Which 9-11 theory you believe?

Which 9-11 theory is the most accurate?

  • The islamist conspiracy theory (Bush-Cheney Theory)

    Votes: 25 62.5%
  • the US intern plot theory (control demolition)

    Votes: 9 22.5%
  • The Mossad plot theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Mafia conspiracy theory

    Votes: 3 7.5%

  • Total voters
Nope i don't ignore what they said, but I do disagree with what they heard. Because we've all heard the audio. Hours of tape. from many different sources. And not one shows anything like the sounds of a controlled demo.

We've already covered this. Your premise is bullshit because there is no universal sound necessary for incindiery devices and like I said, do you have any fucking clue how noisy it was? Do you have any idea how much noise audio recorders would have to cut through to pick up internal core explosions? We aren't talking about a fucking bologna sammich Kentucky treehouse. These were two of the. biggest buildings in the entire world.
Nope i don't ignore what they said, but I do disagree with what they heard. Because we've all heard the audio. Hours of tape. from many different sources. And not one shows anything like the sounds of a controlled demo.

hours of tape ?..thats not even remotely close to true the collapses lasted seconds and were capture by only a few sources were do you get hours of tape

He went to Walmart and bought a case of Scotch Guard. Where else do you think he can come up with actual evidence of "hours of tape?"
Really, only captured by a few sources? Every camera available in NYC was pointed at those towers, and the audio from all the first responders was recorded. Now I don't know exactly how many actually were there and neither do you, but please, you guys have shown us hundreds of videos, how is "hours" stretching anything?

The fact is I just showed you a video that counted down the collapse and you both ignored the facts right in front of your face. Which is what I expected from truther idiots.

When you fools can accept the facts let me know and I'll attempt to teach you some more. Maybe we'll start with something easy like 1 + 1 = 2.....
I never said you are anti-Semitic for questioning the official version you dumb fucking anti-Semitic ass zit.

Oh really?? Then why did you say that? As far as the eye can see on this thread, that is what the conversation was about, diesputing the Fairy Tale version of 911.

Now then, you can argue all damn day as to what actually happened and just how those towers were brought down, what actually hit the Pentagon, and where the Shanksville plane went to, BUT..............If you are not going to point the finger of blame at the ACTUAL PERPATRATORS (the actual people who benefitted from 911), then you might as well subscribe along with the OCTA Fairy Tale people.

And let me tell you this Curvelight, as far as I recall, as of September 22, 2010 there is still the right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA. I call em as I see em!! You don't like it?? TOUGH!!

IF you attack me again the manner you did in this last reply I will report you and have you banned form this forum!! Don't think I can't do it!

I am a Lady, and I deserve your respect that you would give anyone here, no matter what my opinion is!
I never said you are anti-Semitic for questioning the official version you dumb fucking anti-Semitic ass zit.

Oh really?? Then why did you say that? As far as the eye can see on this thread, that is what the conversation was about, diesputing the Fairy Tale version of 911.

Now then, you can argue all damn day as to what actually happened and just how those towers were brought down, what actually hit the Pentagon, and where the Shanksville plane went to, BUT..............If you are not going to point the finger of blame at the ACTUAL PERPATRATORS (the actual people who benefitted from 911), then you might as well subscribe along with the OCTA Fairy Tale people.

And let me tell you this Curvelight, as far as I recall, as of September 22, 2010 there is still the right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA. I call em as I see em!! You don't like it?? TOUGH!!

IF you attack me again the manner you did in this last reply I will report you and have you banned form this forum!! Don't think I can't do it!

I am a Lady, and I deserve your respect that you would give anyone here, no matter what my opinion is!

ya good luck trying to get someone banned for disagreeing with or insulting you..lol.....many people benefited from 9/11
Really, only captured by a few sources? Every camera available in NYC was pointed at those towers, and the audio from all the first responders was recorded. Now I don't know exactly how many actually were there and neither do you, but please, you guys have shown us hundreds of videos, how is "hours" stretching anything?

The fact is I just showed you a video that counted down the collapse and you both ignored the facts right in front of your face. Which is what I expected from truther idiots.

