Where's Your Stand On Obama Today?

Satisfaction Level w/Obama

  • Voted for him and love him even though he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Voted for him but am sorry BECAUSE he's a liar.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Did not vote for him but now I love him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Did not vote for him and can't stand him because he's a liar.

    Votes: 39 90.7%
  • I simply like liars. I feel at home with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There isn't a slot that is relevant for me.

I did not vote for Obama because I disagreed with every vote he made as a Senator, and his state voting Record in Illinois was even worse.

Even though I did not vote for him, he is still the President of the United States. I'm sorry other Americans took a shine to him. He pushes things he has no intention of paying for, and is thrilled other people have to.

He, on the other hand, will be the most expensive ex-president this nation ever had because he broke America's rule about not assassinating other country's leaders. He's the highest-profile assassin who ever lived, and I'm sorry his party decided to use him to get what they wanted faster than if Hillary had been elected.

The voting process is so corrupted at this point, we'll never be able to throw off terrorism, infiltration and elimination of American ideals, nor even communism for that matter.

I see no remorse by talking heads of the left that corruption rules the nation now. None whatever.
There isn't a slot that is relevant for me.

I did not vote for Obama because I disagreed with every vote he made as a Senator, and his state voting Record in Illinois was even worse.

Even though I did not vote for him, he is still the President of the United States. I'm sorry other Americans took a shine to him. He pushes things he has no intention of paying for, and is thrilled other people have to.

He, on the other hand, will be the most expensive ex-president this nation ever had because he broke America's rule about not assassinating other country's leaders. He's the highest-profile assassin who ever lived, and I'm sorry his party decided to use him to get what they wanted faster than if Hillary had been elected.

The voting process is so corrupted at this point, we'll never be able to throw off terrorism, infiltration and elimination of American ideals, nor even communism for that matter.

I see no remorse by talking heads of the left that corruption rules the nation now. None whatever.

It's truly a horrible situation. Not for me so much, as I'm aging and wise enough to muster my way through my "golden" (dross?) years, but because of America's future -- her children. What a mess they have on their hands. What a massive debt hanging over them for years to come (and probably for the rest of their lives). I'm especially sorry that they will all be fitted with chains of servitude and poverty. The "American Dream" used to be a flame that inspired young men and women to greatness but it's rapidly becoming a flickering ember and few there be who will aspire to it.
The USMB poll shows Obama with a 6% approval rating. Give or take 3% in each direction that could mean that he has a 3% or 9% approval rating but I'm pretty confidence that 6% is a good number.

How do you, I, or the rest of the world know if your polls were performed fairly? What if the exact same hand-picked folks were called repeatedly making it appear that a widespread number of folks were contacted? Nobody knows so there is not "science" for science is knowledge.
Even though I expect an uninformed answer as uninformed as your claim of a 3% differential "in each direction," I have to ask .....

.... how did you arrive at that "3%" figure?

Just an arbitrary guess like "professional" pollsters do. If professional polling companies were all credible then every one of them would come to an exact conclusion every time. However, there are usually (or often) giant chasms dividing their sundry & various conclusions.
"Arbitrary guess."


Thanks for both the laugh and the confirmation that you a) made the number up out of whole cloth; and b) have no flippin' clue about polls.
Generally speaking, though, Conservatives are more informed than Liberals are. That's why they're Conservatives.

What a fucking crock of shit! :lmao:

Informed answer. Thanks for your valuable contribution.

Would you prefer I just pulled some partisan bullshit out of my ass like you do?

Generally speaking, republicans are racist.

Generally speaking, republicans are homophobes.

Generally speaking, republicans don't give a fuck about poor people.

Generally speaking, republicans love war.

Generally speaking, republicans believe that sucking the cocks of the rich is a sound basis for economic policy.

How's that for informed, you stupid bint. :lol:
Yes. Again, there are morons in all parties. No one has a monopoly on idiots. And those claiming that either one party has them all or even that one party has more than another; are just fooling themselves.

[edit]Also, anyone who doesn't realize that the way those videos are made is to interview a hundred different people but then edit out the 95% who respond even semi-intelligently and only show the few imbeciles in the crowd; is also just fooling themselves.[/edit]

I generally agree with your post but I think the second portion (edited inclusion) can and does apply to polling companies as well. It think many of them "cook" their results to sway folks to their way of thinking.

