Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

And the America you want to revel in is a America where you tell school children that men fucking other men up the ass is all cutesie, fine and GAY... you sick mother fucker. I'll take the America where we don't LIE to kids and tell them that's OK, because it's SICK IN THE HEAD, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS, and it's an ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD.

Now go pound sand you homo coddling pervert lover.

Merry Christmas!:eusa_angel:
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

And the America you want to revel in is a America where you tell school children that men fucking other men up the ass is all cutesie, fine and GAY... you sick mother fucker. I'll take the America where we don't LIE to kids and tell them that's OK, because it's SICK IN THE HEAD, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS, and it's an ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD.

Now go pound sand you homo coddling pervert lover.

Merry Christmas!:eusa_angel:

007 needs all the compassion he can get.
If you had a choice between being Gay or Muslim which would you choose and why?

The government mandates one or the other.

Which would you choose?

I never chose my sexual orientation, and I am not worshipping a vengeful God that is so full of hate.
This is the very reason Robertson's comments are censured: because he lacks respect for other human beings. If they don't think or live like him, they are not worthy of respect, in his opinion. People who don't respect others don't deserve any.

All he said was that homosexuality is a sin. Too bad if your gay skin is so thin you can't tolerate that.

A Christian Nation

Are we really a Christian nation?
If so, what’s the big deal? Homosexuality is a sin. Period.
Love the sinner hate the sin. I know people that have lied, cheated, had affairs on their spouses, dis-respected their parents. Taken the name of GOD in vain. I am one of those people. I sin, but I ask for forgivness.
All Phil Robertson did is point out the obvious.
I’m sorry, but no matter how much you whine, cry and say I am a homophobe, it’s just not true. You are a sinner. That’s not to say I don’t like you, it’s not to say I’m better than you. I’m just saying I won’t sit back and let you tell me what you are doing is right anymore than I would let someone steal, lie or cheat and tell me it’s not wrong.
Society has had a problem for a very long time, that problem? Society wants to redefine Right and Wrong whenever it gets in the way…Rationalization
Science use a “base line” when they do experiments. They have this base line so that they can start at zero then they can record their findings. The baseline is an absolute.
Right and wrong is an absolute. Lets face it most people don’t like that. They don’t like someone telling them what they are doing is wrong. People create groups, get political, and throw people under the bus so they don’t have to face what they are doing as wrong… They have an agenda, they make you afraid to talk. Political Correctness or Political Castration.
Without an absolute there is anarchy… and that is what they want.

Read more at A Christian Nation
This is the very reason Robertson's comments are censured: because he lacks respect for other human beings. If they don't think or live like him, they are not worthy of respect, in his opinion. People who don't respect others don't deserve any.

All he said was that homosexuality is a sin. Too bad if your gay skin is so thin you can't tolerate that.

All Homophobic Arguments can be boiled down to two illogical premises...

First, that God says it’s wrong. Well, first, I don't really think the Abrahamic God, made up by Bronze Age savages who didn't know where the sun went at night, actually exists. But even if you do believe that, the "God" of the bible says a lot of things are wrong- Usury, divorce, eating shrimp and pork, working on the Sabbath, cutting your hair, not being a virgin on your wedding night for the ladies, not getting a circumcision for the dudes, etc. We aren't basing any of our laws on the failure to obey THOSE rules. But that rule on gays, that rule is just iron-clad! (You know, unlike that rule about witches, who never actually existed.)

In short, a lot of stuff God said not to do is not only tolerated but celebrated by the Christian right. Just ask Rush Limbaugh.

The second argument consists of screaming about how icky anal sex is. In fact, these guys find anal sex sooooo Icky that they just can't stop talking about it, describing it in graphic ways that would make bad slash-fiction under normal circumstances. Oddly, they never seem to focus on the mechanics of lesbian sex, even though there are in fact more lesbians than gay men. Nor does it bother them that 38% of straight men engage in anal sex with their female partners.

Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?
Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?

