Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

By the way, I guarantee you your hero Ike would have been vehemently against gay marriage, and probably more of a homophobe than Robertson.
Men can be secure in their own sexuality whether it be straight, gay, zoophiliac or necrophiliac. I want to be secure that the guy isn't fucking an ass, dog or corpse.

Personally it doesn't bother me what they do as long as I don't have to pretend it's normal. Except for raping animals or children. Then they should get the death penalty.

I don't understand how you could claim that some of the men on here are comfortable in their own sexuality. I'm a woman who likes men. If another woman who likes women hits on me, that in no way affects my desire for men. I don't suddenly find myself sexually attracted to women instead. The fact that all of these "men" seem so desperately afraid of gay people, as though they think that being gay will somehow rub off on them if they're around it too much, makes me question how secure they are with their own sexuality.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


The America I'd like to live in wouldn't have morons who believe the President was born in Kenya.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

Eh, you're half correct.

I get hit on by gay men a lot. I'm not repulsed, I'm flattered. I can't reciprocate because I'm not attracted to men. Most of the gay guys who have heard this have been very cool about it. A VERY vocal few have been prissy assholes, but meh. That's their drama to deal with. :eusa_boohoo:
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


The America I'd like to live in wouldn't have morons who believe the President was born in Kenya.

Me too, but I'm not sure the reverse is any better - those who adamantly believe he is "the change we have been waiting for."
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

Yet another thing about homophobia that I find fascinating. If a gay woman hits on me, I'm no more or less repulsed than a man hitting on me who I'm not attracted to. I tell them I'm not interested and it's done with. It's just a person hitting on me that I'm not sexually attracted to, why is the fact that it's a woman instead of a man supposed to disgust me more? I don't start having fantasies about what having sex with that woman would be like just because they hit on me, do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Why, exactly, do you spend so much time pontificating on the sexual side of a gay relationship? You seem particularly interested in male gay relationships, at that.

Some men think that larger women are the way to go. Others find it unappealing. Does that make the first type of guy disgusting?
Why, exactly, do you spend so much time pontificating on the sexual side of a gay relationship?

Because they do. Look at one of their disgusting gay pride parades and you'll get a clue as to what they are about.

You can love another man without wanting to bunghole him.
Men can be secure in their own sexuality whether it be straight, gay, zoophiliac or necrophiliac. I want to be secure that the guy isn't fucking an ass, dog or corpse.

Personally it doesn't bother me what they do as long as I don't have to pretend it's normal. Except for raping animals or children. Then they should get the death penalty.

I don't understand how you could claim that some of the men on here are comfortable in their own sexuality. I'm a woman who likes men. If another woman who likes women hits on me, that in no way affects my desire for men. I don't suddenly find myself sexually attracted to women instead. The fact that all of these "men" seem so desperately afraid of gay people, as though they think that being gay will somehow rub off on them if they're around it too much, makes me question how secure they are with their own sexuality.

No one is afraid. You don't understand rejection. Not accepting something isn't fear. It's just rejection. Homosexuality is abnormal. It is a sin. If someone believes that homosexuality is a sin they will not accept it as normal behavior and avoid it. It dies not have to be fear. Disgust might do just as well. No one has to be afraid they will become a necrophiliac to not find banging corpses normal.
do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Men don't hit on me. I don't have the "vibe" thank goodness.

Homophobia means fear of the homo......fear is not repulsion. Straight men are repulsed by bungholers. Not afraid.

Although I know you libs think you know it all and try and put words and feelings where they don't exist. It's just how you all swing.
do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Men don't hit on me. I don't have the "vibe" thank goodness.

Homophobia means fear of the homo......fear is not repulsion. Straight men are repulsed by bungholers. Not afraid.

Although I know you libs think you know it all and try and put words and feelings where they don't exist. It's just how you all swing.

Just so ya know, it's long been known those who identify as homophobes are the most arroused by gay pornography. More ya bash, more we all think you're a closet case. :)

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today
do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Men don't hit on me. I don't have the "vibe" thank goodness.

Homophobia means fear of the homo......fear is not repulsion. Straight men are repulsed by bungholers. Not afraid.

Although I know you libs think you know it all and try and put words and feelings where they don't exist. It's just how you all swing.

Just so ya know, it's long been known those who identify as homophobes are the most arroused by gay pornography. More ya bash, more we all think you're a closet case. :)

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

LOL! Think as you wish. Say what you wish. I get a kick out of watching your kind trying so desperately to tag somebody with your labels. :cuckoo:
My early years were spent in Phil Robertson's America. I'm happy to be in a very different America today.
My early years were spent in Phil Robertson's America. I'm happy to be in a very different America today.
Would that be the America that waits monthly for the gubernment check and food stamps?
In Phil Robertson's world? Yes. Phil said in that interview that "we were white trash". I was fortunate to be raised in a middle class family.
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