Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I wish R congress had not made the promise to ruin his presidency because all it really did was hurt the US. President Obama has done a pretty good job but could have been so much better if half of congress was not working against him and their own country. We'd be out of this recession and people would be earning enough to actually live on. Instead, the Rs are feeding the 1% on the backs of everyone else.

The Rs have stopped Gitmo from closing, they've thrown away millions on their phony repeal ACA votes, they vote against all jobs, education, infrastructure - they vote against their own country. Nothing much any president can do to fight that.

Most of Obama's executive orders have been implemented with or without Congressional approval. The heads of his bureaucracies make policies with or without Congressional approval. The IRS went after conservative groups with or without Congressional approval. Obamacare was forced onto the American citizenry WITH Congressional approval! The 12.8 Trillion dollar bailout was committed under Obama's watch with or without Congressional approval:

According to a team at Bloomberg News, at one point last year the U.S. had lent, spent or guaranteed as much as $12.8 trillion to rescue the economy. The Bloomberg reporters have been following that money. Alison Stewart spoke with one, Bob Ivry, to talk about the true cost to the taxpayer of the Wall Street bailout.
The true cost of the bank bailout | Need to Know | PBS

Much of that money went to Obama's Wall Street buds who then took the money and ran overseas with it.

Nobody to blame but Obama.
I wish R congress had not made the promise to ruin his presidency because all it really did was hurt the US. President Obama has done a pretty good job but could have been so much better if half of congress was not working against him and their own country. We'd be out of this recession and people would be earning enough to actually live on. Instead, the Rs are feeding the 1% on the backs of everyone else.

The Rs have stopped Gitmo from closing, they've thrown away millions on their phony repeal ACA votes, they vote against all jobs, education, infrastructure - they vote against their own country. Nothing much any president can do to fight that.

I just hate doing this.....:badgrin:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0"]I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton - YouTube[/ame]

Yikes! Her voice just makes me want to dig my eyes out. :mad:
A poll is a poll. I've been on the receiving end of your "scientific polls" and it's some person on the end of a phone asking what I like and don't like. Not really all that scientific actually. My poll is simple and easy to see. Sooo ... 90% it is.

Umm, no. A poll is not a poll. That you don't understand the difference between a scientific poll from an online poll though does go a long way in explaining your eagerness to accept your 90% figure. Allow me to demonstrate just how meaningless that 90% figure is ....

First of all, it doesn't actually speak to what percentage still support him since 100% of that 90% didn't support him to begin with. Furthermore, in the last election, 86% of Liberals voted for Obama ... you described this site as "pretty Liberal," yet only 9% of the participants voted for Obama and there's no indication if they were even Liberal. Clearly, your results are extremely skewed, whether you comprehend why or not really doesn't even matter.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Anyway you look at it, depending on current polls, he's anywhere from down 3% to down 18%

So? The claim made was that he has only 38% support, meanwhile, on average, 43% of those polled approve of the job he's doing.
A poll is a poll. I've been on the receiving end of your "scientific polls" and it's some person on the end of a phone asking what I like and don't like. Not really all that scientific actually. My poll is simple and easy to see. Sooo ... 90% it is.

Umm, no. A poll is not a poll. That you don't understand the difference between a scientific poll from an online poll though does go a long way in explaining your eagerness to accept your 90% figure. Allow me to demonstrate just how meaningless that 90% figure is ....

First of all, it doesn't actually speak to what percentage still support him since 100% of that 90% didn't support him to begin with. Furthermore, in the last election, 86% of Liberals voted for Obama ... you described this site as "pretty Liberal," yet only 9% of the participants voted for Obama and there's no indication if they were even Liberal. Clearly, your results are extremely skewed, whether you comprehend why or not really doesn't even matter.

The USMB poll shows Obama with a 6% approval rating. Give or take 3% in each direction that could mean that he has a 3% or 9% approval rating but I'm pretty confidence that 6% is a good number.

