Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
When the history of this era is written, the greatest threat to our nation will not have been from the terrorists but the extremist rightwing conservatives who seized a small minority of the government and held it hostage preferring gridlock to andy governmetn they did not control

I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

Make decisions before you read, now it is making sense.

Does it look like he reads? Lol
Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

Good Lord man...U call these lies? Most r campaign promises made in good faith...that REQUIRE COOPERATION FROM CONGRESS to implement...which u can't deny WASN'T FORTHCOMING ....

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1. Make Government Open and Transparent
2. Make it “Impossible” for Congressmen to slip in Pork Barrel Projects
We DO HAVE 3 co-equal branches of government...Obama can only direct his Executive Branch...and he has used the net to present and explain the policies he initiates...No way can he "make " Congressmen not slip in port...that's up to the leadership in THEIR branch.

3. Meetings where laws are written will be more open to the public (republicans shut out)
4. No more secrecy : That allegation of lying is not not only redundant ( see #1) but just plain silly in our media riddled world....Terrorists and other enemies have computers, read and watch TV too.
Re # 3...I I recall Obama repeatedly reaching out to repubs in his policy making...and being stonewalled. He patterned the ACA after a successful program implemented by GOP gov Romney and gave him credit...but that was ignored...and Romney ran away from it.
5. Public will have 5 days to look at a Bill: I DONT KNOW about that one.
6. You’ll know what’s in it (Republican Senators didn’t know): Can't they READ? Do they need to be spoon fed?
7. We will put every pork barrel project online : Sigh...again, that's the responsibility of CONGRESS
8. Promised to cut deficit in half in first term or be one term.
DONT KNOW about "cut in half"; but it's going down,,.and would go down faster in the GOP allowed the closing
of tax loopholes for the wealthiest and BIG BUSINESS.
9. Close Gitmo
Whaa? He tried to do that right out of the chute...and could get no congressional cooperation for relicating prisoners and ran into extreme NIMBYism about likely venues.
10. Leave Iraq first thing he's president. Left on Bush timetable then declared victory.
Oh c'mon...u don't just pull a switch to end 2 messy wars...and he did the work that W couldn't do...including getting OBL ( in addition to WMD...which ostensibly were W's lying excuses for getting us into war )
11.“We got back Every Dime we Used to Rescue the Banks with Interest”
I was under the impression that indeed DID happen...another mess Obama had to clean up after Bush.

Should i go on?
If u can...the above ARE NOT LIES; simply premises that the prez has worked to keep. In his last years, he is trying to complete some thru EO...since he cannot rely on Congress to work with him...and of course he is called "the imperial prez" for that.

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Those are lies. Being morally and ethically bankrupt, I can see why you'd claim "simple premise" on it though. And to have Holy Troller RWer thank you for your stupidity. I'm sure that was a real honor.
I wont need to read the history books on this one, I'll know they are full of shit before i even pick one up. The greatest threat will of course be any opposition to Dear Leader and how he had to take executive authority to "get the job done". Sycophants will cheer, much like you're now, as they praise the dear leader.

Make decisions before you read, now it is making sense.

Does it look like he reads? Lol

Team Holy Troller, Jillian. Considering you're not even smart enough to figure out which state is which, I'd suggest piping down. Like permanently.
1) Obama worsened a bad economic situationEconomy getting better all the time.
2) He did not end any warActually ended 2 of them
3) He has done nothing to curb terrorismKilled leader after leader
4) He did not kill Bin Laden.. try giving credit where credit is due. He did no more to kill OBL than Bush did to kill SaddamFull credit for killing OBL
5) He hindered the financial sectorAfter CDO's and CDFs, it needed hinderence or did you like the $700B bailout his predecessor authorized?
6) He had no right to bail out any private business.. and it saved NOTHINGNow you're just being stupid
7) A horrible legacy in a government health and health insurance program that has no right being in governmentDrug America kicking and screaming into the league of nations with better healthcare
8) THERE IS NO GAY RIGHT many on the right are gay; now they can get married in an increasing number of states. Too bad for you.


Old saying, "if they are shooting at you; you're doing something right". "Fuck you" is as weak and effeminate as ammunition gets but it's all you've got. Hilarious.

1) The economic situation is not better.. and is actually much worse than any historical 'recovery'
2) He did not END any war
3) Obama killed no leader.. had no part in finding them.. had no part in figuring out where they were.. and has done nothing different at all in terms of improving any efforts against terrorism
4) He did not kill OBL, nor was he integral in getting OBL... he gave an OK... as stated, he did as much in killing OBL as Bush did to kill Saddam
5) The financial sector does not need hindrance.. and i have not supported ANY bailout
6) You are being stupid.. please show where any governmental power is granted for the executive branch or ANY branch to bail out private business.. we will be waiting
7) Again... show where there is any granted governmental power to have government take over, subsidize, or force participation in the purchase of a good or service
8) I don't care if they live their lives with whomever.. I don't care if they get the same married tax rate.. I don't care if they get inheritance rights.. as long as it is all the same.. BUT I do care when the government tried to force people to be accepting of the actions and choices of another... we discriminate against the actions of others CONTINUALLY, and RIGHTFULLY so... you get to not allow people who cuss in your establishment.. you get to say no to people who want to come in your house that are known to steal things.. you get to not allow freaks around your children.. the list goes on.. you may not like the action, but you do not have to.... it is something called freedom.. and you don't get to force your freedom upon someone else while restricting theirs

You obviously confused me with someone who cares what you think. The facts speak louder than your enumerated opinions above.
Where do I stand on Barack Obama? How bout on his grave?

