Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
RealClearPolitics/FOX "Approval Rating For Obama":

Fox Poll: Obama Approval Rating at New Low | RealClearPolitics

MailOnline's "Approval Rating":

President Obama's disapproval rating hits a record HIGH of 59 per cent | Mail Online

Still trust professional pollsters?
Yes, I do. Who I don't trust are liars and charlatans like you. Here's yet another example of that .... Fox has a newer poll out than the one you linked, yet you posted an older, outdated poll with lower ratings than their current poll.

Still a huge discrepancy from other polls. Which ones should we believe? The Progressive ones?

Nope, there is no "huge discrepancy" between polls as they are all within the MoE. The only reason you think there's a huge discrepancy is again, due to your abject ignorance of polling. Please don't confuse your abject ignorance with actual facts.
That's why FDR dropped a bomb on China
Did we quit when Hitler bombed Pearl Harbor?
~ John Bluto Blutarsky

Sorry ... Truman. The point being that Dems are just as "fond" of war as Republicans. FDR dropped the Socialist bomb on America.

That's what I get for dealing with customers while posting on forums. Don't tell my boss.
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Yes, I do. Who I don't trust are liars and charlatans like you. Here's yet another example of that .... Fox has a newer poll out than the one you linked, yet you posted an older, outdated poll with lower ratings than their current poll.

Still a huge discrepancy from other polls. Which ones should we believe? The Progressive ones?

Nope, there is no "huge discrepancy" between polls as they are all within the MoE. The only reason you think there's a huge discrepancy is again, due to your abject ignorance of polling. Please don't confuse your abject ignorance with actual facts.

You did see my earlier post showing the difference between the FOX poll and the English poll. Even if the FOX poll changed a tad one way or the other the difference between the two polls was monumental (20 points or so?).
Still a huge discrepancy from other polls. Which ones should we believe? The Progressive ones?

Nope, there is no "huge discrepancy" between polls as they are all within the MoE. The only reason you think there's a huge discrepancy is again, due to your abject ignorance of polling. Please don't confuse your abject ignorance with actual facts.

You did see my earlier post showing the difference between the FOX poll and the English poll. Even if the FOX poll changed a tad one way or the other the difference between the two polls was monumental (20 points or so?).
20 points or so??? What the hell are you smoking?

The Fox Poll you posted was old and reflected a 38% job approval rating. Their current JAR for Obama is 40%. The DailyMail poll you posted showed a job approval rating of 41%. That's only a 3 point difference between the two polls you posted and just a 1 point difference currently. There is no "20 point or so" difference -- you're hallucinating.
Nope, there is no "huge discrepancy" between polls as they are all within the MoE. The only reason you think there's a huge discrepancy is again, due to your abject ignorance of polling. Please don't confuse your abject ignorance with actual facts.

You did see my earlier post showing the difference between the FOX poll and the English poll. Even if the FOX poll changed a tad one way or the other the difference between the two polls was monumental (20 points or so?).
20 points or so??? What the hell are you smoking?

The Fox Poll you posted was old and reflected a 38% job approval rating. Their current JAR for Obama is 40%. The DailyMail poll you posted showed a job approval rating of 41%. That's only a 3 point difference between the two polls you posted and just a 1 point difference currently. There is no "20 point or so" difference -- you're hallucinating.

Sorry. I fat-fingered. Too many customers and phones ringing. Pesky customers. I posted before I fully finished and edited my thread. I tried to type 2 and I would have removed the word "monumental." I was looking at another site and didn't have a chance to post my findings. I really shouldn't get into this forum while working. Anyway ... I currently have a couple of moments before the phone rings again.

I wanted to post this article from HuffPost:

Gallup had the president at 41 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval before the speech. Post-speech polling released Saturday found Obama at 42 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval — essentially unchanged. In Rasmussen’s polling, the president went from 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving before the speech to 48 percent/50 percent Saturday.

HUFFPOLLSTER: Obama's Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

Gallup = 41%
Rasmussen = 48%

7% difference. Which is right?
I don't hate Obama. I can't stand him but I don't hate him. Hatred is a cancer to ones inner soul.

I simply think he's a horrible President who's personal agenda is vastly contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers. When we understand WHY the Constitution was written or what motivated the writers to write it then we know that the Constitution was written to protect the people from the very government abuses we're witnessing today.

Most of the world has moved on from the period of the founding fathers, some of you should move on too. The world is a vastly different place with a need for new visions. Put your tri cornered hat into the closet.

Unfortunately, there's some truth to the fact that folks have lost sight of what absolute government is and what tyranny is. I guess they'll get a lesson soon enough -- the hard way.

