Zone1 Which came first, Christianity or Judaism?

Neither. Firs was one simple rule. The byatch fucked that all up. Later there were two tablets with 10 rules. Asshole control freaks made their interpretation and punishments to fuck that all up.
God sent his son to re clarify those ten. The Jews would rather beat and throw rocks and shit.
Now we're ready for fire (no more floods says the rainbow). Be hopeful you die before it happens.
It'll be as it was in Noahs day. A bunch of faggy greedy money hungry, perverted assholes. Like tomorrow morning but a lot of incredibly bad shit needs to happen before Probably some nuke shit, undrinkable water, mass food shortages, real pandemics, not covid lie bullshit. Real pandemics. 1918 spanish flu like, and worse.
Neither. Firs was one simple rule. The byatch fucked that all up. Later there were two tablets with 10 rules. Asshole control freaks made their interpretation and punishments to fuck that all up.
God sent his son to re clarify those ten. The Jews would rather beat and throw rocks and shit.
Now we're ready for fire (no more floods says the rainbow). Be hopeful you die before it happens.
It'll be as it was in Noahs day. A bunch of faggy greedy money hungry, perverted assholes. Like tomorrow morning but a lot of incredibly bad shit needs to happen before Probably some nuke shit, undrinkable water, mass food shortages, real pandemics, not covid lie bullshit. Real pandemics. 1918 spanish flu like, and worse.
Be hopeful you die before it happens.

wrong answer - to struggle against evil till your death is the heavenly prescription for remission to the everlasting.
Neither. Firs was one simple rule. The byatch fucked that all up. Later there were two tablets with 10 rules. Asshole control freaks made their interpretation and punishments to fuck that all up.
God sent his son to re clarify those ten. The Jews would rather beat and throw rocks and shit.
Now we're ready for fire (no more floods says the rainbow). Be hopeful you die before it happens.
It'll be as it was in Noahs day. A bunch of faggy greedy money hungry, perverted assholes. Like tomorrow morning but a lot of incredibly bad shit needs to happen before Probably some nuke shit, undrinkable water, mass food shortages, real pandemics, not covid lie bullshit. Real pandemics. 1918 spanish flu like, and worse.
Aka, the Tribulation. :omg:
Adama means earth
The Primitive Dais Was a Torch. Academic Etymologists Just Don't Get It.

It means "soil." Josephus claims that red soil is the most fertile, but it isn't fertile at all unless treated. Maybe he meant that mankind had to work hard.

That word was attested in 3,000 BC; from the goddess Adamah. It is curiously similar to the Greek earth goddess Demeter, which can be related to daos, torch (with red fire).
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The Primitive Dais Was a Torch. Academic Etymologists Just Don't Get It.

It means "soil." Josephus claims that red soil is the most fertile, but it isn't fertile at all unless treated. Maybe he meant that mankind had to work hard.

That word was attested in 3,000 BC; from the goddess Adamah. It is curiously similar to the Greek earth goddess Demeter, which can be related to daos, torch (with red fire).
Adama is earth/soil. Adom means red.
Dream on. :biggrin:
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."

You, a he-goat 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord.
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things, but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."

You, a he-goat 'without blemish', have been carefully chosen and prepared as an offering for the expiation of sin. Your slaughter has been dedicated to the Lord.
We are sheep, not goats.

Romans 8:36
As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Only God, Christ, and the angels know (the demons probably know as well).
Right.... Is that you again Legion? Long time no see? lol...

Apparently you have exchanged your birthright as an individual that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God for the false security of becoming an insignificant part of a self-negating multiplicity, your "we", that is already in hell and slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Like a goat you have swallowed pure garbage even after ruminating but don't have enough faith to admit even the tiniest of errors with your professed beliefs or even the smallest of truths revealed.

Fat trimmed from your flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord.
Right.... Is that you again Legion? Long time no see? lol...

Apparently you have exchanged your birthright as an individual that reflects the image and likeness of a Holy (separate) God for the false security of becoming an insignificant part of a self-negating multiplicity, your "we", that is already in hell and slowly disintegrating into nothingness.

Like a goat you have swallowed pure garbage even after ruminating but don't have enough faith to admit even the tiniest of errors with your professed beliefs or even the smallest of truths revealed.

Fat trimmed from your flesh and thrown on the fire is a soothing and fragrant offering to the Lord.
You are weird. :eek-52:
You are weird. :eek-52:

lol...You quote Paul who contradicts Jesus about the permanence of Divine law to justify your delusions as if what Jesus taught doesn't matter at all even after I showed you the contradiction.

You profess to believe that you are saved, forgiven for your sins, even though you don't stop sinning because the basis of the religious beliefs that you have adopted are sinful and the practice of celebrating the death of Jesus, an innocent man, believing that by doing so you can avoid the penalty, death, for your own sins is reprehensible even though it is not and never was the truth.

You seek eternal life by doing that which the bible clearly teaches results in death without having even an inkling about the absurdity of your claim of being saved. Now thats really freakin weird!

And then, to top it off, you have the audacity to pose as an authority on scripture and morality without understanding either the words or subjects about which you are so repulsively dogmatic.

Clearly you have your reward already! Death and hades. Not salvation, not light, and not life.

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lol...You quote Paul who contradicts Jesus about the permanence of Divine law to justify your delusions as if what Jesus taught doesn't matter at all even after I showed you the contradiction.

You profess to believe that you are saved, forgiven for your sins, even though you don't stop sinning because the basis of the religious beliefs that you have adopted are sinful and the practice of celebrating the death of Jesus, an innocent man, believing that by doing so you can avoid the penalty, death, for your own sins is reprehensible even though it is not and never was the truth.

You seek eternal life by doing that which the bible clearly teaches results in death without having even an inkling about the absurdity of your claim of being saved. Now thats really freakin weird!

And then, to top it off, you have the audacity to pose as an authority on scripture and morality without understanding either the words or subjects about which you are so repulsively dogmatic.

Clearly you have your reward already! Death and hades. Not salvation, not light, and not life.

You don't know who is lost or saved.
You don't know who is lost or saved.
I sure do. Its as easy as knowing whether a person is living or dead. One just has to pay attention.

Pssst! Your words reveal where you are at. In a tomb full of corruption and dead mens bones. You may not realize this but your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field.

Like being saved or alive, some things just can't be faked. Even by a good actor..:hands: and you suck
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