Look, you've already proven you don't understand anything about polling. There really is no need for you to prove it any further. Here's yet another facet you don't understand -- polling is a business. If a polster "cooked" their numbers, they wouldn't be in business for very long.
Obama is worthless. How anyone can support the weakling is just mind boggling. Unarguably, the most inept President ever. He has lowered the bar to sea level. Obama has reduced the credibility of the Oval Office to levels never seen.

I find myself embarrassed to have him represent me. He is not worthy of my honor. I used to wipe the floor with the likes of his ilk. Obama represents a weak America under his rule that is the laughing stock of 3rd world nations and banana republics

I would have no other recourse than to dismiss Obama if he were one of my employee's.

Wait.... he is....

Instead, I will just slander him at every opportunity.

It feels good


Great! Now you know how I felt about Bush.
RealClearPolitics/FOX "Approval Rating For Obama":

Just 38 percent of voters approve of the way the president is handling his job, while 54 disapprove -- a new low for the survey. While 71 percent of Democrats approve of the president, just 5 percent of Republicans and 28 percent of independents do too.
Fox Poll: Obama Approval Rating at New Low | RealClearPolitics

MailOnline's "Approval Rating":
President Obama's disapproval rating hits a record HIGH of 59 per cent
President Obama's disapproval rating hits a record HIGH of 59 per cent | Mail Online

Still trust professional pollsters?
Yes, I do. Who I don't trust are liars and charlatans like you. Here's yet another example of that .... Fox has a newer poll out than the one you linked, yet you posted an older, outdated poll with lower ratings than their current poll.
Generally speaking, though, Conservatives are more informed than Liberals are. That's why they're Conservatives.

What a fucking crock of shit! :lmao:
Of course it's a crock of shit. He's already demonstrated he makes shit up. Like his manufactured margin of error on his poll, which he admitted he just made up, he pulled this one out of his ass too.
Even though I expect an uninformed answer as uninformed as your claim of a 3% differential "in each direction," I have to ask .....

.... how did you arrive at that "3%" figure?

Just an arbitrary guess like "professional" pollsters do. If professional polling companies were all credible then every one of them would come to an exact conclusion every time. However, there are usually (or often) giant chasms dividing their sundry & various conclusions.
"Arbitrary guess."


Thanks for both the laugh and the confirmation that you a) made the number up out of whole cloth; and b) have no flippin' clue about polls.

You failed to address the rest of my post. A loss of words I suppose.

Would you prefer I just pulled some partisan bullshit out of my ass like you do?
If you're a progressive, aggressive Democrat then I would expect no less.

Generally speaking, republicans are racist.



Generally speaking, republicans are homophobes.

I have no fear of men. >> moving on>>

Generally speaking, republicans don't give a fuck about poor people.
I'm Conservative and I'm poor. >> moving on>>
Generally speaking, republicans love war.
That's why FDR dropped a bomb on China

Generally speaking, republicans believe that sucking the cocks of the rich is a sound basis for economic policy.
That's why Obama bailed out his rich, Wall Street buddies with trillions of America's money.

How's that for informed, you stupid bint. :lol:

As informed as I would expect from a Dummicrat.
RealClearPolitics/FOX "Approval Rating For Obama":

Just 38 percent of voters approve of the way the president is handling his job, while 54 disapprove -- a new low for the survey. While 71 percent of Democrats approve of the president, just 5 percent of Republicans and 28 percent of independents do too.
Fox Poll: Obama Approval Rating at New Low | RealClearPolitics

MailOnline's "Approval Rating":
President Obama's disapproval rating hits a record HIGH of 59 per cent
President Obama's disapproval rating hits a record HIGH of 59 per cent | Mail Online

Still trust professional pollsters?
Yes, I do. Who I don't trust are liars and charlatans like you. Here's yet another example of that .... Fox has a newer poll out than the one you linked, yet you posted an older, outdated poll with lower ratings than their current poll.

Still a huge discrepancy from other polls. Which ones should we believe? The Progressive ones?

Would you prefer I just pulled some partisan bullshit out of my ass like you do?
If you're a progressive, aggressive Democrat then I would expect no less.