Some truths are timeless. Governments have always attempted to hold power over peoples. Rarely have those governments concerned themselves with freedom and liberty. It's been true for centuries. How many times in history has man come up with a form of government that was "for the people" and "by the people?" I can't think of another instance other than the founding of this nation where a document called the Constitution (or something equivalent) was the "rule of law" rather than the whims and lusts of power hungry men. Like I said, you'll find out soon enough.

Americans are too lazy and outgunned to do anything about the government. Who do you think you are fooling?
You did see my earlier post showing the difference between the FOX poll and the English poll. Even if the FOX poll changed a tad one way or the other the difference between the two polls was monumental (20 points or so?).
20 points or so??? What the hell are you smoking?

The Fox Poll you posted was old and reflected a 38% job approval rating. Their current JAR for Obama is 40%. The DailyMail poll you posted showed a job approval rating of 41%. That's only a 3 point difference between the two polls you posted and just a 1 point difference currently. There is no "20 point or so" difference -- you're hallucinating.

Sorry. I fat-fingered. Too many customers and phones ringing. Pesky customers. I posted before I fully finished and edited my thread. I tried to type 2 and I would have removed the word "monumental." I was looking at another site and didn't have a chance to post my findings. I really shouldn't get into this forum while working. Anyway ... I currently have a couple of moments before the phone rings again.

I wanted to post this article from HuffPost:

Gallup had the president at 41 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval before the speech. Post-speech polling released Saturday found Obama at 42 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval — essentially unchanged. In Rasmussen’s polling, the president went from 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving before the speech to 48 percent/50 percent Saturday.

HUFFPOLLSTER: Obama's Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

Gallup = 41%
Rasmussen = 48%

7% difference. Which is right?
Bulshit. Who do you think you're fooling? Before claiming the gap between the two polls was "monumental," you claimed the discrepancy between them was huge. Those are not words you would have used to describe a mere 2 point difference. That's not fat fingering, that's a complete mental lapse.

Look at you ... you can't even be honest enough to admit you fucked up and thought the DailyMail rating of 59% was Obama's Approval rating, when in fact, it was his disapproval rating. You saw 38% in Fox and 59% in the DailyMail and THAT is why you thought there was a "20 point or so" difference between those two polls.

As far as the 41% vs 48% difference between Gallup and Rasmussen .... what's the MoE for them? It's possible they fall within the MoE of each other. At worst, maybe they're a point or two off. Hardly Earth shattering.

As far as your idiotic claim that there's a 7% difference between them, I again point to your abject ignorance to explain why you think that.
20 points or so??? What the hell are you smoking?

The Fox Poll you posted was old and reflected a 38% job approval rating. Their current JAR for Obama is 40%. The DailyMail poll you posted showed a job approval rating of 41%. That's only a 3 point difference between the two polls you posted and just a 1 point difference currently. There is no "20 point or so" difference -- you're hallucinating.

Sorry. I fat-fingered. Too many customers and phones ringing. Pesky customers. I posted before I fully finished and edited my thread. I tried to type 2 and I would have removed the word "monumental." I was looking at another site and didn't have a chance to post my findings. I really shouldn't get into this forum while working. Anyway ... I currently have a couple of moments before the phone rings again.

I wanted to post this article from HuffPost:

Gallup had the president at 41 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval before the speech. Post-speech polling released Saturday found Obama at 42 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval — essentially unchanged. In Rasmussen’s polling, the president went from 48 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving before the speech to 48 percent/50 percent Saturday.

HUFFPOLLSTER: Obama's Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

Gallup = 41%
Rasmussen = 48%

7% difference. Which is right?
Bulshit. Who do you think you're fooling? Before claiming the gap between the two polls was "monumental," you claimed the discrepancy between them was huge. Those are not words you would have used to describe a mere 2 point difference. That's not fat fingering, that's a complete mental lapse.

Look at you ... you can't even be honest enough to admit you fucked up and thought the DailyMail rating of 59% was Obama's Approval rating, when in fact, it was his disapproval rating. You saw 38% in Fox and 59% in the DailyMail and THAT is why you thought there was a "20 point or so" difference between those two polls.

As far as the 41% vs 48% difference between Gallup and Rasmussen .... what's the MoE for them? It's possible they fall within the MoE of each other. At worst, maybe they're a point or two off. Hardly Earth shattering.

As far as your idiotic claim that there's a 7% difference between them, I again point to your abject ignorance to explain why you think that.

