people who cuss in your establishment.. you get to say no to people who want to come in your house that are known to steal things.. you get to not allow freaks around your children.. the list goes on.. you may not like the action, but you do not have to.... it is something called freedom.. and you don't get to force your freedom upon someone else while restricting theirs
So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

Good Lord man...U call these lies? Most r campaign promises made in good faith...that REQUIRE COOPERATION FROM CONGRESS to implement...which u can't deny WASN'T FORTHCOMING ....

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
We DO HAVE 3 co-equal branches of government...Obama can only direct his Executive Branch...and he has used the net to present and explain the policies he initiates...No way can he "make " Congressmen not slip in port...that's up to the leadership in THEIR branch.

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public (republicans shut out)
4. No more secrecy : That allegation of lying is not not only redundant ( see #1) but just plain silly in our media riddled world....Terrorists and other enemies have computers, read and watch TV too.
Re # 3...I I recall Obama repeatedly reaching out to repubs in his policy making...and being stonewalled. He patterned the ACA after a successful program implemented by GOP gov Romney and gave him credit...but that was ignored...and Romney ran away from it.
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill: I DONT KNOW about that one.
6. You’ll know what’s in it (Republican Senators didn’t know): Can't they READ? Do they need to be spoon fed?
7. We will put every pork barrel project online : Sigh...again, that's the responsibility of CONGRESS
8. Promised to cut deficit in half in first term or be one term.
DONT KNOW about "cut in half"; but it's going down,,.and would go down faster in the GOP allowed the closing
of tax loopholes for the wealthiest and BIG BUSINESS.
9. Close Gitmo
Whaa? He tried to do that right out of the chute...and could get no congressional cooperation for relicating prisoners and ran into extreme NIMBYism about likely venues.
10. Leave Iraq first thing he's president. Left on Bush timetable then declared victory.
Oh c'mon...u don't just pull a switch to end 2 messy wars...and he did the work that W couldn't do...including getting OBL ( in addition to WMD...which ostensibly were W's lying excuses for getting us into war )
11.“We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks with Interest”
I was under the impression that indeed DID happen...another mess Obama had to clean up after Bush.

Should i go on?
If u can...the above ARE NOT LIES; simply premises that the prez has worked to keep. In his last years, he is trying to complete some thru EO...since he cannot rely on Congress to work with him...and of course he is called "the imperial prez" for that.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Where do I stand on Barack Obama? How bout on his grave?

That's not a threat, it's a wish. (for the NSA snoopers on this site)

Good to see the "classy" GOP is showing up.

1. I don't represent the GOP.
2. If hating the enemies of MY Country is 'classy', I'll take that.
3. Put yourself on the enemies list also.
4. Do you have dreams of sucking Obama's dick while you're sleeping, or is it a wide awake fantasy?
Obama was the best one for the Job , no if ands or buts . Mc same we would be at war with Iran , China. Mitt Romney we would be talking wage decrease instead of wage increase .
So the GOP needs to step up and run a candidate that can win . Not some cereal box character. All politicians LIE . Tooth fairy is not real , Santa Claus is not real .

LOL. Mitt may not have been my first choice but he knows how to run a business -- Obama hasn't a clue. America - in my opinion - has become a big business so we may as well have someone with business savvy running it.

Mitt would have also garnered the respect of foreign leaders and we would not be having the unrest to the degree we are today and tomorrow. It will continue under Obama's regime reign, as all those leaders know Obama is an empty suit with nothing to offer but apologies for America. They laugh at him, he is so easy.

Mitt went abroad and made a dog's dinner of it, so cut the crap.

Absolutely! Just think of all the wonderful taxes he's given us. What's really great about that is sycophants watch people paying the tax he implemented and clap. Call it an accomplishment. That's how you know modern leftists are nothing but authoritarian fascist shit bags.

When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control

I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

Make decisions before you read, now it is making sense.

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