Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The most lasting political view of this era will be how a small group of Conservatives seized the Republican Party and help the country hostage while they engaged in tantrum after tantrum

They will succeed in preventing Obama from accomplishing anything in his last term, but the damage they do to the Republican party will last a generation. The Obama administration will mark the shift of the country to the left and a permanent liberal court system

You mean took the country hostage when they wanted to negotiate a deal to delay the ACA mandate, were told no and that they were terrorists. Then to have Obama delay the ACA mandate by executive decision? If nothing else, you guys are consistently, and shamelessly hypocritical and dishonest. I'll give you that.

History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama

Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?
Obamoran is a pathetic, lying, lame duck with 3 years to go. He's as naive and feckless as Carter. It is hard to imagine a weaker POTUS. Can't say I am surprised though, he's always been a deceitful fraud.

He's top ten alright - in lies.
Low IQ voters ALWAYS vote for a Democrat, oh, BTW, try to learn something instead of spewing left wing lies!

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

Please explain what you think the significance of the Yellow Cake Uranium mentioned in the article is.

Uranium enrichment: how to make an atomic bomb.... The goal, therefore, is to beef up the percentage of U-235 in uranium ore so that there is enough of it to induce and maintain a chain reaction.

The first step is to mill the ore into a concentrate called yellowcake, which is typically composed of 70 to 90 per cent triuranium octaoxide (U3O8). This is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) ahead of enrichment.

Not what it is used for. The significance of that amount of nuclear material being sold for the Iraqis by Americans.
You mean took the country hostage when they wanted to negotiate a deal to delay the ACA mandate, were told no and that they were terrorists. Then to have Obama delay the ACA mandate by executive decision? If nothing else, you guys are consistently, and shamelessly hypocritical and dishonest. I'll give you that.

History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama

Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?

How will todays Republicans be looked at by history?

Gridlocked government in a futile attempt to block and repeal Obamacare
Stood in the way of gay rights
Prevented any action on global warming
Locked us into an inbalanced tax structure
Blocked access to voting
Ended bipartisanship
Impeded the economic recovery

The Obama administration will be looked at as the beginning of the end of this version of Republicanism
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History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama

Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?

How will todays Republicans be looked at by history?

Gridlocked government in a futile attempt to block and repeal Obamacare
Stood in the way of gay rights
Locked us into an inbalanced tax structure
Blocked access to voting
Ended bipartisanship
Impeded the economic recovery

The Obama administration will be looked at as the beginning of the end of this version of Republicanism


So that's a yes, then. You believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth. I'm shocked. No, really.
History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama

Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?

How will todays Republicans be looked at by history?

Gridlocked government in a futile attempt to block and repeal Obamacare
Stood in the way of gay rights
Locked us into an inbalanced tax structure
Blocked access to voting
Ended bipartisanship
Impeded the economic recovery

The Obama administration will be looked at as the beginning of the end of this version of Republicanism

1) It is their duty to represent the masses who do not want or accept the concept or legality of any sort of nationalized healthcare or health insurance mandates
2) There is no such thing as a gay right. Just as there is no such thing as a straight right, a black right, a Jewish right or anything of the sort. We have freedoms and the purpose of government to be equalized in treatment for all citizens in areas where government is actually supposed to have any influence at all.
3) You and your ilk call for an unbalanced tax structure. Else you would not be in support of having lesser tax rates for some, and even negative total taxation with entitlements included.
4) Nobody is blocking any access for voting. People want more efforts in ensure those that do vote are supposed to be voting, supposed to be voting where they are voting, and are not committing any sort of registration or voter fraud.
5) Lord knows wtf you mean by 'ending bipartisanship'
6) Economic recovery does not come with increased taxation, increased government spending, and policies that hinder private business and the economic freedom of the citizenry

You are more of a moron than ever
Please explain what you think the significance of the Yellow Cake Uranium mentioned in the article is.

Uranium enrichment: how to make an atomic bomb.... The goal, therefore, is to beef up the percentage of U-235 in uranium ore so that there is enough of it to induce and maintain a chain reaction.

The first step is to mill the ore into a concentrate called yellowcake, which is typically composed of 70 to 90 per cent triuranium octaoxide (U3O8). This is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) ahead of enrichment.

Not what it is used for. The significance of that amount of nuclear material being sold for the Iraqis by Americans.