When you fools can accept the facts let me know and I'll attempt to teach you some more. Maybe we'll start with something easy like 1 + 1 = 2.....

your video is inaccurate and not ever camera in NY was filming the towers asshat there are many youtube videos featuring the collapse but they are of the same half dozen videos captured of the collapse...not many people carried video cameras or had them on their phones at that time
some 200 technical experts—including about 85 career nist experts and 125 leading experts from the private sector and academia—reviewed tens of thousands of documents, interviewed more than 1,000 people, reviewed 7,000 segments of video footage and 7,000 photographs, analyzed 236 pieces of steel from the wreckage, performed laboratory tests and sophisticated computer simulations of the sequence of events that occurred from the moment the aircraft struck the towers until they began to collapse. "

and all ideots sees is a computer simulation. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

yes none of the steel showed the temperature required for failure in forensic testing they do not mention that they simply say they examined them ..this equals no evidence..the 125 experts did not sign off on the final report..so it means nothing..the interviewed people but claim there are no reports of explosions or molten metal ...this is a lie...preformed lab test / what kind ? What were the results ?...all you are left with is... A uncorroborated computer model... Thats it
If you are not going to point the finger of blame at the ACTUAL PERPATRATORS (the actual people who benefitted from 911)
and there is the major flaw in your premise. even if israel did benefit (thats debatable but let's jsut assume for now) it doesnt mean they were the perpetrators. your logic is EXTREMELY flawed.

put it this way, a gangster steals your purse for the $20 in nickels you got from working the streets all night. he gets stabbed in the process and he shoots you in your head and manages to actually hit the little speck inside you use for a brain. you die. he dies. your deadbeat husband collects one million in life insurance.

so does that mean your deadbeat husband commited the crime? clearly he is the one to benefit from it.

And let me tell you this Curvelight, as far as I recall, as of September 22, 2010 there is still the right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA. I call em as I see em!!

you are free to to speak your mind and show us all how defective it is. :lol:
but claim there are no reports of explosions or molten metal ...this is a lie...

source please. this is my second request. you ignored the last time when you made this statement and i wanted to see where this claim was made.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SLIzSCt_cg]YouTube - 9/11: NIST engineer John Gross denies WTC molten steel (extended)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoj6Z3X0Rlw&NR=1]YouTube - NIST WTC Response 1[/ame]

"as loud as a gun shot blast"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVE34kMwn0U]YouTube - NIST WTC Response 2: Thermate[/ame]

blah blah blah... you cant even get your own videos right.

again i ask you.... where does the NIST say there was no molten metal. you claimed they said no molten metal. you linked to a video saying no molten steel. thats not the same thing. where does it say no molten metal like you claim they say?
I never said you are anti-Semitic for questioning the official version you dumb fucking anti-Semitic ass zit.

Oh really?? Then why did you say that? As far as the eye can see on this thread, that is what the conversation was about, diesputing the Fairy Tale version of 911.

Now then, you can argue all damn day as to what actually happened and just how those towers were brought down, what actually hit the Pentagon, and where the Shanksville plane went to, BUT..............If you are not going to point the finger of blame at the ACTUAL PERPATRATORS (the actual people who benefitted from 911), then you might as well subscribe along with the OCTA Fairy Tale people.

And let me tell you this Curvelight, as far as I recall, as of September 22, 2010 there is still the right of FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the USA. I call em as I see em!! You don't like it?? TOUGH!!

IF you attack me again the manner you did in this last reply I will report you and have you banned form this forum!! Don't think I can't do it!

I am a Lady, and I deserve your respect that you would give anyone here, no matter what my opinion is!

You're using 9E to promote your anti-Semitism like Stormfront uses every single fucking thing possible to promote their racism. I don't give a fuck what your gender is because being a bitch isn't dependent upon anatomy. I give respect where it is earned and right now you're so fucking bankrupt you make the US economy look like Bill Gates' bank account.
Really, only captured by a few sources? Every camera available in NYC was pointed at those towers, and the audio from all the first responders was recorded. Now I don't know exactly how many actually were there and neither do you, but please, you guys have shown us hundreds of videos, how is "hours" stretching anything?

