Which are your favourite economists ?

Economics has so many components that are part of an economic system that it is often difficult to predict outcomes. Milton tried, and was right in one instance "capitalism is based on greed.
I've heard the interviews with Milton Friedman. He has an oversimplified view of economy: he ignores the social and political links of economy and mostly treats macroeconomy as micro multiplied by N.
"capitalism is based on greed.
of course he didn't say that. Regent and culturecreep are illiterate liar liberal buffoons as always. Steve Jobs founded Apple out of greed and so we should condemn him as greedy so others will not want to invent great new things for us??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance! Is any other conclusion possible??
As I've argued before the 11 million Mexican migration was triggered by free trade policies.
Now , I agree : handling 11 million illegals is a pain in the rear, but IMHO Mexico would have been better off protecting its some of its infant industries for a couple of decades before joining NAFTA.
Protectionism worked perfectly well for GB and the USA. Why hurt both countries with a treaty that din't work in the best interest of any of the countries population ?
As I've argued before the 11 million Mexican migration was triggered by free trade policies.

1000% stupid and liberal as always. Immigration was triggered by no enforced border which Trump will fix. Dummy, with no borders the entire world's population would shift tomorrow.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
As I've argued before the 11 million Mexican migration was triggered by free trade policies.

1000% stupid and liberal as always. Immigration was triggered by no enforced border which Trump will fix. Dummy, with no borders the entire world's population would shift tomorrow.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
As I've argued before the 11 million Mexican migration was triggered by free trade policies.

1000% stupid and liberal as always. Immigration was triggered by no enforced border which Trump will fix. Dummy, with no borders the entire world's population would shift tomorrow.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Are you retarded or what ?
How come Canadians aren't flooding the US with immigrants ?
It is not lack of border controls, but a worsening of economic and security conditions which drives migration.
"capitalism is based on greed.
of course he didn't say that. Regent and culturecreep are illiterate liar liberal buffoons as always. Steve Jobs founded Apple out of greed and so we should condemn him as greedy so others will not want to invent great new things for us??

See why we have to be 100% positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance! Is any other conclusion possible??
Yes, he said it. Greed drives capitalism, the need for profit. To have ignorant twits like Eddy deny it is simply too stupid.
How come Canadians aren't flooding the US with immigrants ?

because they have the same income we do. Any more stupid liberal questions??????
Exactly , and migration from Mexico started as they reduced corn subsidies and local factories started to go bankrupt because of competition.
I can't figure out why you have so much trouble figuring it out ?
Yes , in-the-long-run , employments were recovered.... but try that staying without job for 5 or 6 years without unemployment beneffits ( there is no such thing in Mexico: minimal government intervention, as recommended by MF, the IMF and WTO ) .
migration from Mexico started .

100% stupid as always!! there is no immigration in the modern world
into America or europe if borders are enforced. Half of Africa and the ME is trying to get to Europe and the only way to stop them is with enforced borders.

Got it now????????????????????????
migration from Mexico started .

100% stupid as always!! there is no immigration in the modern world
into America or europe if borders are enforced. Half of Africa and the ME is trying to get to Europe and the only way to stop them is with enforced borders.

Got it now????????????????????????
Well flooding is a rather debatable term. There ae 500,000 asylum seekers compare that to 12 from LA ( plus the millions that got legalized).
From where do asylum seekers come from ?

Five countries account for 50% of the migrants : Syria , Kosovo, Afghanistan , Albania , Iraq.

I can imagine things got really worse after George Magnus' war . Sure Sadam was a tyrant, but he managed to keep the region stable.

Migrant crisis: Migration to Europe explained in graphics - BBC News
From where do asylum seekers come from ?

well if 2 billion of the worlds poorest could come to America I'm sure most would. The only thing that stops them is Republicans and borders.
Well ed , its actually poverty and free trade ( here I must point out that free trade was pushed by both reps and dems ) and the stagnation and in some cases worsening of the economy of countries which were already poor is what's been pushing immigrants from LA to the US.
In the case of Europe, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have played a significant role.... add to that the "partisians" ( or mercenaries ?) empowered by the US to destibilize the Syrian regime, it is not unlikely some of them joined the IS.
I am not really sure what to make about that: a good intended plan gone sour (feasible enough) ? a plan to destiblize the region in order to increase weapon sales ( more like a conspiracy theory ) ?

Anything coming from Putin has to come with a healthy dose of skepticism (I don't really believe for an instant his assumed role as a defender of human rights and democracy , jajaja) ,but his explanations do make some sense: at least it would explain how the IS became so powerfull in such a short time.

From where do asylum seekers come from ?

well if 2 billion of the worlds poorest could come to America I'm sure most would. The only thing that stops them is Republicans and borders.
Well ed , its actually poverty and free trade ( here I must point out that free trade was pushed by both reps and dems ) and the stagnation and in some cases worsening of the economy of countries which were already poor is what's been pushing immigrants from LA to the US.
In the case of Europe, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have played a significant role.... add to that the "partisians" ( or mercenaries ?) empowered by the US to destibilize the Syrian regime, it is not unlikely some of them joined the IS.
I am not really sure what to make about that: a good intended plan gone sour (feasible enough) ? a plan to destiblize the region in order to increase weapon sales ( more like a conspiracy theory ) ?

Anything coming from Putin has to come with a healthy dose of skepticism (I don't really believe for an instant his assumed role as a defender of human rights and democracy , jajaja) ,but his explanations do make some sense: at least it would explain how the IS became so powerfull in such a short time.

dear, one of the reasons you're so slow is that you are disorganized. in this case you have no idea what the subject is. In any case, Putin is right to support Assad and we should join him rather than let little Barry make a bigger mess of the world.
From where do asylum seekers come from ?

well if 2 billion of the worlds poorest could come to America I'm sure most would. The only thing that stops them is Republicans and borders.
Well ed , its actually poverty and free trade ( here I must point out that free trade was pushed by both reps and dems ) and the stagnation and in some cases worsening of the economy of countries which were already poor is what's been pushing immigrants from LA to the US.
In the case of Europe, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have played a significant role.... add to that the "partisians" ( or mercenaries ?) empowered by the US to destibilize the Syrian regime, it is not unlikely some of them joined the IS.
I am not really sure what to make about that: a good intended plan gone sour (feasible enough) ? a plan to destiblize the region in order to increase weapon sales ( more like a conspiracy theory ) ?

Anything coming from Putin has to come with a healthy dose of skepticism (I don't really believe for an instant his assumed role as a defender of human rights and democracy , jajaja) ,but his explanations do make some sense: at least it would explain how the IS became so powerfull in such a short time.

dear, one of the reasons you're so slow is that you are disorganized. in this case you have no idea what the subject is. In any case, Putin is right to support Assad and we should join him rather than let little Barry make a bigger mess of the world.

I am not disorganized. I am presenting evidence that migration has been created by two factors :
A) Decline in economies
B) War : afghanistan , iraq, syria.

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