Which candidate will put more money into the Middle Class?

Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.
The math has been done, trumps tax plan will put more money into everyone pockets, and a fairly significant amount.

possibly enough to jump the economy.

hillary is promising some pocket change.

Tax cuts won't jump start anything. We've seen that. The variable in the formula for long term growth that's been flat for some time is wage growth. Giving people a couple of grand once a year isn't going to do anything. Consumers having a grand a month more in wages will go much further.

The last time I looked, presidents don't sign paychecks.

Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

US companies abroad are not coming home in any great numbers. Even if they paid no tax at all here rather than the 12-15% they actually pay, the cost of labor here would still be higher than the tax savings. Wishful thinking. It would be better to create regulations that create hurdles and penalties to further off shoring.
Low information lefties who think in political cliches assume it's up to the federal government "to put more money" into the middle class. Typical low information lefties think that confiscating money from the employers and corporations and the banks automatically creates wealth for the middle class. The truth of the matter is that the federal government is the absolute worse venue for redistributing wealth. Look at LBJ's "great society" which is still is in effect and ended up putting more people on welfare while wasteing trillions of taxpayer dollars in failed programs. Trump has the right idea that the federal government needs to get the hell out of the way and the president and congress need to trim the bloated mess that federal agencies have become and reorganize the IRS and punish agency heads who have been used as a tools by the Obama criminal enterprise to punish political enemies.
Who's going to do it? Employers in America have shown no interest in wage growth over the last three decades even in spite of record growth and profits over much of the same period.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.

Leave everything the way it is and raise the minimum wage to $15.00/hr.


Giving workers a livable income. More expendable income, more taxes paid, less States needing more from the feds.

I think more needs to be done. Right now you have the problem of states giving hand outs that aren't necessary in the first place.
Tax cuts won't jump start anything. We've seen that. The variable in the formula for long term growth that's been flat for some time is wage growth. Giving people a couple of grand once a year isn't going to do anything. Consumers having a grand a month more in wages will go much further.

The last time I looked, presidents don't sign paychecks.

Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

US companies abroad are not coming home in any great numbers. Even if they paid no tax at all here rather than the 12-15% they actually pay, the cost of labor here would still be higher than the tax savings. Wishful thinking. It would be better to create regulations that create hurdles and penalties to further off shoring.
You really are clueless as to to what you've done.....fascinating....
Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

US companies abroad are not coming home in any great numbers. Even if they paid no tax at all here rather than the 12-15% they actually pay, the cost of labor here would still be higher than the tax savings. Wishful thinking. It would be better to create regulations that create hurdles and penalties to further off shoring.
You really are clueless as to to what you've done.....fascinating....

More drive-by bullshit I see.

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

US companies abroad are not coming home in any great numbers. Even if they paid no tax at all here rather than the 12-15% they actually pay, the cost of labor here would still be higher than the tax savings. Wishful thinking. It would be better to create regulations that create hurdles and penalties to further off shoring.
You really are clueless as to to what you've done.....fascinating....

More drive-by bullshit I see.
The only people who can put more money into any class is the people. Buy made in America, support a raise in wages, raise taxes on those who benefit most from our nation and put that money into infrastructure. Recognize the free market only helps corporations and tax them when they move off shore. As an example look on the roads today and see all the cars that supports unions, healthcare, and in the case of Germany free college. They call it the rust belt for a reason. But Americans today are too partisan hypnotized to see they are being played as suckers.

See here how much high end cars contribute to work in America. 2015
Kogod School of Business Made in America Auto Index

'In 2014, Chevrolet sold 597 cars in Japan. No, we are not forgetting any zeroes at the end of that figure.'
Donald Trump: Chevrolet in Tokyo, Japan, 'doesn't exist'

"While it may come as no shock that luxury-car maker Mercedes-Benz came out atop the list of least-recalled brands, with an average 0.41 units recalled per vehicle sold, General Motors, with nearly 100 million vehicles recalled since 1985, actually placed third-best, with 0.65 cars and trucks recalled per unit sold.

