Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Your brother and partner of 25 years! I always knew that gays were in on the incest bit.
Neither. I want the one where everyone shuts the fuck up and quits whining like little bitches.
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

And the America you want to revel in is a America where you tell school children that men fucking other men up the ass is all cutesie, fine and GAY... you sick mother fucker. I'll take the America where we don't LIE to kids and tell them that's OK, because it's SICK IN THE HEAD, it's a MENTAL ILLNESS, and it's an ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD.

Now go pound sand you homo coddling pervert lover.

I'm guessing Joe also prefers an America where boys (or girls) can simply declare themselves something they are not, just to gain access to the facilities used by girls (or boys) for their most intimate and personal functions. The original plumbing, and only that, should determine which facilities children should visit when needed.
And I don't want either one of them telling me I have to pay for their lifestyle.

I say turn the gays over to the islamists and deal with the islamists later. The left is so hot to trot to have islam mainstreamed here, I say let them have their wish.

Talk about honor killings. Just wait till little mohammed wants to run off with johnny.

The islams will butcher them like cattle.
Like most Christian fundamentalists, Robertson is a throwback to the ignorance and bigotry of the days when men clubbed their women and drug them around. Like teabaggers, he's merely indicative of the scum of our society and not civilized America.
Like most Christian fundamentalists, Robertson is a throwback to the ignorance and bigotry of the days when men clubbed their women and drug them around. Like teabaggers, he's merely indicative of the scum of our society and not civilized America.

You premise is totally false. Robertson hasn't said anything that is bigoted and one thing is for sure..............as a successful businessman in the corporate world for the past 40 years, he is not scum.
And I don't want either one of them telling me I have to pay for their lifestyle.

I say turn the gays over to the islamists and deal with the islamists later. The left is so hot to trot to have islam mainstreamed here, I say let them have their wish.

Talk about honor killings. Just wait till little mohammed wants to run off with johnny.

The islams will butcher them like cattle.

It never ceases to amaze that on one hand, lefties want everything homosexual to be legit, and on the other hand, they want to grant muslims carte blanche permission to just "be themselves" and practice their religion in "peace". And then they can't knock themselves out fast enough when it comes to muzzling christians.
Like most Christian fundamentalists, Robertson is a throwback to the ignorance and bigotry of the days when men clubbed their women and drug them around. Like teabaggers, he's merely indicative of the scum of our society and not civilized America.

You premise is totally false. Robertson hasn't said anything that is bigoted and one thing is for sure..............as a successful businessman in the corporate world for the past 40 years, he is not scum.

You miss the liberal definition of scum. Scum is a man married to the same woman for 50 years and whose children have never been arrested. There is nothing worse to a liberal.
Like most Christian fundamentalists, Robertson is a throwback to the ignorance and bigotry of the days when men clubbed their women and drug them around. Like teabaggers, he's merely indicative of the scum of our society and not civilized America.

You premise is totally false. Robertson hasn't said anything that is bigoted and one thing is for sure..............as a successful businessman in the corporate world for the past 40 years, he is not scum.

You miss the liberal definition of scum. Scum is a man married to the same woman for 50 years and whose children have never been arrested. There is nothing worse to a liberal.

Sorry, hon. My idea of scum is a loser drunken ex-criminal who "dated" a 14 year old child and married her at 16. Which is what your hero Robertson is.
You premise is totally false. Robertson hasn't said anything that is bigoted and one thing is for sure..............as a successful businessman in the corporate world for the past 40 years, he is not scum.

You miss the liberal definition of scum. Scum is a man married to the same woman for 50 years and whose children have never been arrested. There is nothing worse to a liberal.

Sorry, hon. My idea of scum is a loser drunken ex-criminal who "dated" a 14 year old child and married her at 16. Which is what your hero Robertson is.

Didn't Elvis meet Priscilla when she was 14?
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Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

I've got the perfect compromise. The left loses the gay and the right agrees to universal healthcare. We all get to have healthcare and we get to lose the pajama boys.

Win-win. :D
You miss the liberal definition of scum. Scum is a man married to the same woman for 50 years and whose children have never been arrested. There is nothing worse to a liberal.

Sorry, hon. My idea of scum is a loser drunken ex-criminal who "dated" a 14 year old child and married her at 16. Which is what your hero Robertson is.

Didn't Elvis meet Priscilla when she was 14?

So what? Is Elvis a right wing hero?
Just about every time I stand up for gay rights I essentially get attacked for being a gay man. I'm a straight woman.

Fuckin' stereotypes, how do they work?!

Have you considered that your screen name is a bit misleading?

Of course it is, I've acknowledged that to people on here in the past. Doesn't make it any less absurd that they assume I must be gay or a gay man if I stand up for gay rights.

Why would you choose a misleading screen name and then complain when people get the wrong idea?
My handle has to do with my name. I didn't purposely choose it so that people on here would assume I was a gay guy.

And I didn't choose to have the subject of gay men the topic of the week either.

There are certain truths about the gay agenda.

1) They bully all that disagree with them.
2) They flaunt their sexual perversions in front of all, even children.
3) They bunghole each other.

Considering the magnitude of their agenda, of course I speak out against it. I realize that all you gays and supporters of the gay perverted lifestyle want people like me to shaddup, but that won't be happening.

In fact, we're just getting this rodeo going.

Yippee ki yay MF.

Lesbians "bunghole" each other?

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