Only in your mind. The only time I personally talk about it is when the subject is forced upon us.

You shift the conversation to queers and then wonder why we talk about them?

Pretty ignorant if you ask me.
Whites in the "same class" as blacks in the south? Yea right. Do right wingers really believe their own bullshit?

Yes, there were poor whites, believe it or not, retard.

Did many poor whites get lynched for looking at anyone? Ever hear of a white teenager being butchered by group of cowardly klansmen?

Yeah, they were the same class as long as the blacks behaved.

You don't know what class means, it defines income, now go sit in the corner son.

BTW, the Klan had more balls than you ever will, lol.
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I want the America where people don't constantly indulge in childish, adolescent name calling. Why is it that Republicans are so eager to sneer and use adolescent name calling? It certainly makes them tiresome and people who deserve no respect themselves.

One person in your OP question has a name, the other is called a name, and we are supposed to respond to your question respectfully? :eusa_hand:

This is the very reason Robertson's comments are censured: because he lacks respect for other human beings. If they don't think or live like him, they are not worthy of respect, in his opinion. People who don't respect others don't deserve any.

I get it you selectively read certain post here.

And I get that you think that if gays would just hide they would not exist.

If you could just get all gays to stop being who they are and go back to the self-loathing and fearful lives they had before, somehow things would be more moral.

I get that you feel perfectly fine projecting all sorts of nonsense on a simple ad for Obamacare, but rant against those who take what Phil said seriously.

I get that you think if you can't see it it must not exist.

Let's not deflec the point that Esmeralda is selective in what he reads and wants to cry fowl about.
As for me I wished they lived on an island to themselves they would die out soon enough.
At least I'm honest about my bigotry, unlike some.
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The powers at be prefer pj fag-boy, he is no threat to their power, where as if enough conservative southern dudes with guns got pissed off, real shit could go down.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

I cannot imagine how homo-sex would smell! I guess I'm "homophobic" that way.
...Speak about something "rubbing off"...eeewwwww!

Seems to me you've already imagined it. Quite extensively apparently.
The powers at be prefer pj fag-boy, he is no threat to their power, where as if enough conservative southern dudes with guns got pissed off, real shit could go down.

Yes, they all want us to emulate PJ boy. Wimpy sissies, beholden to the great benefactor obama.

The conservative southern dudes with guns ARE ALREADY pissed off.

50% of the country is pissed off. The other 50% is too busy sucking on the gubernment teat to do much when the SHTF.

That's why obama will use the UN troops to force himself on the Nation as its first dictator. All he needs is a red flag "emergency" to declare martial law.

He'll never leave office if he can get away with it.
The powers at be prefer pj fag-boy, he is no threat to their power, where as if enough conservative southern dudes with guns got pissed off, real shit could go down.

Yes, they all want us to emulate PJ boy. Wimpy sissies, beholden to the great benefactor obama.

The conservative southern dudes with guns ARE ALREADY pissed off.

50% of the country is pissed off. The other 50% is too busy sucking on the gubernment teat to do much when the SHTF.

That's why obama will use the UN troops to force himself on the Nation as its first dictator. All he needs is a red flag "emergency" to declare martial law.

He'll never leave office if he can get away with it.

At first I thought that picture with PJ Boy was a joke. I honestly thought some Republican was making fun of Obama supporters.

While they are certainly making themselves look bad in the ad(to normal people), I guess they figure the country is far gone enough where they can advertise this as the norm and condition more weak minds to the mindset and looks of pj boy.
Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?

Only in your mind. The only time I personally talk about it is when the subject is forced upon us.

You shift the conversation to queers and then wonder why we talk about them?

Pretty ignorant if you ask me.

Oh, so true. The ignorant librul lamestream media forced the redneck to comment about gays. We must stand for America against the commie queers.

Straight, white male Christians are the true oppressed class in the country today. When will the oppression stop?
Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?

Only in your mind. The only time I personally talk about it is when the subject is forced upon us.