Of the 15 major automakers surveyed, Hyundai Motor Company can lay claim to having the worst ratio, with 1.15 vehicles recalled for every model sold since it introduced the Excel to U.S. buyers in 1986. Other brands found to have recalled more cars than they sold in the U.S. over the last 30 years (needless to say this represents a number of cars for which multiple campaigns were initiated) include Mitsubishi, Volkswagen and Volvo; Chrysler broke even, so to speak, with a one-to-one sales-to-recall ratio. (Scroll down for the full results.)" Automakers With The Lowest (And Highest) Recall Rates

'Toyota leads in recalls again in 2013, with tally topping 5 million vehicles'

'Toyota's Out-of-Control Gas Pedals, 2009 & 2010, Size of Recall: 9 million vehicles Models Affected: 2004-2010 Toyota Avalon, Camry, Corolla, Matrix, Highlander, Prius, RAV4, Tundra, Tacoma and various Lexus models.'....Company officials have estimated the cost of the blunder will top $5 billion after all is said and done, making it the costliest recall ever recorded.' 5 Of The Largest Car Recalls In History | Investopedia

896,600 Reasons to Care About the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Press Releases
Alabama Steelworkers Fight for Their Jobs, Angered By Korea Trade Deal

"If any single number captures the state of the American economy over the last decade, it is zero. That was the net gain in jobs between 1999 and 2009—nada, nil, zip. By painful contrast, from the 1940s through the 1990s, recessions came and went, but no decade ended without at least a 20 percent increase in the number of jobs." http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2010/1003.lynn-longman.html

"The recent job actions and “Black Friday” protests at Walmart underscored the dismal wages and working conditions of many of the nation’s retail workers. Walmart hasn’t staked out some low-wage, no-benefit margin of the labor market: its labor and compensation practices are now the mainstream. For most of the last century, the worst employers in the United States—the tenement sweatshop, the company-town mine—were remnants of our past. Today, they are glimpses into our future." http://www.dissentmagazine.org/blog/the-good-jobs-deficit

"At the top of this list is a trade policy that was designed to put manufacturing workers in direct competition with low-paid workers in the developing world. This had the predicted and actual effect of lowering the wages of U.S. manufacturing workers. Since manufacturing jobs are comparatively well-paying jobs for the 70 percent of the workforce without a college degree, this policy had the effect of lowering wages for this larger group of workers as well." How to Create Middle Class Jobs

Why is it Americans do not call out media sources that criticize American companies for government support while they ignore other nations where government suppliers and manufacturers cooperate and collaborate. Consider imports to Japan (Keiretsu). Why no mention of Japan's embargoes? Fox constantly mentions GM in a negative tone, as do most American conservative media sources. Why not call them out for bias? Rush Limbaugh supports Germany with his auto purchases, while he criticizes America's workers, does anyone notice? Glenn Beck and most of the others never touch the hard topics of fair wages, outsourcing, monetary manipulation, or work in sweat shops that amount to slavery conditions. Now all of a sudden the conservatives are noticing inequality as if it materialized this past year.

"Japan ships 1.5 million cars to America each year, but allows only 20,000 American cars into its own market. Since 2012, Japan’s yen has devalued by 50 percent against the dollar. Now Japan wants tariff-free access to the U.S. market through the TPP while it continues to cheat on currency." see American Manufacturing.org and TPP
The math has been done, trumps tax plan will put more money into everyone pockets, and a fairly significant amount.

possibly enough to jump the economy.

hillary is promising some pocket change.

Tax cuts won't jump start anything. We've seen that. The variable in the formula for long term growth that's been flat for some time is wage growth. Giving people a couple of grand once a year isn't going to do anything. Consumers having a grand a month more in wages will go much further.

The last time I looked, presidents don't sign paychecks.

Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

A plan entails on how your going to accomplish something. All that Trump has listed are some pie-in-the-sky bloviating.
Low information lefties who think in political cliches assume it's up to the federal government "to put more money" into the middle class. Typical low information lefties think that confiscating money from the employers and corporations and the banks automatically creates wealth for the middle class. The truth of the matter is that the federal government is the absolute worse venue for redistributing wealth. Look at LBJ's "great society" which is still is in effect and ended up putting more people on welfare while wasteing trillions of taxpayer dollars in failed programs. Trump has the right idea that the federal government needs to get the hell out of the way and the president and congress need to trim the bloated mess that federal agencies have become and reorganize the IRS and punish agency heads who have been used as a tools by the Obama criminal enterprise to punish political enemies.

