Which candidate will put more money into the Middle Class?

Clinton doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. She represents the NWO Global Elite best interests. She doesn't care about American Citizens. And she will appoint her fellow NWO Globalists to the Supreme Court. It could be the end of our nation. These are very precarious times.

When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.

You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in a God Damn country like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or Holland .

I guess Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Holland just got lucky then, didn't they?

Yup they sure did, by having this to protect their socialist ass. They are welcome my tax dollars pay for it.


Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.
so instead of states lowering taxes, to bring jobs in, JOBS, fuck that b/c you think making every company pay the same will magically mean the middle will pay less.

good fucking god, the level of ignorance to consider such idiocy is shocking.
What kind of jobs are you talking about?
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.
You do know that the Corporations will add that tax to the price of the goods and servives they provide ?
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.
so instead of states lowering taxes, to bring jobs in, JOBS, fuck that b/c you think making every company pay the same will magically mean the middle will pay less.

good fucking god, the level of ignorance to consider such idiocy is shocking.
What kind of jobs are you talking about?

Not obama care part time jobs

He got ACA and the too small stimulus. That's it. You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. 4% hike on over 400k is nothing with all the loopholes available...Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe.

Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
BS. Link? lol.

Trump will be tied at the hip by loserterianism which will give it all to the super rich.
When has a president, or even a Congress person been elected who did represent American citizens' best interests? There might be some who are good Congressmen or women, but the reality is Congress and the President represent the rich and couldn't care about the poor, which is why being poor in the US is much worse than being poor in other first world countries.


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.

You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in a God Damn country like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or Holland .

I guess Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Holland just got lucky then, didn't they?

Yup they sure did, by having this to protect their socialist ass. They are welcome my tax dollars pay for it.

View attachment 88083


Yeah, to protect their asses by getting mixed up with US wars, like Iraq, and the subsequent ISIS coming and attacking people that didn't have anything to do with Iraq.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.
You do know that the Corporations will add that tax to the price of the goods and servives they provide ?

Maybe they will. But then again it'll be fairer than some companies, the rich ones, being able to sell goods cheaper than the smaller firms because they've bribed their way through the system, wouldn't you say?

Republicans claim to be for business, but appear to only be for big business.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Screw the 'middle class', they cut their own throats, nobody else did, so let them wallow in their own crap, they aren't the most important demographic concern for the government from here on out; double their taxes, just to pay for all the real estate bankruptcies alone they file when the bubbles bust and they run away crying and whining as if somebody else made them pay ridiculous prices for crappy houses. Problems are more severe for working class people.
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The math has been done, trumps tax plan will put more money into everyone pockets, and a fairly significant amount.

possibly enough to jump the economy.

hillary is promising some pocket change.

Tax cuts won't jump start anything. We've seen that. The variable in the formula for long term growth that's been flat for some time is wage growth. Giving people a couple of grand once a year isn't going to do anything. Consumers having a grand a month more in wages will go much further.

The last time I looked, presidents don't sign paychecks.
think about how fast the economy would grow if we forced min wage to 40 or 50 an hour. If 15 is good, 50 would be great.
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Screw the 'middle class', they cut their own throats, nobody else did, so let them wallow in their own crap, they aren't the most important demographic concern for the government from here on out; double their taxes, just to pay for all the real estate bankruptcies alone they file when the bubbles bust and they run away crying and whining as if somebody else made them pay ridiculous prices for crappy houses. Problems are more severe for working class people.
Reaganism rolls on, dupes. Duh. Keep supporting the greedy idiot GOP. See sig.

The one tax graph you really need to know

"But most people don't know very much about the tax code. And the federal income tax is still our most famous tax. So when they hear that half of Americans aren't paying federal income taxes, they're outraged -- even if they're among the folks who have a net negative tax burden! After all, they know they're paying taxes, and there's no reason for normal human beings to assume that the taxes getting taken out of their paycheck every week and some of the taxes they pay at the end of the year aren't classified as "federal income taxes."

Confining the discussion to the federal income tax plays another role, too: It makes the tax code look much more progressive than it actually is.

Take someone who makes $4 million dollars a year and someone who makes $40,000 a year. The person making $4 million dollars, assuming he's not doing some Romney-esque planning, is paying a 35 percent tax on most of that money. The person making $40,000 is probably paying no income tax at all. So that makes the system look really unfair to the rich guy.

That's the basic analysis of the 47 percent line. And it's a basic analysis that serves a purpose: It makes further tax cuts for the rich sound more reasonable.

Canada, Mexico drive billions in U.S. Commerce

But what if we did the same thing for the payroll tax? Remember, the payroll tax only applies to first $110,100 or so, our rich friends is only paying payroll taxes on 2.7 percent of his income. The guy making $40,000? He's paying payroll taxes on every dollar of his income. Now who's not getting a fair shake?

Which is why, if you want to understand who's paying what in taxes, you don't want to just look at federal income taxes, or federal payroll taxes, or state sales taxes -- you want to look at total taxes. And, luckily, the tax analysis group Citizens for Tax Justice keeps those numbers. So here is total taxes -- which includes corporate taxes, income taxes, payroll taxes, state sales taxes, and more -- paid by different income groups and broken into federal and state and local burdens:


As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.