So you're saying that America got ALL the money from the sale of this nuclear material that was sold to Canada, instead of the Iraqi's? Link to that supposition!
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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Wouldn't raise taxes for starters. If you don't know already -- inflation is a tax. It's created when money is printed, fiat. And ... forcing folks to buy a product from a private firm is a tax whether you like it or not.
So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

The truth is Obama was responding to fears that Obamacare would force people into government plans. Obama was trying to say that nothing in the bill would force you to change plans

He had no control over what insurance companies and employers would do

You're going to tell us what he was "trying to say?" How many times did he "try" to say that? If he wanted to say something he could have just said it.

Let's just see HOW MANY times he "tried" to tell us the truth (his version of the truth, that is):
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]
Uranium enrichment: how to make an atomic bomb.... The goal, therefore, is to beef up the percentage of U-235 in uranium ore so that there is enough of it to induce and maintain a chain reaction.

The first step is to mill the ore into a concentrate called yellowcake, which is typically composed of 70 to 90 per cent triuranium octaoxide (U3O8). This is then converted into uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) ahead of enrichment.

Not what it is used for. The significance of that amount of nuclear material being sold for the Iraqis by Americans.

So you're saying that America got ALL the money from the sale of this nuclear material that was sold to Canada, instead of the Iraqi's? Link to that supposition!

I didn't mention who got what money at all. What does the "Yellow Cake" that was under the watchful eye of the UN have to do with Iraq again?
Obama is a war criminal for slaughtering civilians via remote-controlled planes in 6 different countries that were not involved with 9/11. He should die in prison like the top members of the Bush administration for crimes against humanity.
Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

He has lost all credibility. He is not only not a man of his word, he is weak and a coward and a liar and a buffoon. He hates and wants to destroy everything America has traditionally stood for. His lies have been deliberate. His strategy hoodwinked a country. Not even that 47% supports him anymore. The last time I checked, last week, it was 38%.

I have a feeling that 38% may be an inflated number. When his constituents start losing their jobs or have their hours cut back to 29 hours per week those numbers will drop even more when his fans have to sign up for Obamacare. My ex-wife has been trying to get insurance through the exchanges and is STILL having difficulties. She can't afford the premium so she's trying to get a government handout to cover her. She's about to pull her hair out.

More victims of ObamaCare:

Roughly 1,800 New Jersey children had their insurance plans cancelled last week due to Obamacare.

With the flurry of cancellation notices hitting mailboxes across the Garden State, one parent, Bob Miotla, told the NJ.com news of his son's cancellation made him "extremely angry."

"Without having that safety net, if an illness arises, we will probably take him to the ER," said Miotla, who is on Medicare and disabled.

Obamacare's new mandated requirements killed New Jersey's low-cost children's insurance coverage plan, FamilyCare Advantage. The plan, offered by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, was designed for children whose parents make too much money to qualify for Medicaid and offered medical, dental, and vision coverage for just $144 a month. The program, which was the first of its kind in the nation, was implemented six years ago and considered a model for others states seeking economical ways to provide quality coverage for kids from working class families.

more: NJ Obamacare Cancels Insurance Plans of 1,800 Children

Man. That just sucks. I feel so sorry for lower/middle class folks who are just scarping by. They can't get the freebies from Uncle Bama because they make too much and they aren't rich enough to bypass the exchanges so they're stuck digging in their couch cushions looking for enough to take care of their kids.

Thanks Bamacrats. Let's add to the poverty pool. I guess misery loves company afterall.
Not what it is used for. The significance of that amount of nuclear material being sold for the Iraqis by Americans.

So you're saying that America got ALL the money from the sale of this nuclear material that was sold to Canada, instead of the Iraqi's? Link to that supposition!

I didn't mention who got what money at all. What does the "Yellow Cake" that was under the watchful eye of the UN have to do with Iraq again?

There were NO U.N. present in Iraq, after the Gulf War started. The U.N. pulled all their men out. It was UNGUARDED, that was why the supply area was RAIDED by nearby Iraqi citizens! Didn't bother to read the article did you?...:badgrin:..... Yellow Cake is the FIRST step needed to produce a nuclear device. But apparently you're not able to consume that data!
History will record that as a minor glitch in implementing an historic insurance program

The role Republicans played in trying to block Obamacare and destroy it once it was in place will be a major criticism of the party. History will not look kindly on todays Republicans....it will look kindly on President Obama

Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?

How will todays Republicans be looked at by history?

Gridlocked government in a futile attempt to block and repeal Obamacare (The Dems did more to create gridlock than the Repubs)

Stood in the way of gay rights (They had and have rights. They had access to "civil unions" with all the benefits equal to "marriage." We just didn't want to redefine the traditional definition).

Prevented any action on global warming (Global warming is a farce and another means to control the populace by using fear tactics).

Locked us into an inbalanced tax structure (LOL).