How do you, I, or the rest of the world know if your polls were performed fairly? What if the exact same hand-picked folks were called repeatedly making it appear that a widespread number of folks were contacted? Nobody knows so there is not "science" for science is knowledge.
Even though I expect an uninformed answer as uninformed as your claim of a 3% differential "in each direction," I have to ask .....

.... how did you arrive at that "3%" figure?
Umm, no. A poll is not a poll. That you don't understand the difference between a scientific poll from an online poll though does go a long way in explaining your eagerness to accept your 90% figure. Allow me to demonstrate just how meaningless that 90% figure is ....

First of all, it doesn't actually speak to what percentage still support him since 100% of that 90% didn't support him to begin with. Furthermore, in the last election, 86% of Liberals voted for Obama ... you described this site as "pretty Liberal," yet only 9% of the participants voted for Obama and there's no indication if they were even Liberal. Clearly, your results are extremely skewed, whether you comprehend why or not really doesn't even matter.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Anyway you look at it, depending on current polls, he's anywhere from down 3% to down 18%

So? The claim made was that he has only 38% support, meanwhile, on average, 43% of those polled approve of the job he's doing.

Don't you think that's pretty shitty? After all when elected it was 65%!
Damn it's good to be in the majority of respondents. :eusa_angel:

He's absolutely an incompetent slob.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Anyway you look at it, depending on current polls, he's anywhere from down 3% to down 18%

So? The claim made was that he has only 38% support, meanwhile, on average, 43% of those polled approve of the job he's doing.

Don't you think that's pretty shitty? After all when elected it was 65%!
It's not good but it's not horrible either. If you want to see what shitty really looks like, you should take a look at Bush's JAR -- he went from 92% to 19%. Also Obama's lowest JAR is 37% ... other presidents who have been rated lower during their presidency include: Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, & GW Bush.

And again, the claim made was that 38% still support him. I'm just calling bullshit, "bullshit."
So? The claim made was that he has only 38% support, meanwhile, on average, 43% of those polled approve of the job he's doing.

Don't you think that's pretty shitty? After all when elected it was 65%!
It's not good but it's not horrible either. If you want to see what shitty really looks like, you should take a look at Bush's JAR -- he went from 92% to 19%. Also Obama's lowest JAR is 37% ... other presidents who have been rated lower during their presidency include: Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, & GW Bush.

And again, the claim made was that 38% still support him. I'm just calling bullshit, "bullshit."

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
Don't you think that's pretty shitty? After all when elected it was 65%!
It's not good but it's not horrible either. If you want to see what shitty really looks like, you should take a look at Bush's JAR -- he went from 92% to 19%. Also Obama's lowest JAR is 37% ... other presidents who have been rated lower during their presidency include: Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, & GW Bush.

And again, the claim made was that 38% still support him. I'm just calling bullshit, "bullshit."

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
That article is 5 months old. :lol: Look at the current numbers and you'll find they're not so "nearly identical." While Obama's 3 week average JAR is 43% (and somewhat level), Bush was already down to 37% (and dropping steadily at this point).

By the way .... Bush ..... 92% to 19% (a record drop for any U.S. president) ..... no comment?? Certainly, if you think 65% to 43% is "pretty shitty," I can only imagine what you think 92% to 19% is. :eek::eek::eek:

Your next move of desperation is ..... ?
It's not good but it's not horrible either. If you want to see what shitty really looks like, you should take a look at Bush's JAR -- he went from 92% to 19%. Also Obama's lowest JAR is 37% ... other presidents who have been rated lower during their presidency include: Truman, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHW Bush, Clinton, & GW Bush.

And again, the claim made was that 38% still support him. I'm just calling bullshit, "bullshit."

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
That article is 5 months old. :lol: Look at the current numbers and you'll find they're not so "nearly identical." While Obama's 3 week average JAR is 43% (and somewhat level), Bush was already down to 37% (and dropping steadily at this point).

By the way .... Bush ..... 92% to 19% (a record drop for any U.S. president) ..... no comment?? Certainly, if you think 65% to 43% is "pretty shitty," I can only imagine what you think 92% to 19% is. :eek::eek::eek:

Your next move of desperation is ..... ?