You shift the conversation to queers and then wonder why we talk about them?

Pretty ignorant if you ask me.

A couple of points here.

When you guys talk about gays, you immediately start talking about the anal sex.

Completely forget that the majority of gays - namely lesbians - don't have anal sex. But you all immediately go to that, like apparently you must think the gay dudes do nothing but have sex all day.

Secondly, you are right, this is a non-issue. The real issue is how the 1%ers are able to routinely screw us (pun intended) with lower wages and more schemes to rip us off.

But boy-oh-boy, they just send out Robertson out there to talk about how the vagina is better than the anus, and you guys lap that right up.
Phil was asked his opinion, he gave it, A&E caved to the queers and now will pay the price for their lack of farsightedness and knee jerk reaction for fear of the tiny tiny gay bloc.

Conservatives tried many time to get the demonrats to talk about things like real job creation but they would have none of it. All they wanted was to cram this obamacare fiasco down our throats, redistribute the wealth to their voting bloc at the expense of liberty, justice and truth.

This Phil episode isn't any kind of distraction to conservatives....we're well aware of what the liberals are doing in all aspects of our daily lives. Namely RUINING them.
Phil was asked his opinion, he gave it, A&E caved to the queers and now will pay the price for their lack of farsightedness and knee jerk reaction for fear of the tiny tiny gay bloc.

Conservatives tried many time to get the demonrats to talk about things like real job creation but they would have none of it. All they wanted was to cram this obamacare fiasco down our throats, redistribute the wealth to their voting bloc at the expense of liberty, justice and truth.

This Phil episode isn't any kind of distraction to conservatives....we're well aware of what the liberals are doing in all aspects of our daily lives. Namely RUINING them.

Oh, you tried to sell the snake oil of supply side and free trade as "Job Creation", but no one is really buying it anymore, that's kind of your problem.

Tell me, what's more likely to ruin your life.

Your gay neighbor getting married


the Big Corporation you work for shipping your job to China and cancelling your health insurance.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

Yet another thing about homophobia that I find fascinating. If a gay woman hits on me, I'm no more or less repulsed than a man hitting on me who I'm not attracted to. I tell them I'm not interested and it's done with. It's just a person hitting on me that I'm not sexually attracted to, why is the fact that it's a woman instead of a man supposed to disgust me more? I don't start having fantasies about what having sex with that woman would be like just because they hit on me, do you start fantasizing about sex with men when/if they hit on you?

Why, exactly, do you spend so much time pontificating on the sexual side of a gay relationship? You seem particularly interested in male gay relationships, at that.

Some men think that larger women are the way to go. Others find it unappealing. Does that make the first type of guy disgusting?

What leads you to believe this person spends a significant amount of time "pontificating on the sexual side of a gay relationship?"

I always find it odd that anyone who discusses this topic immediately gets knee-jerk responses like, "why do you obsess...." and "why is this such a big problem for you..."

Can we not debate the point on the merits without getting into character assassination idiocy?

Just look at his posting history. Nearly every time he comments on gay people he makes a remarks about gay sex or sexualizes the gay relationship in general. LRH in particular seems to have issues with that, based on posts I've seen on this board. I think it's a point worth bringing up. He does not seem to believe that gay people are capable of having relationships that aren't based solely on sex, and specifically he seems to equate all gay relationships with gay male sex.
This is the very reason Robertson's comments are censured: because he lacks respect for other human beings. If they don't think or live like him, they are not worthy of respect, in his opinion. People who don't respect others don't deserve any.

All he said was that homosexuality is a sin. Too bad if your gay skin is so thin you can't tolerate that.

I'm gay? LOL Just because someone doesn't think the way you do, that means they're gay? How pathetic your little mind is, your narrow view of reality.

Funny, on this message board, I've been told I'm black, I'm gay, I'm European, and I'm Muslim. Hilarious. I'm a white, heterosexual, female American, born and raised in the good old USofA and non-religious. You folks are funny.

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