Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Now, picture if you can, meeting a "Meat is Murder" vegetarian who just can't stop talking about grilled steaks, cooked to perfection, smothered in onions and mushrooms with the juices flowing out, smacking his lips when he says the words. That pretty much gives you the right image of these Ted Haggard types who can't stop talking about anal sex, doesn't it?

Only in your mind. The only time I personally talk about it is when the subject is forced upon us.

You shift the conversation to queers and then wonder why we talk about them?

Pretty ignorant if you ask me.

A couple of points here.

When you guys talk about gays, you immediately start talking about the anal sex.

Completely forget that the majority of gays - namely lesbians - don't have anal sex. But you all immediately go to that, like apparently you must think the gay dudes do nothing but have sex all day.

Secondly, you are right, this is a non-issue. The real issue is how the 1%ers are able to routinely screw us (pun intended) with lower wages and more schemes to rip us off.

But boy-oh-boy, they just send out Robertson out there to talk about how the vagina is better than the anus, and you guys lap that right up.

Well go get you some anus and shut up about it. I'll stick with the vagina.
Like most Christian fundamentalists, Robertson is a throwback to the ignorance and bigotry of the days when men clubbed their women and drug them around. Like teabaggers, he's merely indicative of the scum of our society and not civilized America.

You premise is totally false. Robertson hasn't said anything that is bigoted and one thing is for sure..............as a successful businessman in the corporate world for the past 40 years, he is not scum.

You miss the liberal definition of scum. Scum is a man married to the same woman for 50 years and whose children have never been arrested. There is nothing worse to a liberal.

Also if their kids are straight, they are racist rednecks.

This is what America is turning in to. Get used to it.

Where is pajama boy?
LOL Not everyone thought that way, not by a long shot. :cuckoo::lol::lol:

Yea, he certainly doesn't embody the New American

He is White
Married foreign women

That is three strikes against him in the new America. He represents a dwindling minority these days.
Is marrying foreign women a Right Wing asset?

Foreign women, women who are still women. Every woman and "feminist" I know hates it if you bring up marrying a woman from Latin America like John Wayne did, or East Europe, or Southeast Asia. He is a sexist or rapist that can't handle a "real, strong, independent womyn".
Only in your mind. The only time I personally talk about it is when the subject is forced upon us.

You shift the conversation to queers and then wonder why we talk about them?

Pretty ignorant if you ask me.

A couple of points here.

When you guys talk about gays, you immediately start talking about the anal sex.

Completely forget that the majority of gays - namely lesbians - don't have anal sex. But you all immediately go to that, like apparently you must think the gay dudes do nothing but have sex all day.

Secondly, you are right, this is a non-issue. The real issue is how the 1%ers are able to routinely screw us (pun intended) with lower wages and more schemes to rip us off.

But boy-oh-boy, they just send out Robertson out there to talk about how the vagina is better than the anus, and you guys lap that right up.

Well go get you some anus and shut up about it. I'll stick with the vagina.

Joe considers it better to 'receive' than to 'give'. He's such a whiny PMS type, he's gotta be a 'bottom'.
"Firepower on how Mass Media machine is losing it's soft power, losing it's influence over the culture: Half the country may have already tuned Pajama Boy nation out. Millions more or less don’t watch TV other than older movies and a few episodes of some serial like The Sopranos or Breaking Bad. Most expect just three things of today’s Hollywood celebrities: they are mostly spoiled and uneducated; they are very rich; and in their boredom they will find a way to annoy those without their money. We also find the grating nasal-twanged voices of our young talking heads on the news shows a tip-off that all their over-clever rhetoric is never grounded in reality. We have no idea whom MTV is awarding, or why, and couldn’t care less. We are sick of slick slightly pornographic commercials, and sicker still of the crude left-wing Victorians who push sex down our throats, but can’t handle a caricatured hick talking just as graphically as they do — but about sodomy in a way they don’t appreciate. Which is the cruder: to see a three-quarters naked Miley Cyrus on national television stick a huge foam finger toward the anus of one of her performers or to read that a bearded reality star in overalls finds vaginal sex preferable to anal sex — and then tells us why? Most don’t watch Oprah. Rap is a sort of occasional bothersome grate overheard at the service station or parking lot. No one goes to the movies to watch another tired Hollywood script of a courageous liberal maverick who fights the cancer-causing, stream-polluting, CIA-intriguing [fill in the blanks] corporation — as the actor is paid millions by the corporation producing the movie for his few hours of mediocre work. Company men and women don’t play renegades well anymore."

Pajama Boy Nation | Mindweapons in Ragnarok
"The great mystery of America today is ……how many of us have joined Pajama Boy nation — 20%, 40%, 60%? — and how many want nothing to do with such metrosexual visions of a huge state run by a nerdocracy, incompetently doling out other people’s money. How many were on board for Obamacare, more entitlements, and lectures from the apartheid elite on inequality and fairness, versus how many turn the channel at sound of His voice."
Pajama Boy Nation | Eradica
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


IF I really had to choose, then obviously I would not choose the ignernt, trailer trash Robertson hate.

But, you screwy rw's just have to face facts. This is still the United States and there's plenty of room for both.

Gosh, come to think of it, its guaranteed in the Constitution you all hate so much.

Frikken deal with it already.

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