Which Biden Gas Price Plan Is Worse: Emptying Emergeny Reserves Or Deficit-Funded Gas Check For All Americans?

Gas rebate cards are pure inflationary. Not that much money though, I think. Not sure if that idea in constitutional.

Releasing more of our Emergency Oil Reserves isn't that inflationary but won't really make a difference to the price of gas. What it does is political because it makes him look like he's trying to do something when he really isn't. People ask well what can he do, well for one thing he can stop his war on fossil fuels and undo or pause all the efforts he's made to make oil drilling, production, and refining faster and cheaper. But of course he won't do that, the environmentalists have him and the democrats by the balls and they're squeezing hard.
Libs answer to everything is too throw money on the problem

Democrats remind me of this guy at a church bonfire some years back. The youth group had piled dry sticks and branches in the middle of a grassy clearing behind the church. So this dude comes along bragging about his fire building skills. As everyone watches in horrified stupefaction he dumps a can of gasoline on the pile and lights it. In no time flat the entire grassy clearing is on fire along with everyone's lawn chairs and a couple of picnic tables. That is democrat logic.
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Anyone know how much that will cost us?
Does anyone think that crazy idea won't add to the inflation numbers?
Haven't you heard? Massive printing & devaluation of our currency has nothing to do with runaway inflation.
It's all the fault of Putin/DT/climate change/Jan 6/ronaflu.

Plus, they still have the alien card in their back pocket they are waiting to play.
ET did it
Don't underestimate the stupidity of libs.
So far they have been too ashamed to show their facebon this thread

Even though I’m sure millions of biden voters may be wishing he will
Gas rebate cards are pure inflationary. Not that much money though, I think. Not sure if that idea in constitutional.

Releasing more of our Emergency Oil Reserves isn't that inflationary but won't really make a difference to the price of gas. What it does is political because it makes him look like he's trying to do something when he really isn't. People ask well what can he do, well for one thing he can stop his war on fossil fuels and undo or pause all the efforts he's made to make oil drilling, production, and refining faster and cheaper. But of course he won't do that, the environmentalists have him and the democrats by the balls and they're squeezing hard.
I see more of a mutual consensual stroking going on.
There may be some tea bagging but that is consensual as well.
It's a proggy/wokester/eco fascist circle jerk with Joe as the pivot man
Gas rebate cards are pure inflationary. Not that much money though, I think. Not sure if that idea in constitutional.

Releasing more of our Emergency Oil Reserves isn't that inflationary but won't really make a difference to the price of gas. What it does is political because it makes him look like he's trying to do something when he really isn't. People ask well what can he do, well for one thing he can stop his war on fossil fuels and undo or pause all the efforts he's made to make oil drilling, production, and refining faster and cheaper. But of course he won't do that, the environmentalists have him and the democrats by the balls and they're squeezing hard.
You're just too stupid to comprehend his brilliance.

After further consideration, those gas rebate cards will encourage more gas consumption at a time when we ought to be winding down demand to allow supply to catch up. I would think that's how you lower the price of anything, more demand drove the price up and less demand drives it down. So, IMHO it looks like this idea will extend the time it takes for gas prices to drop.
How about give every American family a milk cow and a big bale of hay every month...

Americans get their own milk, cow Chips to burn for fuel, they can pull your cart for transportation rather than your gas-powered vehicle....

Oh wait, I forgot all the problems:

1. AOC says Climate Change is caused by excess COW FARTS...won't do.

2. The govt insists on being involved in pasteurization with the milk

3. If you get more milk than your family can drink they will tax you on the excess, & if you try to sell it you will need a business license and they tax the profits

4. Having livestock qualifies your home as a 'farm' making property taxes go up

5. Vetinary bills

6. New Cow-Cart registration fees, tax, title fees...new drivers' licenses

7. Hay shortages from farmers, supply chain issues...


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