But here is really the only tax graph you need: It's total tax burden by income group. And as you'll see, every income group is paying something, and the rich aren't paying much more, as a percentage of their incomes, then the middle class.
Your boy got just about every part of his agenda passed. You see 'opposition/obstruction' where there is none. He got most of it done on Boehner and McConnel's watch. That's the reality. It's why so many Republicans are so angry. There has been no Republican Opposition.
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
BS. Link? lol.
Obama goes it alone on immigration: Now the President says he will bypass Congress AGAIN to ‘fix’ the broken borders system « InvestmentWatch
Where do you get that brainwash? There were 200 GOP filibusters 2009-11 when you fools think Obama had total control. LOL

So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
Usual fact free BS. EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
BS. Link? lol.
Obama goes it alone on immigration: Now the President says he will bypass Congress AGAIN to ‘fix’ the broken borders system « InvestmentWatch
Very limited as EO's are, dupe. The GOP just likes it as a wedge issue. Total hypocrites, dupe.
So, what part of his agenda didn't he get passed? And i don't even know why we're arguing over this stuff anyway. He went around Congress every chance he got. Like he said himself, he didn't 'need' Congress. But regardless, he got just about everything he wanted. There was no legitimate opposition.
Usual fact free BS. EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
BS. Link? lol.
Obama goes it alone on immigration: Now the President says he will bypass Congress AGAIN to ‘fix’ the broken borders system « InvestmentWatch
Very limited as EO's are, dupe. The GOP just likes it as a wedge issue. Total hypocrites, dupe.

Reagan and George w Bush issued more EO.
Usual fact free BS. EO's are VERY limited.

Can you read?

"Free community college, cheap public U's and loans, an infrastructure jobs bill, training for 3-6 MILLION tech jobs, a comprehensive immigration bill with good SS ID card, a lib SC, a tax hike on the rich and cuts for the nonrich, the list of what the GOP has obstructed is endless, superdupe

He didn't 'need' Congress. Those are his own words. And you know what? He was right.
BS. Link? lol.
Obama goes it alone on immigration: Now the President says he will bypass Congress AGAIN to ‘fix’ the broken borders system « InvestmentWatch
Very limited as EO's are, dupe. The GOP just likes it as a wedge issue. Total hypocrites, dupe.

Reagan and George w Bush issued more EO.
so that makes it ok?
However, give us a list of EO's by Reagan, Bush and obama so we can compare the lasting damage that has been done.
Very limited as EO's are, dupe. The GOP just likes it as a wedge issue. Total hypocrites, dupe.

Reagan and George w Bush issued more EO.
so that makes it ok?
However, give us a list of EO's by Reagan, Bush and obama so we can compare the lasting damage that has been done.
Damage my butt. Such as? LOL. Your GOP congress is a disgrace. For 7 3/4 years, dupe.
so that makes it ok?
However, give us a list of EO's by Reagan, Bush and obama so we can compare the lasting damage that has been done.
Damage my butt. Such as? LOL. Your GOP congress is a disgrace. For 7 3/4 years, dupe.
Unconstitutional illegal amnesty
Illegal recess appointments
Ransom payments to terrorists
Illegal wars
Writing laws
Which candidate will put more money into the Middle Class?

Jill Stein

But if you're middle class and working in the war industry, Hillary will make sure your job is safe while Trump is a good bet if you're a bricklayer


I would rather be poor in america then rich in hell hole like Nanny states like Switzerland..

I could drive this for a thousand miles and not reach any ocean beaches..

View attachment 87955
A hell hole with six week paid vacation after a year, great roads and airports etc, great free health care, no ghettos. Congrats- you're the first person to ever call Switz a hell hole lol.

You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to live in a God Damn country like Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or Holland .

I guess Switzerland, Norway, Denmark and Holland just got lucky then, didn't they?

Yup they sure did, by having this to protect their socialist ass. They are welcome my tax dollars pay for it.

View attachment 88083


Yeah, to protect their asses by getting mixed up with US wars, like Iraq, and the subsequent ISIS coming and attacking people that didn't have anything to do with Iraq.


What kind of retarded come back is that?
Middle Class taxpayers have seen their take home pay decline. The bottom 47 percent pay no income tax, the top 10 percent income earners pay 71 percent of the income tax while middle class income earners pay the highest percent of their paycheck to income taxes.

Who is going to deliver relief for the Middle Class and how? For starters, demonizing the wealthy and making the poor pay income taxes are not viable solutions as they do not directly address the Middle Class getting more take home pay.

Disallow states and cities to insensitivise companies going to their particular area with really low tax rates and do what the EU has done and say that all companies must pay the same level of tax within a state or a city, therefore corporations will have to pair a fair share of taxes, which means the Middle Class can pay less.
You do know that the Corporations will add that tax to the price of the goods and servives they provide ?

Maybe they will. But then again it'll be fairer than some companies, the rich ones, being able to sell goods cheaper than the smaller firms because they've bribed their way through the system, wouldn't you say?

Republicans claim to be for business, but appear to only be for big business.

Try again, Democrats are for big bussiness...IE GE

Republicans are for the 90% plus mall bussiness in America

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