I must be pushing some buttons. Got you swearing like a mad man. LOL

Once again (in case you missed it the first time) I was multitasking and hit the "submit" button before I had a chance to proofread my post. It doesn't happen often but it has happened before. Doesn't matter to me if you accept that or not.

7% is a pretty big gap (like it or not). I think Huffpost shows both polls to give Obama the edge and to influence readers. It's subtle but effective. So effective that you don't see that there's a significant gap or are simply afraid to admit it.
I work with a diverse group of people. We're mostly made up of white and Hispanic employees. During the 2008 elections most of my coworkers were pro-Obama. I was vociferously opposed and did what I could to influence my friends to vote against Obama based on what I knew of him. By the time the 2012 elections came around several of my coworkers had changed their stance and claimed that they were going with Romney. I can only take their word that they actually did.

Anyway, everyone I've spoken to in the past few weeks are dissatisfied with Obama. So apparently the "scientific" pollsters haven't given my area much coverage. Don't know if that's by design or what. I do know that Senator Udall is in deep doo-doo and will have a major run for his money. I also know that our Governor has become a lot less popular. So ... I don't really give two hoots what the polls say. I don't pay any attention to them as I don't trust them. I simply do what I can to sway my fellow Coloradans and point them in the right direction -- the Conservative direction.
Sorry. I fat-fingered. Too many customers and phones ringing. Pesky customers. I posted before I fully finished and edited my thread. I tried to type 2 and I would have removed the word "monumental." I was looking at another site and didn't have a chance to post my findings. I really shouldn't get into this forum while working. Anyway ... I currently have a couple of moments before the phone rings again.

I wanted to post this article from HuffPost:

HUFFPOLLSTER: Obama's Approval Rating On The Upswing In 2014

Gallup = 41%
Rasmussen = 48%

7% difference. Which is right?
Bulshit. Who do you think you're fooling? Before claiming the gap between the two polls was "monumental," you claimed the discrepancy between them was huge. Those are not words you would have used to describe a mere 2 point difference. That's not fat fingering, that's a complete mental lapse.

Look at you ... you can't even be honest enough to admit you fucked up and thought the DailyMail rating of 59% was Obama's Approval rating, when in fact, it was his disapproval rating. You saw 38% in Fox and 59% in the DailyMail and THAT is why you thought there was a "20 point or so" difference between those two polls.

As far as the 41% vs 48% difference between Gallup and Rasmussen .... what's the MoE for them? It's possible they fall within the MoE of each other. At worst, maybe they're a point or two off. Hardly Earth shattering.

As far as your idiotic claim that there's a 7% difference between them, I again point to your abject ignorance to explain why you think that.

I must be pushing some buttons. Got you swearing like a mad man. LOL

Once again (in case you missed it the first time) I was multitasking and hit the "submit" button before I had a chance to proofread my post. It doesn't happen often but it has happened before. Doesn't matter to me if you accept that or not.

7% is a pretty big gap (like it or not). I think Huffpost shows both polls to give Obama the edge and to influence readers. It's subtle but effective. So effective that you don't see that there's a significant gap or are simply afraid to admit it.
You're too stupid to fool anyone. You pointed out a huge gap twice. That's not a fat finger -- it's a brain fart. As far as swearing, I do that all the time. I may curse, but at least I'm honest. Can't say the same about you though. You can't even man up and admit you fucked up. You described that gap as huge and monumental. Those are not words used to describe a 2 point gap -- Which it wasn't anyway. The gap was 3 points, not 2. So you fucked up because you thought you saw a 59% approval rating and now you're lying to cover that up because you're not man enough to admit your mistake. That makes you an imbecile AND a liar. In other words, a typical conservative. What a horrible way to muddle through life.

Oh, and again ... the difference between the Gallup and Rasmussen polls was not 7%. You're apparently too stupid to even figure that out. I'd tell you the answer, but it's more fun watching you make a complete idiot of yourself.
Bulshit. Who do you think you're fooling? Before claiming the gap between the two polls was "monumental," you claimed the discrepancy between them was huge. Those are not words you would have used to describe a mere 2 point difference. That's not fat fingering, that's a complete mental lapse.

Look at you ... you can't even be honest enough to admit you fucked up and thought the DailyMail rating of 59% was Obama's Approval rating, when in fact, it was his disapproval rating. You saw 38% in Fox and 59% in the DailyMail and THAT is why you thought there was a "20 point or so" difference between those two polls.

As far as the 41% vs 48% difference between Gallup and Rasmussen .... what's the MoE for them? It's possible they fall within the MoE of each other. At worst, maybe they're a point or two off. Hardly Earth shattering.

