Which Bolshevik Blue State Goes Belly Up First?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:


I put my money down on Maryland ..... Vegas is giving 3 - to -1 ... I couldn't pass it up.
Sheesh and Alaskan's were shitting kittens because we were $2B over budget and 'might' have to dig into savings...

(We pared it down to $1B and they took over half our PFD to make it balance. Note we have just over $61B in savings last I heard...)
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It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


Illinois is in trouble with its pension plan for two reasons:
  1. Back in the 90s, the state government invested pension funds in hopes of growing its money. Then the housing bubble burst, depleting the funds.
  2. The state gov't has also raided the pension funds to fill budget gaps so it could avoid raising taxes.
Illinois appears Democratic, but that's largely due to Chicago. The rest of the state tends to be Republican, which is why Illinois often has governors from different parties.

You conveniently left out Republican states in fiscal trouble due to conservative policies, such as Kentucky and New Jersey.
State Fiscal Rankings

So your argument that all Blue States are going under is both inaccurate and stupid. Rather, it's a combination of political malfeasance and healing from the last recession.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.
Same level of debt, but a lot more going for it than does Louisiana.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

For the record: "State debt refers to any debt owned by a state government. Debt may include any financial obligations a state has that have not been paid, such as bonds issued by state governments, money borrowed by a state government that has not been repaid, or post-retirement benefits promised to state employees.

Also note RE my state: "During 2013, Alaska had the smallest percentage of families under the federal poverty line when compared to other West Coast states. Alaska also had the highest median annual household income of any of those states, at $61,749."

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



Which states are receiving the most federal aid?
1. Kentucky (conservative)
2. Mississippi (conservative)
3. New Mexico (mixed)
4. Alabama (conservative)
5. West Virginia (conservative)
6. South Carolina (conservative)
7. Montana (conservative)
8. Tennessee (conservative)
9. Maine (liberal)
10. Indiana (conservative)

15 States Most Dependent on the Federal Government

If you truly want to stop states getting bailed out by federal dollars, look towards conservatives. But you won't, because you clearly drank the Far-Right Kool-Aid and hold ideology above fact. The only asshole here is you, I'm afraid.
Related, just to point out what "federal aid" goes toward because the partisans like to say it's all the red states fault (note old dates I just grabbed the first thing that came up):

What federal aid money can be used for in Kentucky:
■Fish and wildlife research.
■Habitat enhancement.
■Technical assistance to private landowners.
■Environmental review of public projects.
■Land acquisition.
■Operation and maintenance of areas and facilities.
■Boating and angler access improvements.
■Comprehensive planning for fish and wildlife resources.
■Hunter and aquatic education.

Amount Kentucky received in 2002:
■ Sport Fish Restoration: $4,620,993
■ Wildlife Restoration: $3,381,505
■ Clean Vessel: $50,000
■ Endangered Species: $507,497
■ Partnerships: $32,550
■ State Wildlife Conservation: $1,041,613
■ Boating Infrastructure: $100,000
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.
Same level of debt, but a lot more going for it than does Louisiana.

Yes, and the level of debt is different, as the economy is stronger in California. Therefore California would be much more able to pay it back.

It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


Illinois is in trouble with its pension plan for two reasons:
  1. Back in the 90s, the state government invested pension funds in hopes of growing its money. Then the housing bubble burst, depleting the funds.
  2. The state gov't has also raided the pension funds to fill budget gaps so it could avoid raising taxes.
Illinois appears Democratic, but that's largely due to Chicago. The rest of the state tends to be Republican, which is why Illinois often has governors from different parties.

You conveniently left out Republican states in fiscal trouble due to conservative policies, such as Kentucky and New Jersey.
State Fiscal Rankings

So your argument that all Blue States are going under is both inaccurate and stupid. Rather, it's a combination of political malfeasance and healing from the last recession.

Amazing that Someone know something about Illinois!

The OP'er left out the part that James Thompson " Big Jim " was the start of the Pension Problem when he gave the Union what they wanted because of a possible State wide strike by Prison Guards and State Employees.

The OP'er also left out the fact the State of Illinois was govern for three decades by Republican governors ( Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar and Geroge Ryan ) and the only reason why a Democrat won ( Blago ) was because of Ryan scandal that put him in Prison...

So as much as the OP'er believe Illinois debt issue is just a Liberal or Progressive issue the reality is Republicans are to blame for their part in it but alas I know they will proclaim that this can never be true!
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

For the record: "State debt refers to any debt owned by a state government. Debt may include any financial obligations a state has that have not been paid, such as bonds issued by state governments, money borrowed by a state government that has not been repaid, or post-retirement benefits promised to state employees.

Also note RE my state: "During 2013, Alaska had the smallest percentage of families under the federal poverty line when compared to other West Coast states. Alaska also had the highest median annual household income of any of those states, at $61,749."

Okay, does this mean that California is about to go bust? Or Illinois?
^ I can hope that still holds true in 2017... It's been a rough couple years up here with oil prices being so low.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

For the record: "State debt refers to any debt owned by a state government. Debt may include any financial obligations a state has that have not been paid, such as bonds issued by state governments, money borrowed by a state government that has not been repaid, or post-retirement benefits promised to state employees.

Also note RE my state: "During 2013, Alaska had the smallest percentage of families under the federal poverty line when compared to other West Coast states. Alaska also had the highest median annual household income of any of those states, at $61,749."

Okay, does this mean that California is about to go bust? Or Illinois?

Depends on how long they can maintain such a deficit.

I'm just letting folks know what exactly is being talked about regarding "federal aid" and what's involved in "state debt" - (and especially when those numbers include retirement benefits not paid yet - which could take 30 years to pay out in full, or could only be owed for a year or two depending on health of the individual - either way the numbers being used are not exactly the real story in context of how most laymen think of "debt" [ie like a bill that's not paid, vs the reality more like a credit card.])
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:


Chris Christie's New Jersey is ranked worst fiscally. That's probably why the Democrat is leading the governor's race by 25 points.

Which party controls the purse (legislature) in that State?
Exactly. It's not easy to say that a given state is Dem or Rep because no one person controls the finances. As with the feds, states rely on legislatures and governors to hammer out budgets and taxes. The OP seems to think that any state he declares as being run by "Socialist Assholes" is therefore Democratic.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

MA hasn't been Republican since Coolidge.

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