Please link me to what Bush's % was at April of his 5 years, compared to Obuma. His 92% was right after 9/11 when this nation really came together over a disaster, and his 19% was what? Did Obuma ever have 92% or 82% or even 72%? Your next move of desperation! :D
Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
That article is 5 months old. :lol: Look at the current numbers and you'll find they're not so "nearly identical." While Obama's 3 week average JAR is 43% (and somewhat level), Bush was already down to 37% (and dropping steadily at this point).

By the way .... Bush ..... 92% to 19% (a record drop for any U.S. president) ..... no comment?? Certainly, if you think 65% to 43% is "pretty shitty," I can only imagine what you think 92% to 19% is. :eek::eek::eek:

Your next move of desperation is ..... ?

Please link me to what Bush's % was at April of his 5 years, compared to Obuma. His 92% was right after 9/11 when this nation really came together over a disaster, and his 19% was what? Did Obuma ever have 92% or 82% or even 72%? Your next move of desperation! :D

Presidential Approval for President Bush

True, Obama never did have a rating of 92%, but then I can't imagine anyone would want an approval rating of 92% if it came as a result of failing to protect the country from an attack like we suffered on 911. And I made no move of desperation -- unlike you, relying on a 5 month old article to compare Obama with Bush. If you know anything about JAR, you would know that 5 month old JARs are meaningless.
That article is 5 months old. :lol: Look at the current numbers and you'll find they're not so "nearly identical." While Obama's 3 week average JAR is 43% (and somewhat level), Bush was already down to 37% (and dropping steadily at this point).

By the way .... Bush ..... 92% to 19% (a record drop for any U.S. president) ..... no comment?? Certainly, if you think 65% to 43% is "pretty shitty," I can only imagine what you think 92% to 19% is. :eek::eek::eek:

Your next move of desperation is ..... ?

Please link me to what Bush's % was at April of his 5 years, compared to Obuma. His 92% was right after 9/11 when this nation really came together over a disaster, and his 19% was what? Did Obuma ever have 92% or 82% or even 72%? Your next move of desperation! :D

Presidential Approval for President Bush

True, Obama never did have a rating of 92%, but then I can't imagine anyone would want an approval rating of 92% if it came as a result of failing to protect the country from an attack like we suffered on 911. And I made no move of desperation -- unlike you, relying on a 5 month old article to compare Obama with Bush. If you know anything about JAR, you would know that 5 month old JARs are meaningless.

Then this is my SECOND REQUEST, show me ones that are within a month for both Bush and Obama! If you can't do that, I take it that you're lying with your supposition! Is that too much to ask, as you call the 5 month old information too OLD to use?
Mitt would have also garnered the respect of foreign leaders and we would not be having the unrest to the degree we are today and tomorrow. It will continue under Obama's regime reign, as all those leaders know Obama is an empty suit with nothing to offer but apologies for America. They laugh at him, he is so easy.

Mitt went abroad and made a dog's dinner of it, so cut the crap.

But he sure made Obama look like the utter FOOL that he is by nailing Russia during the Debates, didn't he? Stow it.:eusa_hand:

Oh, he was right about one thing, maybe.
Please link me to what Bush's % was at April of his 5 years, compared to Obuma. His 92% was right after 9/11 when this nation really came together over a disaster, and his 19% was what? Did Obuma ever have 92% or 82% or even 72%? Your next move of desperation! :D

Presidential Approval for President Bush

True, Obama never did have a rating of 92%, but then I can't imagine anyone would want an approval rating of 92% if it came as a result of failing to protect the country from an attack like we suffered on 911. And I made no move of desperation -- unlike you, relying on a 5 month old article to compare Obama with Bush. If you know anything about JAR, you would know that 5 month old JARs are meaningless.

Then this is my SECOND REQUEST, show me ones that are within a month for both Bush and Obama! If you can't do that, I take it that you're lying with your supposition! Is that too much to ask, as you call the 5 month old information too OLD to use?


Presidential Approval for President Bush
Still praying for his soul. Because if we can win his soul, maybe he will actually start doing good.

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