Blocked access to voting (LOL again -- any proof of that?).

Ended bipartisanship (It's rarely existed. The Dems rarey want to work with common sense solutions).

Impeded the economic recovery (We have a Dem Whitehouse and Senate -- can't blame Reagan and Bush for the past 5 years of failure. Didn't Obama bail out his rich buds on Wall Street? Nobody twisted his arm).

The Obama administration will be looked at as the beginning of the end of this version of Republicanism

The Obama adminstration will go down in INFAMY as the worst administration our nation has ever had to endure.
So you're saying that America got ALL the money from the sale of this nuclear material that was sold to Canada, instead of the Iraqi's? Link to that supposition!

I didn't mention who got what money at all. What does the "Yellow Cake" that was under the watchful eye of the UN have to do with Iraq again?

There were NO U.N. present in Iraq, after the Gulf War started. The U.N. pulled all their men out. It was UNGUARDED, that was why the supply area was RAIDED by nearby Iraqi citizens! Didn't bother to read the article did you?...:badgrin:..... Yellow Cake is the FIRST step needed to produce a nuclear device. But apparently you're not able to consume that data!

The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers under the supervision of U.N. inspectors. It was not a "secret" cache that was recently "discovered" by the U.S, and the yellowcake had not been purchased by Iraq in the years immediately preceding the 2003 invasion. The uranium was the remnants of decades-old nuclear reactor projects that had put out of commission many years earlier: One reactor at Al Tuwaitha was bombed by Israel in 1981, and another was bombed and disabled during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Moreover, the fact that the yellowcake had been in Iraq since before the 1991 Gulf War was plainly stated in the Associated Press.

snopes.com: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq
Do you actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth? Or is it just a defense mechanism to cover up the lying and hypocrisy your entire political position is built off from?

How will todays Republicans be looked at by history?

Gridlocked government in a futile attempt to block and repeal Obamacare
Stood in the way of gay rights
Locked us into an inbalanced tax structure
Blocked access to voting
Ended bipartisanship
Impeded the economic recovery

The Obama administration will be looked at as the beginning of the end of this version of Republicanism

1) It is their duty to represent the masses who do not want or accept the concept or legality of any sort of nationalized healthcare or health insurance mandates
2) There is no such thing as a gay right. Just as there is no such thing as a straight right, a black right, a Jewish right or anything of the sort. We have freedoms and the purpose of government to be equalized in treatment for all citizens in areas where government is actually supposed to have any influence at all.
3) You and your ilk call for an unbalanced tax structure. Else you would not be in support of having lesser tax rates for some, and even negative total taxation with entitlements included.
4) Nobody is blocking any access for voting. People want more efforts in ensure those that do vote are supposed to be voting, supposed to be voting where they are voting, and are not committing any sort of registration or voter fraud.
5) Lord knows wtf you mean by 'ending bipartisanship'
6) Economic recovery does not come with increased taxation, increased government spending, and policies that hinder private business and the economic freedom of the citizenry

You are more of a moron than ever

Very good response!! Thanks for the breath of "common-sense" air.
I stand with Obama...Despite endless and vitriolic opposition and having to spend much of his terms cleaning up W's mess...our prez has done much for the American people, including working to make sure ALL citizens are fully covered by our constitution, not just straight white males...
AND he continues to work to secure equitable treatment and pay for women, access to health coverage for all, proved educational and work prep opportunities ...even when expediting his promises depends on cooperation from an obstructive congress.
His efforts to keep his promises continue in the face of relentless GOP efforts to obstruct and thwart him...the latest being his EOs mandating equal pay for women increased minimum wage for federal workers.
This may not improve wage equity for all instantly...but it sure sets the pace and draws national attention to issues of fairness the GOP can't ignore nationally...
Keep on keeping on prez..

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So you're not bothered by his lies. That's cool ... that's all I really need to know. Have a nice day.

Where is this magic land that you live in where polititions are always honest?
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it
As it stands now, Obama will be a top 10 President

Historians look at what hand you were dealt and how you played that hand. They also look for a lasting impact of your Presidency

Obama was dealt a crashing economy and two wars the day he took office. He reversed an economy in a panic and prevented a depression. He ended two wars and redirected the war on terrorism from nation building to hitting terrorists where they were. He killed bin laden. He saved the financial sector and the auto industry.
He has a lasting legacy in Obamacare and the expansion of gay rights. Moreso, he will be known for destroying the Republican Party as we know it

1) Obama worsened a bad economic situation
2) He did not end any war
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorism
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill Saddam
5) He hindered the financial sector
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHING
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in government


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