Which British gun control law kept this guy from shooting people in a school?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This guy beat up his girlfriend and threatened to shoot her and her father with his "Self-loading"rifle........which he had with a silencer....

So.....anti-gunners.....which British gun control law kept this guy from walking into a school, a mall, a church, a synagogue, or a theater and shooting a bunch of people.....if he hadn't beat up his girlfriend, he would still have the illegal guns....you know, the ones banned in Britain?

Dumb luck, and a lack of interest in shooting people in public does not indicate the success of British gun control laws......one day they are going to learn this lesson the hard way......

Jealous thug beat and threatened to shoot girlfriend over false cheating claims

A jealous brute who battered and threatened to shoot his girlfriend over false claims she was cheating on him has been jailed.

Lloyd Hill, 24, who had been snorting cocaine, grabbed a loaded rifle complete with silencer from his loft before telling partner Alexandra Hill he would gun down both her and her father Michael.

Hill admitted attempting to cause grievous bodily harm and possessing a firearm with intent and was jailed for 11 and a half years.

He said he had been storing the self loading rifle gun for someone else. Officers recovered the gun plus 89 rounds of ammunition, 12 shotgun cartridges and two magazines.

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