Which America Would You Like? : Pajama Boys America or Phil Robertson's America

Okay... care to share what "OFA" is?

Organizing For Action

Yup, Wingnuts really think there are groups that pay people to post on message boards to dispute their crazy right wing nuttiness.

No, seriously, they think this is a real thing.

So that's what OFA is in the Bubbleman comic book? :dunno:

They still haven't explained this Pajama Boy character. I always figured that was just Welfare Queen's picture. I'll assume it is.

I'm aware that the OP has created threads recently actually using the words "sodomites" and "negroes" so I'll assume this could be a character from some 3000 year old religious wackadoo screed. :dunno:
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Organizing For Action

Yup, Wingnuts really think there are groups that pay people to post on message boards to dispute their crazy right wing nuttiness.

No, seriously, they think this is a real thing.

So that's what OFA is in the Bubbleman comic book? :dunno:

They still haven't explained this Pajama Boy character. I always figured that was just Welfare Queen's picture. I'll assume it is.

I'm aware that the OP has created threads recently actually using the words "sodomites" and "negroes" so I'll assume this could be a character from some 3000 year old religious wackadoo screed. :dunno:

Yeah, Dr. know it all, maybe you should write to the American Negro College Fund and essplain to them why they are racist for using the word negro.

You libtards are such fucking fools it staggers the imagination.
Organizing For Action

Yup, Wingnuts really think there are groups that pay people to post on message boards to dispute their crazy right wing nuttiness.

No, seriously, they think this is a real thing.

Which would be consistent with crazy rightwing nuttiness.

Lol, it is well documented and I have started threads about the topic with links to said sites.

But if it doesn't fit into your idea of what should be then it cant be reality, so it cant be real, right?

I will have to label myself the pro-phil way.
I love my country, I love that I used to be mostly free, what I absolutely hate is big gov thinking they have the right to decide whats best for me or how I should live my life.
No thanks to that crap, if I wanted to live under communist rule I would move to china, where you have to ask to have a baby or some other place that is draconian in nature, of course we are not far from that now.
Don't tread on me or on my rights, lest you will have a war on your hands sooner rather than later.

I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


Isn't it odd that you believe there is only those two choices.
I would want to live in Phil's America where good wholesome Christian family traditions are upheld so America can thrive as a society that our founders wanted. In Phil's America, your right to free speech and the right to bear arms is encouraged. In Phil's America, many Americans learn to survive off the land by learning conservation, hunting and fishing in order to put healthy food on the table for your family. In Phil's America, you make yourself by your own doing and not living off other people who work for a living to make ends meet. In Phil's America, you love your country, it's military and you embrace patriotism. And lastly, in Phil's America, you believe in traditional marriage..........marriage between one man and one woman.

Now when it comes to Pajama Boy's America, there is not much to say except that it will be catastrophic for America as it's slowly becoming under Obama. In Pajama Boy's America, men are being feminized at a rapid rate and our children at a young age are being taught that being gay is ok in grade school. In Pajama Boy's America, marriage is between same-sex couples which rips the fabric and moral values from our nation that our founders intended for our citizens. In Pajama Boy's America, political correctness dictates your life or else you will be vilified and financially ruined if you don't fall in with the minority. In Pajama Boy's America, you are called a racist is you criticize any policy of the putative negro president. In Pajama Boys America, you are required to embrace diversity and illegal immigration and if you don't.............you are a racist. In Pajama Boy's America, you embrace infanticide. And lastly, in Pajama Boys America, they want to take your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights from you. So who's America would you want to live in?


Isn't it odd that you believe there is only those two choices.

Where did he say those are the only two choices, liar?
Beards are a small price to pay for eliminating metrosexuals.

I grow a beard every winter to keep my face warm, then shave it off in the spring.

I think I just might let it keep growing now.

Beards don't keep your face warm...but they may hide frostbite.......

Spoken like a person who has apparently never had a beard in cold weather and a clean shaven face as well.

