Which candidate will put more money into the Middle Class?

Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?
Have you looked at Europe lately, dumfuck?
It's happening as we speak.

Another irrational bloviator.
Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

A plan entails on how your going to accomplish something. All that Trump has listed are some pie-in-the-sky bloviating.

As opposed to Obama/Clinton and demonizing the high income earners is going to put more money back into the pockets of the Middle Class? We've witnessed over the last 8 years that that is a shell game. Mantras of "fair share" and redistribution actually saw the take home pay of Middle Class decline. Further, the Middle Class was told their healthcare costs would be lowered by an average of $2,500.

It's easy for you to trash Trump. You should be taking a critical eye to what Clinton will be doing differently.

I had an income of $4.5M last year and paid zero in personal income taxes. I am the demon.

Ask Republicans why they voted against every minimum wage increase for eight years.

I don't trash Trump. I call a sham a sham.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.

Lmao you serious?

You want all companies to pay the same amount of taxes?

How is that going to work?

You really hate that you can't hold companies hostage in the land of the free, do you?

Well seeing as I didn't say that, I'm not sure why you're asking this.

What I'm talking about is stopping companies getting massively preferential treatment. Why should a company like Apple be paying 0.001% taxes while local companies set up by some person struggles and has to pay the full 12.5%?

Do I think it would be holding a company like Apple hostage to make them pay their way? No, I don't. Apple uses the infrastructure and other things in these places as much as anyone else.

It's like going to the supermarket and the poor guy arrives at the checkout and pays for his goods, and the rich guy arrives and the supermarket say they're free. The rich guy doesn't need the goods for free.

It's funny how when poor people get money from the govt the right go crazy. When the rich get free money you love it.

Yea we know people like obama, bill clinton, Bruce Springsteen and other celebrities/politicians don't have to really carry a wallet and everything is handed to them at no cost.

We know the poor smucks no one cares about.

But with big companies what can we do?

We either bribe them with tax cuts and let them invest in our towns and city's or watch them leave.

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

A plan entails on how your going to accomplish something. All that Trump has listed are some pie-in-the-sky bloviating.

As opposed to Obama/Clinton and demonizing the high income earners is going to put more money back into the pockets of the Middle Class? We've witnessed over the last 8 years that that is a shell game. Mantras of "fair share" and redistribution actually saw the take home pay of Middle Class decline. Further, the Middle Class was told their healthcare costs would be lowered by an average of $2,500.

It's easy for you to trash Trump. You should be taking a critical eye to what Clinton will be doing differently.

I had an income of $4.5M last year and paid zero in personal income taxes. I am the demon.

Ask Republicans why they voted against every minimum wage increase for eight years.

I don't trash Trump. I call a sham a sham.
You made that much money and your a semi regular on USMB?

I call it a lie..
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...
The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.

Lmao you serious?

You want all companies to pay the same amount of taxes?

How is that going to work?

You really hate that you can't hold companies hostage in the land of the free, do you?

Well seeing as I didn't say that, I'm not sure why you're asking this.

What I'm talking about is stopping companies getting massively preferential treatment. Why should a company like Apple be paying 0.001% taxes while local companies set up by some person struggles and has to pay the full 12.5%?

Do I think it would be holding a company like Apple hostage to make them pay their way? No, I don't. Apple uses the infrastructure and other things in these places as much as anyone else.

It's like going to the supermarket and the poor guy arrives at the checkout and pays for his goods, and the rich guy arrives and the supermarket say they're free. The rich guy doesn't need the goods for free.

It's funny how when poor people get money from the govt the right go crazy. When the rich get free money you love it.

Yea we know people like obama, bill clinton, Bruce Springsteen and other celebrities/politicians don't have to really carry a wallet and everything is handed to them at no cost.

We know the poor smucks no one cares about.

But with big companies what can we do?

We either bribe them with tax cuts and let them invest in our towns and city's or watch them leave.

Or you stop the whole system where people have to bribe. You make the US a place where big business has to pay a certain amount if it wants to do business in the whole of the USA.

Business has made sure the US is divided, so they can conquer. Why do the people allow this? Well, seeing as the US govt is run by business and the people keep electing it this way, it continues.

What can you do. Look at what the EU has done with Apple.
The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955

Really? You're talking nonsense. You have no idea what it's like in Switzerland..... A hell hole because.... because... they have a better standard of living? You'll believe what the corporations want you to believe.
The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955

You make an interesting point. What is 'Poor' in America. I suspect most Americans have a very distorted view of what being 'Poor' actually is. They should visit some Third World Nations sometime. They'll quickly learn what the term 'Poor' really means.
The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.

You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in a God Damn country like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or Holland .
That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.
'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL
When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
Any Dem. Too bad the GOP and Congress are designed for obstruction...

Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe
Uh, your boy Hussein got every bit of his agenda passed. That's why folks are so angry. The Republican Party hasn't been an Opposition Party. The leadership is fat, rich, and corrupt.

The reality is, Hussein got everything he wanted on Boehner and McConnel's watch. And don't even get me started on that weasel Ryan. It's just a corrupt One-Party System at this point. They're all members of the same club.
He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.

You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in a God Damn country like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or Holland .

I guess Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Holland just got lucky then, didn't they?

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