As far as your idiotic claim that there's a 7% difference between them, I again point to your abject ignorance to explain why you think that.

I must be pushing some buttons. Got you swearing like a mad man. LOL

Once again (in case you missed it the first time) I was multitasking and hit the "submit" button before I had a chance to proofread my post. It doesn't happen often but it has happened before. Doesn't matter to me if you accept that or not.

7% is a pretty big gap (like it or not). I think Huffpost shows both polls to give Obama the edge and to influence readers. It's subtle but effective. So effective that you don't see that there's a significant gap or are simply afraid to admit it.
You're too stupid to fool anyone. You pointed out a huge gap twice. That's not a fat finger -- it's a brain fart. As far as swearing, I do that all the time. I may curse, but at least I'm honest. Can't say the same about you though. You can't even man up and admit you fucked up. You described that gap as huge and monumental. Those are not words used to describe a 2 point gap -- Which it wasn't anyway. The gap was 3 points, not 2. So you fucked up because you thought you saw a 59% approval rating and now you're lying to cover that up because you're not man enough to admit your mistake. That makes you an imbecile AND a liar. In other words, a typical conservative. What a horrible way to muddle through life.

Oh, and again ... the difference between the Gallup and Rasmussen polls was not 7%. You're apparently too stupid to even figure that out. I'd tell you the answer, but it's more fun watching you make a complete idiot of yourself.

If not proofreading my post when I got a swarm of customers all at once means I screwed up then I've already admitted it. I work at a very fast paced place. I often have several things going on at the same time. While researching things I will change this or that. It's not uncommon for me to start a thread with a particular idea in mind then end up altering it several times so that the end result is TOTALLY different than my initial intent. So ... I need not explain myself further. I got super busy and hit the post button prematurely. Obviously the post was messed up. Sue me.

I was literally interrupted numerous times just trying to get through this post.
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I must be pushing some buttons. Got you swearing like a mad man. LOL

Once again (in case you missed it the first time) I was multitasking and hit the "submit" button before I had a chance to proofread my post. It doesn't happen often but it has happened before. Doesn't matter to me if you accept that or not.

7% is a pretty big gap (like it or not). I think Huffpost shows both polls to give Obama the edge and to influence readers. It's subtle but effective. So effective that you don't see that there's a significant gap or are simply afraid to admit it.
You're too stupid to fool anyone. You pointed out a huge gap twice. That's not a fat finger -- it's a brain fart. As far as swearing, I do that all the time. I may curse, but at least I'm honest. Can't say the same about you though. You can't even man up and admit you fucked up. You described that gap as huge and monumental. Those are not words used to describe a 2 point gap -- Which it wasn't anyway. The gap was 3 points, not 2. So you fucked up because you thought you saw a 59% approval rating and now you're lying to cover that up because you're not man enough to admit your mistake. That makes you an imbecile AND a liar. In other words, a typical conservative. What a horrible way to muddle through life.

Oh, and again ... the difference between the Gallup and Rasmussen polls was not 7%. You're apparently too stupid to even figure that out. I'd tell you the answer, but it's more fun watching you make a complete idiot of yourself.

If not proofreading my post when I got a swarm of customers all at once means I screwed up then I've already admitted it. I work at a very fast paced place. I often have several things going on at the same time. While researching things I will change this or that. It's not uncommon for me to start a thread with a particular idea in mind then end up altering it several times so that the end result is TOTALLY different than my initial intent. So ... I need not explain myself further. I got super busy and hit the post button prematurely. Obviously the post was messed up. Sue me.

I was literally interrupted numerous times just trying to get through this post.

Holy shit! :eusa_doh:

You are seriously going to cling to your bullshit like the GOP clings to tax cuts??

Moron --

-- your idiocy spanned multiple posts.

-- your claim that you meant '2', not '20', is undermined by the gap between 38 and 41 is three, not two.

-- your point was that two polls had very different results; a point you cannot make between two polls only 3 points apart.

How many clues do you think are required to show that when you said there was about a "20 point or so" difference between those polls, you were talking about the gap from 38% to 59%?

That you think you can continue lying your way out of an obvious lie only serves to demonstrate that you're not just a liar, but that you're pathological. That you're a pathological liar who can't man up and admit he fucked up serves to reveal you're a Conservative.

And sue you? for what?? Being a liar? Being a typical Conservative? I don't see a lawsuit there.

How ironic is it though that a liar like you would start up a thread about Obama being a liar?

And have you figured out yet that the difference between 41% and 48% is not 7%?

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