That's not a threat, it's a wish. (for the NSA snoopers on this site)

Good to see the "classy" GOP is showing up.

1. I don't represent the GOP.
2. If hating the enemies of MY Country is 'classy', I'll take that.
3. Put yourself on the enemies list also.
4. Do you have dreams of sucking Obama's dick while you're sleeping, or is it a wide awake fantasy?

Do you have dreams of being an adult some day skippy.
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?
Where do I stand on Obama? he is too low for me to talk about, but since you're on my friends list I just wanted to let you know. I stopped believing anything politicians say on the establishment media more than 10 years ago - everything I ever said in my speeches, they can go on MSM and say those exact same things to get people's attention, gain recognition and win elections, but there is one thing they can NOT do - they can not afford to NOT go on the MSM because without it's publicity they would be NOTHING.
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I didn't mention who got what money at all. What does the "Yellow Cake" that was under the watchful eye of the UN have to do with Iraq again?

There were NO U.N. present in Iraq, after the Gulf War started. The U.N. pulled all their men out. It was UNGUARDED, that was why the supply area was RAIDED by nearby Iraqi citizens! Didn't bother to read the article did you?...:badgrin:..... Yellow Cake is the FIRST step needed to produce a nuclear device. But apparently you're not able to consume that data!

The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers under the supervision of U.N. inspectors. It was not a "secret" cache that was recently "discovered" by the U.S, and the yellowcake had not been purchased by Iraq in the years immediately preceding the 2003 invasion. The uranium was the remnants of decades-old nuclear reactor projects that had put out of commission many years earlier: One reactor at Al Tuwaitha was bombed by Israel in 1981, and another was bombed and disabled during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Moreover, the fact that the yellowcake had been in Iraq since before the 1991 Gulf War was plainly stated in the Associated Press.

snopes.com: Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Is Yellow Cake the first step in making a nuclear bomb? Was thid material IN IRAQ during the war, and was it supposed to be guarded by U.N. observers? Were all U.N. personal pulled out of Iraq just before the war started, thus leaving this material unattended to? No one said it was from a previous time, it is yellowcake, that was in Iraq, 550 tons of the stuff, and it was left unguarded.

"U.S. and Iraqi forces have guarded the 23,000-acre site — surrounded by huge sand berms — following a wave of looting after Saddam's fall that included villagers toting away yellowcake storage barrels for use as drinking water cisterns."

Because it was KNOWN, does not mean IT WAS NOT WMD in IRAQ!...By definition it IS WMD in Iraq!....

Old saying, "if they are shooting at you; you're doing something right". "Fuck you" is as weak and effeminate as ammunition gets but it's all you've got. Hilarious.

Quote: Originally Posted by candycorn
The 5 people in Oklahoma that can read the commandments must be happy.

Just bringing up Handy Horn's BIAS, BIGOTRY, and complete stupidity! Another Obumaphile that believes in what B.Insane said when he talked about the good people of Pennsylvania as ....it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them!

Thankfully WE aren't like these scum!
"Hope and Change" was the battle-cry. Folks were tired of the status quo so they decided to give this charismatic, young, Jr. Senator a chance. After all, he was going to give them free stuff and turn America into a Heaven on Earth. Finally, a savior we could all believe in. Nobody had a clue what he stood for but he could be America's first black President so - why not? Let's throw the dice and give the guy a chance -- what the hell.

How many folks believed him then but are sorry now? Has he kept his promises? Is America the "Nirvana" you had expected it to become? We know that the "hope" is gone but he certainly did bring "change."

"If you like your policy you can keep your policy." "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Really?
Where do I stand on Obama? he is too low for me to talk about, but since you're on my friends list I just wanted to let you know. I stopped believing anything politicians say on the establishment media more than 10 years ago - everything I ever said in my speeches, they can go on MSM and say those exact same things to get people's attention, gain recognition and win elections, but there is one thing they can NOT do - they can not afford to NOT go on the MSM because without it's publicity they would be NOTHING.