Bears most certainly do help to keep your face warm by cutting down on the wind shear across your face which lowers your skin temperature.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

I love how straight men seem to think they will get hit on...as if anyone would want to.
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

I love how straight men seem to think they will get hit on...as if anyone would want to.

So you think no one would want to hit on straight men?

Why do you have this hatred of straight men, bitch?
I grow a beard every winter to keep my face warm, then shave it off in the spring.

I think I just might let it keep growing now.

Beards don't keep your face warm...but they may hide frostbite.......

Spoken like a person who has apparently never had a beard in cold weather and a clean shaven face as well.

Bears most certainly do help to keep your face warm by cutting down on the wind shear across your face which lowers your skin temperature.

Well, considering that I spent a few seasons at McMurdo Station back in the 80s and the guys were advised by the flight surgeons and the arctic specialists to watch out if they grew a beard down there.

But of course, you know better than them.....:D
Mack, mack, mack....when a gay man hits on a straight man, trust me, the straight guy doesn't start wondering if he himself might be gay, he feels the natural urge of repulsion.

Your deep speculation into the true sexual preferences of straight men, while laudable, are still quite laughable.

A few men think that some hairy bunghole is the way to go. Real men find it disgusting.

I love how straight men seem to think they will get hit on...as if anyone would want to.

So you think no one would want to hit on straight men?

Why do you have this hatred of straight men, bitch?

I don't....but I DO laugh at all the worry by straight men who think they are irresistable to gay men. I bet you are one of them, eh?
Beards don't keep your face warm...but they may hide frostbite.......

Spoken like a person who has apparently never had a beard in cold weather and a clean shaven face as well.

Bears most certainly do help to keep your face warm by cutting down on the wind shear across your face which lowers your skin temperature.

Well, considering that I spent a few seasons at McMurdo Station back in the 80s and the guys were advised by the flight surgeons and the arctic specialists to watch out if they grew a beard down there.

But of course, you know better than them.....:D

Lol, you hear on authority that a person needed to be careful of getting frostbit if they had a beard, which I am guessing is your intended meaning.

While anyone with any experience going with clean shaven skin exposed to contact with open air knows that it helps the skin stay cooler. A beard can make the skin warmer and at the same exact time make it more difficult to spot frost bite, genius.
Spoken like a person who has apparently never had a beard in cold weather and a clean shaven face as well.

Bears most certainly do help to keep your face warm by cutting down on the wind shear across your face which lowers your skin temperature.

Well, considering that I spent a few seasons at McMurdo Station back in the 80s and the guys were advised by the flight surgeons and the arctic specialists to watch out if they grew a beard down there.

But of course, you know better than them.....:D

Lol, you hear on authority that a person needed to be careful of getting frostbit if they had a beard, which I am guessing is your intended meaning.

While anyone with any experience going with clean shaven skin exposed to contact with open air knows that it helps the skin stay cooler. A beard can make the skin warmer and at the same exact time make it more difficult to spot frost bite, genius.
Of course, in your case, it can hide a multitude of facial defects. :D
I love how straight men seem to think they will get hit on...as if anyone would want to.

So you think no one would want to hit on straight men?

Why do you have this hatred of straight men, bitch?

I don't....but I DO laugh at all the worry by straight men who think they are irresistable to gay men.

A lot of gay men are, frankly, indiscriminate. I have had gay men hit on me, one even followed me from one store to another with the spoken intent to help me shop for some items I was having difficulty finding.

I found his obvious desperation to be amusing and kind of pathetic, and was able to ignore it till he grabbed my crotch. He was informed that he should not repeat that again and he did not. Otherwise he was friendly, polite and good conversation.

Our parting was otherwise amiable and he took the shopping cart back to the store. I laughed so hard all the way home and told my wife who also found it to be hilarious. I was weighing about 285 pounds then and was dressed in my usually sloppy weekend attire.

The poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him.

I bet you are one of them, eh?

Again, finding disgust with the whole subject doesn't mean anyone has some hidden frustrations. Really, you shouldn't keep suspending your judgment when reading all the GLAAD agit-prop, not that you have much but the simplest critical analysis would ease your ignorance on this matter.

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