Generally speaking, republicans are racist.


I have no fear of men. >> moving on>>

I'm Conservative and I'm poor. >> moving on>>

That's why FDR dropped a bomb on China


FDR dropped a bomb on China?
What a fucking crock of shit! :lmao:

Informed answer. Thanks for your valuable contribution.

Would you prefer I just pulled some partisan bullshit out of my ass like you do?

Generally speaking, republicans are racist.

Generally speaking, republicans are homophobes.

Generally speaking, republicans don't give a fuck about poor people.

Generally speaking, republicans love war.

Generally speaking, republicans believe that sucking the cocks of the rich is a sound basis for economic policy.

How's that for informed, you stupid bint. :lol:

^This one really struck a nerve with [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION]

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical

Five years in, Obama and Bush poll numbers nearly identical
That article is 5 months old. :lol: Look at the current numbers and you'll find they're not so "nearly identical." While Obama's 3 week average JAR is 43% (and somewhat level), Bush was already down to 37% (and dropping steadily at this point).

By the way .... Bush ..... 92% to 19% (a record drop for any U.S. president) ..... no comment?? Certainly, if you think 65% to 43% is "pretty shitty," I can only imagine what you think 92% to 19% is. :eek::eek::eek:

Your next move of desperation is ..... ?

Please link me to what Bush's % was at April of his 5 years, compared to Obuma. His 92% was right after 9/11 when this nation really came together over a disaster, and his 19% was what? Did Obuma ever have 92% or 82% or even 72%? Your next move of desperation! :D

going from 92% in the first year and ending up where he did just shows you why Bush was a piss poor leader and listened to the wrong people....
Just an arbitrary guess like "professional" pollsters do. If professional polling companies were all credible then every one of them would come to an exact conclusion every time. However, there are usually (or often) giant chasms dividing their sundry & various conclusions.
"Arbitrary guess."


Thanks for both the laugh and the confirmation that you a) made the number up out of whole cloth; and b) have no flippin' clue about polls.

You failed to address the rest of my post. A loss of words I suppose.
Loss of words? Not at all. I completely address the point of your entire post. I pointed out that you have no flipping clue about polls. That included the rest of your post where you once again demonstrated abject ignorance regarding polling.
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Yes. Again, there are morons in all parties. No one has a monopoly on idiots. And those claiming that either one party has them all or even that one party has more than another; are just fooling themselves.

[edit]Also, anyone who doesn't realize that the way those videos are made is to interview a hundred different people but then edit out the 95% who respond even semi-intelligently and only show the few imbeciles in the crowd; is also just fooling themselves.[/edit]

These people post with hatred, not intelligence.

I don't hate Obama. I can't stand him but I don't hate him. Hatred is a cancer to ones inner soul.

I simply think he's a horrible President who's personal agenda is vastly contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers. When we understand WHY the Constitution was written or what motivated the writers to write it then we know that the Constitution was written to protect the people from the very government abuses we're witnessing today.

Most of the world has moved on from the period of the founding fathers, some of you should move on too. The world is a vastly different place with a need for new visions. Put your tri cornered hat into the closet.
These people post with hatred, not intelligence.

I don't hate Obama. I can't stand him but I don't hate him. Hatred is a cancer to ones inner soul.

I simply think he's a horrible President who's personal agenda is vastly contrary to the vision of the Founding Fathers. When we understand WHY the Constitution was written or what motivated the writers to write it then we know that the Constitution was written to protect the people from the very government abuses we're witnessing today.

Most of the world has moved on from the period of the founding fathers, some of you should move on too. The world is a vastly different place with a need for new visions. Put your tri cornered hat into the closet.

Unfortunately, there's some truth to the fact that folks have lost sight of what absolute government is and what tyranny is. I guess they'll get a lesson soon enough -- the hard way.

Some truths are timeless. Governments have always attempted to hold power over peoples. Rarely have those governments concerned themselves with freedom and liberty. It's been true for centuries. How many times in history has man come up with a form of government that was "for the people" and "by the people?" I can't think of another instance other than the founding of this nation where a document called the Constitution (or something equivalent) was the "rule of law" rather than the whims and lusts of power hungry men. Like I said, you'll find out soon enough.
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