Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

It's still bullshit.

No, it's totally true.


No it isn't. Liberals don't censor for one thing. However a private employer does have a right to protect its investment through suspension, firing, etc. But that's still not censoring.


Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Neither. I don't want anything reflective of those media personalities. My country is my space that I control, and I will create this tiny country of mine after what I want and like.
Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Neither. I don't want anything reflective of those media personalities. My country is my space that I control, and I will create this tiny country of mine after what I want and like.

Is this "pajama boy" a real entity then? I haven't figured out what he was talking about.
Liberals don't censor? OH yeah they certainly supported Robertson's rights to express his beliefs.
Did A&E violate his First Amendment rights? Well, no, but they would love to make expressing views they disagree with a "hate crime".

No of course liberals don't censor. Liberals created the First Amendment and the concept that all men are created equal. The Liberal philosophy is that gummint get out da way.

I don't know anything about A&E and "hate crimes" but they're a private employer. This was never a First Amendment issue, because A&E is not the government.
Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Neither. I don't want anything reflective of those media personalities. My country is my space that I control, and I will create this tiny country of mine after what I want and like.

Is this "pajama boy" a real entity then? I haven't figured out what he was talking about.

Yes, he is real. And an active, participating member of OFA. Like most of the libs on this board.


Photo of SS America wreck off the Canary Islands. Real
Liberals don't censor? OH yeah they certainly supported Robertson's rights to express his beliefs.
Did A&E violate his First Amendment rights? Well, no, but they would love to make expressing views they disagree with a "hate crime".

No of course liberals don't censor. Liberals created the First Amendment and the concept that all men are created equal. The Liberal philosophy is that gummint get out da way.

I don't know anything about A&E and "hate crimes" but they're a private employer. This was never a First Amendment issue, because A&E is not the government.

Yeah and somewhere in the mid 60's they abandoned that concept and the pigs became a bit more equal. These days, the only free speech Libs believe in is their own. Dissenting points of view are ridiculed in the press and the employers of those expressing those views are pressured to conform to their politically correct world view.

The men who created the 1st Amendment were, I suppose the Liberals of their day, but those men wouldn't piss on the head of a present day Progressive if his hair was on fire.
I should have been clearer re. A&E and hate crimes. The word "they" should have referred to Liberals, not a cable TV network.
Neither. I don't want anything reflective of those media personalities. My country is my space that I control, and I will create this tiny country of mine after what I want and like.

Is this "pajama boy" a real entity then? I haven't figured out what he was talking about.

Yes, he is real. And an active, participating member of OFA. Like most of the libs on this board.


Photo of SS America wreck off the Canary Islands. Real

Okay... care to share what "OFA" is?
Liberals don't censor? OH yeah they certainly supported Robertson's rights to express his beliefs.
Did A&E violate his First Amendment rights? Well, no, but they would love to make expressing views they disagree with a "hate crime".

No of course liberals don't censor. Liberals created the First Amendment and the concept that all men are created equal. The Liberal philosophy is that gummint get out da way.

I don't know anything about A&E and "hate crimes" but they're a private employer. This was never a First Amendment issue, because A&E is not the government.

Yeah and somewhere in the mid 60's they abandoned that concept and the pigs became a bit more equal. These days, the only free speech Libs believe in is their own. Dissenting points of view are ridiculed in the press and the employers of those expressing those views are pressured to conform to their politically correct world view.

The men who created the 1st Amendment were, I suppose the Liberals of their day, but those men wouldn't piss on the head of a present day Progressive if his hair was on fire.
I should have been clearer re. A&E and hate crimes. The word "they" should have referred to Liberals, not a cable TV network.

No, I don't know any liberals who believe in censoring. I know some lefties and righties who do but not Liberals. "Progressives" is a term that means nothing to me. At least not since the 1970s, and even then it was a music term. Who are the "pigs"?
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No of course liberals don't censor. Liberals created the First Amendment and the concept that all men are created equal. The Liberal philosophy is that gummint get out da way.

I don't know anything about A&E and "hate crimes" but they're a private employer. This was never a First Amendment issue, because A&E is not the government.

Yeah and somewhere in the mid 60's they abandoned that concept and the pigs became a bit more equal. These days, the only free speech Libs believe in is their own. Dissenting points of view are ridiculed in the press and the employers of those expressing those views are pressured to conform to their politically correct world view.

The men who created the 1st Amendment were, I suppose the Liberals of their day, but those men wouldn't piss on the head of a present day Progressive if his hair was on fire.
I should have been clearer re. A&E and hate crimes. The word "they" should have referred to Liberals, not a cable TV network.

No, I don't know any liberals who believe in censoring. I know some lefties and righties who do but not Liberals. "Progressives" is a term that means nothing to me. At least not since the 1970s, and even then it was a music term. Who are the "pigs"?

Read Orwell.
No of course liberals don't censor. Liberals created the First Amendment and the concept that all men are created equal. The Liberal philosophy is that gummint get out da way.

I don't know anything about A&E and "hate crimes" but they're a private employer. This was never a First Amendment issue, because A&E is not the government.

Yeah and somewhere in the mid 60's they abandoned that concept and the pigs became a bit more equal. These days, the only free speech Libs believe in is their own. Dissenting points of view are ridiculed in the press and the employers of those expressing those views are pressured to conform to their politically correct world view.

The men who created the 1st Amendment were, I suppose the Liberals of their day, but those men wouldn't piss on the head of a present day Progressive if his hair was on fire.
I should have been clearer re. A&E and hate crimes. The word "they" should have referred to Liberals, not a cable TV network.

No, I don't know any liberals who believe in censoring. I know some lefties and righties who do but not Liberals. "Progressives" is a term that means nothing to me. At least not since the 1970s, and even then it was a music term. Who are the "pigs"?

And they supported A+E firing Phil? then they endorse censorship by employers.

If someone said things that the rest of America saw as morally wrong and scandalous, then sure fire the guy, but quoting chapter 1 of Romans is neither. It merely pissed off the libtards.

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