It's the governments job to make sure the 'those that have' don't screw anyone else.
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.
Trump by a Landslide. Clinton's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet. She fully supports all of the awful Globalist Trade Deals that have been negotiated in recent years. She doesn't care about American Citizens. She's all-in with George Soros on breaking the nation.

Trump's proposing putting Americans first again. He wants to negotiate Trade Deals that truly benefit American Citizens. That deeply upsets the Globalist Elites, but it's what the American People desperately need.

The rich have already spoken, Clinton will be the next President. We can't afford another Republican.

That's very sad. With her as President, the NWO Globalist Elites will hijack our Supreme Court. And they certainly don't have American Citizen's best interests in mind. I truly hope folks really understand what a Clinton Presidency means for their country. Trump may be a bit brash, but he is the only hope for holding the NWO folks off.

'New World Order?'

Did your dog tell you your foil hat makes you look funny?
Have you looked at Europe lately, dumfuck?
It's happening as we speak.
Tax cuts won't jump start anything. We've seen that. The variable in the formula for long term growth that's been flat for some time is wage growth. Giving people a couple of grand once a year isn't going to do anything. Consumers having a grand a month more in wages will go much further.

The last time I looked, presidents don't sign paychecks.

Last time I checked, Presidents influence outcomes via their policies. What candidate do you believe based on policies will yield more take home pay on a long term basis for the middle class?

The top two financial issues facing the middle class and poor today are wages and the economy. Please post Trumps plan that answers both. Good luck!
Damn dude. He has already outlined how he is going to knock off the hazardous trade deals and his plans to bring US companies back home.
Pull your nose out of hillary's panties and join the real world.

A plan entails on how your going to accomplish something. All that Trump has listed are some pie-in-the-sky bloviating.

As opposed to Obama/Clinton and demonizing the high income earners is going to put more money back into the pockets of the Middle Class? We've witnessed over the last 8 years that that is a shell game. Mantras of "fair share" and redistribution actually saw the take home pay of Middle Class decline. Further, the Middle Class was told their healthcare costs would be lowered by an average of $2,500.

It's easy for you to trash Trump. You should be taking a critical eye to what Clinton will be doing differently.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.
Let Me ask you something.

The take home pay of the middle class it what exactly? I'm middle class.....My take home pay is My gross earning minus taxes and authorized payments to insurance.

When you ask what is to be done, what part of the deductions from the middle class pay can be changed?

I hear a lot of liberal whining about middle class wages in decline, but I never seem to see any of them offering to bolster what makes the middle class. Jobs. Specifically, businesses that provide those jobs.

Instead, we get more regulations on those businesses, and more taxes on those businesses.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.
Let Me ask you something.

The take home pay of the middle class it what exactly? I'm middle class.....My take home pay is My gross earning minus taxes and authorized payments to insurance.

When you ask what is to be done, what part of the deductions from the middle class pay can be changed?

I hear a lot of liberal whining about middle class wages in decline, but I never seem to see any of them offering to bolster what makes the middle class. Jobs. Specifically, businesses that provide those jobs.

Instead, we get more regulations on those businesses, and more taxes on those businesses.

And more horrific Globalist Trade Deals. It is time to put Americans first again. It's time to negotiate Trade Deals with American Citizens' best interests in mind. That hasn't happened in a very long time. All recent deals have been negotiated with only rich Globalist Elites' best interests in mind. We need change.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.
Let Me ask you something.

The take home pay of the middle class it what exactly? I'm middle class.....My take home pay is My gross earning minus taxes and authorized payments to insurance.

When you ask what is to be done, what part of the deductions from the middle class pay can be changed?

I hear a lot of liberal whining about middle class wages in decline, but I never seem to see any of them offering to bolster what makes the middle class. Jobs. Specifically, businesses that provide those jobs.

Instead, we get more regulations on those businesses, and more taxes on those businesses.

And more horrific Globalist Trade Deals. It is time to put Americans first again. It's time to negotiate Trade Deals with American Citizens' best interests in mind. That hasn't happened in a very long time. All recent deals have been negotiated with only rich Globalist Elites' best interests in mind. We need change.
Yes. Too bad we're not going to get it anytime soon.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.

Lmao you serious?

You want all companies to pay the same amount of taxes?

How is that going to work?

You really hate that you can't hold companies hostage in the land of the free, do you?

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