Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Have you considered that your screen name is a bit misleading?

Of course it is, I've acknowledged that to people on here in the past. Doesn't make it any less absurd that they assume I must be gay or a gay man if I stand up for gay rights.

Why would you choose a misleading screen name and then complain when people get the wrong idea?

Because I didn't choose it to be misleading and it's not my problem if homophobic scumbags get the wrong idea?
Of course it is, I've acknowledged that to people on here in the past. Doesn't make it any less absurd that they assume I must be gay or a gay man if I stand up for gay rights.

Why would you choose a misleading screen name and then complain when people get the wrong idea?

Because I didn't choose it to be misleading and it's not my problem if homophobic scumbags get the wrong idea?

It sure smells like you enjoy it being misleading so you have the 'opportunity' to be outraged.


  • $leno.jpg
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Lesbians "bunghole" each other?

Probably. Usually the term gay indicate males whereas lesbian indicates females.

Thus LGBT. Are you really that stupid?

Yeah, I'm aware of what LGBT means. I also know that many lesbians refer to themselves as gay. Hence "gay marriage" not "lesbian marriage". But keep demonstrating your rank general ignorance about gay people, you're only making yourself look like an idiot.
Yeah, who wants to live in a society where we have equality and we make sure the sick have proper medical coverage.

You guys want to live in an America where you can revel in your homophobia, ignorance and superstition....

By your standard of equality, the homophobic, ignorant, and superstitious shouldn't be able to reveal their "homophobia, ignorance and superstitions." You call this equality. The problem you truly have is that when every one is truly free to express their minds, conservative Alpha mentality beats out liberal beta mentality every time. That's why we have the PC police; so that when Alphas speak their minds the betas can have a shot at tearing them down through faux victimhood.

This is what America is turning in to. Get used to it.

Wow, a bunch of well dressed people who seem to have fully adopted Western Culture. The day our country looks like that I will be joyous! In the maen time I assure you that the student body of the university you got that picture from doesn't exactly look like your picture.
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