Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

So does this Phil Robertson's America include Jim Crowe laws? He sure seems to think blacks were better off then.

Do you keep your head buried in the sand often?
Let me remind again what Phil was talking about. Maybe I will be heard this time, even though Phil wasn't heard at all...except the part taken out of context.

Phil worked with blacks. Hoeing the same fields. He was in the same "class" as they were, which is why he called himself white trash. White trash and blacks were in a whole different social and economic area. They were considered "worthless". So, he didn't see atrocities against blacks and the blacks he hung out with didn't bother to tell him their experiences because they were all from the "wrong side of the proverbial tracks". But go ahead and twist it all around to suit your own agenda. You are entitled to lie if it floats your boat.

Meanwhile...one of Phils grandkids..I think...or is it one of his sons? Maybe a cousin? I forget.....anyway......is BLACK. Or rather, half black.

Now ignore that bit of info so you can continue your twisting.

Whites in the "same class" as blacks in the south? Yea right. Do right wingers really believe their own bullshit?

Are you dense? I don't know if I am a left or a right...but I know my history.
The whole point of "America" is that it's the same fucking one.

I want to live in the real America. The one that has both Phil Robertson and the guy in the onesie.

The guy in the onesie shouldn't be allowed to live in any healthy society, unless he is in a labor camp.
So does this Phil Robertson's America include Jim Crowe laws? He sure seems to think blacks were better off then.

If you read what he said you'll see that he didn't say that.

I disagree with his interpretation of the Bible as it pertains to today, but he didn't make any racist comments and he certainly didn't say that he agreed with Jim Crow laws. There's enough to the story without making shit up.
So does this Phil Robertson's America include Jim Crowe laws? He sure seems to think blacks were better off then.

Do you keep your head buried in the sand often?
Let me remind again what Phil was talking about. Maybe I will be heard this time, even though Phil wasn't heard at all...except the part taken out of context.

Phil worked with blacks. Hoeing the same fields. He was in the same "class" as they were, which is why he called himself white trash. White trash and blacks were in a whole different social and economic area. They were considered "worthless". So, he didn't see atrocities against blacks and the blacks he hung out with didn't bother to tell him their experiences because they were all from the "wrong side of the proverbial tracks". But go ahead and twist it all around to suit your own agenda. You are entitled to lie if it floats your boat.

Meanwhile...one of Phils grandkids..I think...or is it one of his sons? Maybe a cousin? I forget.....anyway......is BLACK. Or rather, half black.

Now ignore that bit of info so you can continue your twisting.

Whites in the "same class" as blacks in the south? Yea right. Do right wingers really believe their own bullshit?

Yes, there were poor whites, believe it or not, retard.
do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Men don't hit on me. I don't have the "vibe" thank goodness.

Homophobia means fear of the homo......fear is not repulsion. Straight men are repulsed by bungholers. Not afraid.

Although I know you libs think you know it all and try and put words and feelings where they don't exist. It's just how you all swing.

Just so ya know, it's long been known those who identify as homophobes are the most arroused by gay pornography. More ya bash, more we all think you're a closet case. :)

Homophobic Men Most Aroused by Gay Male Porn | Psychology Today

So does this Phil Robertson's America include Jim Crowe laws? He sure seems to think blacks were better off then.

Do you keep your head buried in the sand often?
Let me remind again what Phil was talking about. Maybe I will be heard this time, even though Phil wasn't heard at all...except the part taken out of context.

Phil worked with blacks. Hoeing the same fields. He was in the same "class" as they were, which is why he called himself white trash. White trash and blacks were in a whole different social and economic area. They were considered "worthless". So, he didn't see atrocities against blacks and the blacks he hung out with didn't bother to tell him their experiences because they were all from the "wrong side of the proverbial tracks". But go ahead and twist it all around to suit your own agenda. You are entitled to lie if it floats your boat.

Meanwhile...one of Phils grandkids..I think...or is it one of his sons? Maybe a cousin? I forget.....anyway......is BLACK. Or rather, half black.

Now ignore that bit of info so you can continue your twisting.

Whites in the "same class" as blacks in the south? Yea right. Do right wingers really believe their own bullshit?

Your dreams of how things were seem to conflict with reality. There are many white people who were on the same level as black people in the rural South. I'm sure you'll show us how educated you are on the subject and you'll use that great bastion of integration which is Chicago as an example.
You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

No, we want an America where we all try to travel the moral high road instead of the path that leads to moral decay, mediocrity and the acceptance, even preference, for the lowest common denominator.


And you think you get this from a 3000 year old book written by people who didn't know what a germ was or where the sun went at night?

You know what, 400 years ago, people cited that book when the accused women of witchcraft and burned them at the stake. It's right there in the bible! "Thou Shall Not Suffer a witch to Live!" Except today we know that there are no 'witches'. But thousands of women were burned alive for it.


Up until 150 years ago in this country, people owned slaves, and gosh darn, they cited the bible as a moral authority as to why they could own slaves. In fact, the bible even gives you detailed instructions on how to beat your slave.


Except today we know slavery was wrong, and what was being done was an attrocity.

So without citing "The Big Book of Judean Fairy Tales", do you really have an excuse for your homophobia that doesn't include describing how icky you find it?
I want the America where people minded their own business, worked hard for their families and kept their promises.
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

We want to live in an America where liberals like you don't have a foothold over discourse.

I'm sure you would.

You would rather live with relatives with no health coverage for your medical problems, unable to get a real job because no one is looking out for you, but dammit, those folks are totally right with Jesus, and that's the important thing.
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

And the America you want to revel in is a America where you tell school children that men fucking other men up the ass is all cutesie, fine and GAY... you sick mother fucker. I'll take the America where we don't LIE to kids and tell them that's OK, because it's SICK IN THE HEAD, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS, and it's an ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD.

Now go pound sand you homo coddling pervert lover.
I want the America where people minded their own business, worked hard for their families and kept their promises.

Which has what to do with this thread, exactly.

Pointing out that a premise forcing one to participate in the fallacy of a false dichotomy is flawed.

If we lived in the time where people minded their own business, worked hard for their families and kept their promises what the little fag boy in the PJs and the idiot red neck had to say wouldn't matter to anyone.

That's the America we should want. The one where people were smart enough not to care about stupid shit.
I want the America where people minded their own business, worked hard for their families and kept their promises.

Which has what to do with this thread, exactly.

Pointing out that a premise forcing one to participate in the fallacy of a false dichotomy is flawed.

If we lived in the time where people minded their own business, worked hard for their families and kept their promises what the little fag boy in the PJs and the idiot red neck had to say wouldn't matter to anyone.

That's the America we should want. The one where people were smart enough not to care about stupid shit.

I thought the poster was kind of stupid, unless it was just baiting the homophobic wingnuts, which really doesn't help matters much.

That said, the idea, that we all need to understand how the new laws work, isn't really a bad one. Because I hear so much ignorance about the ACA on this very board, and these are people who are paying attention.
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

And the America you want to revel in is a America where you tell school children that men fucking other men up the ass is all cutesie, fine and GAY... you sick mother fucker. I'll take the America where we don't LIE to kids and tell them that's OK, because it's SICK IN THE HEAD, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS, and it's an ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD.

Now go pound sand you homo coddling pervert lover.

Real world. People are gay.

Thumping the bible and preaching morality isn't going to make them stop being gay.

Frankly, if God considers homosexuality an abomination, why does he make some people gay to start with?

Either he's truly a sadistic fuck
He really doesn't have a problem with gays.
There is no God.

I'm going with the third option.

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