The fact is I just showed you a video that counted down the collapse and you both ignored the facts right in front of your face. Which is what I expected from truther idiots.

When you fools can accept the facts let me know and I'll attempt to teach you some more. Maybe we'll start with something easy like 1 + 1 = 2.....

More hypocrisy and outright dishonesty. You link a fucking OCTA blog video and that trumps the 9E CR? How many times have you fucking dumbasses laughed at people who cite truther blogs over the CR? Yet, it's okay for you to cite bowlshit sources when you need some type of fantasy to avoid the facts stated in the CR. Keep proving to be a dishonest bitch.

blah blah blah... you cant even get your own videos right.

again i ask you.... where does the NIST say there was no molten metal. you claimed they said no molten metal. you linked to a video saying no molten steel. thats not the same thing. where does it say no molten metal like you claim they say?

Nist claimed there was no evidence of explosions and when it was pointed out over 100 firefighters reported the explosions then nist responded with:

Well, let's see just how deep the Rabbit Hole of OCTA Denial goes. Even NIST states the towers came down in essentially free fall speed. The collapse time they state for the South Tower is........nine seconds.

"Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation
provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos."
NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions

This will provide for an anchor link example of the ridiculous double standards OCTAs live by.
Well, let's see just how deep the Rabbit Hole of OCTA Denial goes. Even NIST states the towers came down in essentially free fall speed. The collapse time they state for the South Tower is........nine seconds.

"Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation
provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos."
NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions

This will provide for an anchor link example of the ridiculous double standards OCTAs live by.

Great Link, did you by any chance read it? It proves exactly what I said bout the first pieces of debris hitting the ground. Thank you for seeing the light and agreeing to the truth for a change.

"NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2. These elapsed times were based on: (1) precise timing of the initiation of collapse from video evidence, and (2) ground motion (seismic) signals recorded at Palisades, N.Y., that also were precisely time-calibrated for wave transmission times from lower Manhattan (see NCSTAR 1-5A). "
Well, let's see just how deep the Rabbit Hole of OCTA Denial goes. Even NIST states the towers came down in essentially free fall speed. The collapse time they state for the South Tower is........nine seconds.

"Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation
provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos."
NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster - Frequently Asked Questions

This will provide for an anchor link example of the ridiculous double standards OCTAs live by.

Great Link, did you by any chance read it? It proves exactly what I said bout the first pieces of debris hitting the ground. Thank you for seeing the light and agreeing to the truth for a change.

"NIST estimated the elapsed times for the first exterior panels to strike the ground after the collapse initiated in each of the towers to be approximately 11 seconds for WTC 1 and approximately 9 seconds for WTC 2. These elapsed times were based on: (1) precise timing of the initiation of collapse from video evidence, and (2) ground motion (seismic) signals recorded at Palisades, N.Y., that also were precisely time-calibrated for wave transmission times from lower Manhattan (see NCSTAR 1-5A). "

Oh man you are fucking stoopid beyond belief. The first panels to hit the ground were the top floors of the Towers you dumbfuck. Since the towers imploded in their own footprints it means the collapses were essentially at freefall speed as stated by NIST. One more attempt to get your tunnel vision syndrome corrected:

"....the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos."

NIST is point blank saying the BUILDING came down at essentially free fall speed. Keep embarrassing yourself......
None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

It's there in black and white dumb ass, don't try to make shit up to fit into your world, just accept the facts. There was no implosion. More from your link:

"From video evidence, significant portions of the cores of both buildings (roughly 60 stories of WTC 1 and 40 stories of WTC 2) are known to have stood 15 to 25 seconds after collapse initiation before they, too, began to collapse. Neither the duration of the seismic records nor video evidence (due to obstruction of view caused by debris clouds) are reliable indicators of the total time it took for each building to collapse completely."

"In summary, NIST found no corroborating evidence for alternative hypotheses suggesting that the WTC towers were brought down by controlled demolition using explosives planted prior to Sept. 11, 2001. NIST also did not find any evidence that missiles were fired at or hit the towers. Instead, photographs and videos from several angles clearly show that the collapse initiated at the fire and impact floors and that the collapse progressed from the initiating floors downward until the dust clouds obscured the view."

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