I agree. I listen to VERY little of what any politician says or even what the mainstream "conservative" talking heads say. They wouldn't be getting prime-time television spots if they weren't one of the boys in the club. The dudes pulling the strings create "the left" point of view and the ACCEPTABLE "right" point of view. They actually control both sides of the same coin. I don't buy any of it. It's why I'm an Independent. I still generally support the "lesser of two" evils but I do so knowing that I'm only helping to prolong the inevitable. Both sides have taken turns "running" the nation and here we are in the mess we're in.

I don't personally believe we're the America the founders intended us to be. Some of the Tea Party guys are attempting to get us there but they're running into road blocks placed in their path by both the Dems and the RINOs.
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LOL. Mitt may not have been my first choice but he knows how to run a business -- Obama hasn't a clue. America - in my opinion - has become a big business so we may as well have someone with business savvy running it.

Mitt would have also garnered the respect of foreign leaders and we would not be having the unrest to the degree we are today and tomorrow. It will continue under Obama's regime reign, as all those leaders know Obama is an empty suit with nothing to offer but apologies for America. They laugh at him, he is so easy.

Mitt went abroad and made a dog's dinner of it, so cut the crap.

But he sure made Obama look like the utter FOOL that he is by nailing Russia during the Debates, didn't he? Stow it.:eusa_hand:
My opinion of Obama, Democrats, and Republicans is completely unchanged from the way I felt about all of them in 2008.

I did not expect this to be the case this many years later. I really thought the Right would snap out of its psychosis by now. I must admit I am very perplexed at the longevity and persistence of the mental vapor lock in the brains of the Republicans.

But then again, the Democrats had a decades long head start on the Republicans in that regard, and are still retarded. This does not bode well for the GOP's chances of snapping out of it.

Maybe we really are doomed! :eek:
Other than that overly optimistic "If u like ur insurance plan, u can keep it", WHAT LIES?
If that's all u can come up with in 6 years...ur accusations r truly pathetic.

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The truth is Obama was responding to fears that Obamacare would force people into government plans. Obama was trying to say that nothing in the bill would force you to change plans

He had no control over what insurance companies and employers would do
How much do your handlers pay you to spread bull shit lies like that?
They should demand a refund with interest.
My opinion of Obama, Democrats, and Republicans is completely unchanged from the way I felt about all of them in 2008.

I did not expect this to be the case this many years later. I really thought the Right would snap out of its psychosis by now. I must admit I am very perplexed at the longevity and persistence of the mental vapor lock in the brains of the Republicans.

But then again, the Democrats had a decades long head start on the Republicans in that regard, and are still retarded. This does not bode well for the GOP's chances of snapping out of it.

Maybe we really are doomed! :eek:

Speaking of mental vapor lock, did you see the Forbes article re: GOP delegate selection rules?
I held my nose and voted D.

Given the R choice I'd do it again.

Never had much hope for change tho.

Slightly lesser of two evils and all.

but you voted for the guy anyway?.....and i am told i waste my vote by voting 3rd party.....but yet all the people who vote for the "lessor of 2 evils" bullshit....are still bitching about much of the same shit you were bitching about 4 years ago....cut the fucking cord....send these 2 useless parties packing.....
Oh my...the rightwingers resorting to insults about me...calling me "stupid" because they cannot counter my points w anything approaching logic...or evidence....NOW I feel I get to insult U:
U r irrational hate mongers...who project what u do on the prez..LIE.
Why do u lie so much? I realize it's part of the human condition to fabricate...But U lie...about the prez lying. U lie because u can't rationally refute any of my points...U KNOW our prez is not a dictator and cannot go ahead w initiatives like closing Gitmo without congressional support and cooperation...which he did not get. Yet u blame him for "lying" about closing GITMO when the GOP House made it impossible to do...
It's like blaming someone for not walking thru a door.,,when u slammed it shut in their face...

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better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

And how many bills are setting in prince harry's in box from the house? You folks can say the republicans have offered nothing but you know it's a lie, which you appear to be perfectly comfortable with.

better than the rightwingnut brigade

why do rightwing nutters forget they actually have to offer something other than Obama derangement?

They are just being hateful and do not believe what they are saying, otherwise they would give you a choice in the poll.

I gave 5 choices. One thing we can ALL agree on is that he's a liar. You do remember him saying that we can "keep our policy and doctor" - don't you?

He didn't lie to me. I still have my same insurance policy and my same doctor. Guess I can't participate in your silly poll. :dunno:
Oh my...the rightwingers resorting to insults about me...calling me "stupid" because they cannot counter my points w anything approaching logic...or evidence....NOW I feel I get to insult U:
U r irrational hate mongers...who project what u do on the prez..LIE.
Why do u lie so much? I realize it's part of the human condition to fabricate...But U lie...about the prez lying. U lie because u can't rationally refute any of my points...U KNOW our prez is not a dictator and cannot go ahead w initiatives like closing Gitmo without congressional support and cooperation...which he did not get. Yet u blame him for "lying" about closing GITMO when the GOP House made it impossible to do...
It's like blaming someone for not walking thru a door.,,when u slammed it shut in their face...

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