Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

'm all for it. Show me what you got. If you have nothing then fuck off I'm tired of hearing your stupid shit.

Go to bed then (but first make sure to change your diaper....LOL)
I'm not the one pissing myslef with a new thread every day. I will be sleeping dry and tight tonight. Thanks for the well wishes.

Yup we are waiting anyday now for comey to say no content
The FBI investigation is the only investigation of any real importance.

It's way to political.. Never happen just like Hillary and the Obama care mandate
Probably under the "guidance" of FOX and Friends geniuses, right wingers on here, whenever there is mention of possible collusion between the Trumpsters and Russian oligarchs and Russian spies, revert to the trite: "Show me the proof?"

Now, the question arises (not that these same right wing nitwits could ever admit) if there already WAS proof, we wouldn't be subjected to the world embarrassment of an orange clown in the oval office........Proof is the result of careful, objective and unhindered investigations by both our intelligence agencies and [hopefully] congressional oversight committees.

We can witness this drip, drip, drip of allegations materializing, and tonight's news is that Carter Page and other Trump advisers were indeed the subject of Russian intelligence recruitment. Since some of these investigations go back to last summer, the issue is NOT whether Putin and his cohorts are currently recruiting, BUT whether the earlier recruitment led to collusion, such as the RNC platform's softening on Russian land grab in the Ukraine and Crimea.

Now, rarely there may be smoke but no fire.....but much more often, this amount of "smoke" CANNOT be witnessed without there having been a smoldering fire.

You're post title makes zero logical sense in any sort of context.
Congressional oversight committees don't investigate. They are basically inquisitions in which the inquisitor makes accusations in hopes that the accused with say something really stupid. They are strictly political. The party in power appoints the head of the committee whose job is to protect the party. The minority party is there to give the illusion of a fair investigation which is of course nonsense.

You're mostly correct on the political angle....However, each chamber of congress DOES have 6 to 8 investigators.
And the job of those investigators are not to dig up the truth but rather to gather half truths, rumors, and accusations to be used by committee members. In most respects, congressional investigating committees are kangaroo courts. There is no pretense of due process. Objections to document requests and interrogatories, if they are heard at all, are heard and ruled upon by the committee chairman who issued them that is, by the prosecutor rather than by a judge. There is usually no opportunity to argue your case before the chairman. There are no limitations on the number of interrogatories, the scope of document requests, or for the most part the length or manner of conducting depositions. There are no protective orders to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive trade secrets and proprietary information. There is no procedure for sealing records of highly confidential personnel matters. There is no client attorney privilege. Deadlines are often intentionally unreasonable and essentially impossible to comply with. Yet failure to comply fully may, and often does, prompt a widely distributed press release alleging obstructing a congressional investigation. In short congressional investigations, are not about uncovering the truth, but rather a vehicle for committee members to expound on their version of the truth.
You're post title makes zero logical sense in any sort of context.

Perhaps your fifth grade teacher can help you understand it better on Monday?

You're asking which comes first. And then you compare irrefutable proof (which then makes an investigation for that proof unnecessary), to the search for irrefutable proof (which suggest that irrefutable proof does EXIST, and WILL be found). And then you're telling people its not appropriate to demand proof any longer, and they should assume guilt, because irrefutable proof is coming, because I said so, and it exist and is attainable... what would my 5th grade teacher say about that?
How long did we all have to hear about Benghazi?
We had evidence the first few days. You have nothing after months.
Evidence yet no arrests huh? Weird
Yet you think your no evidence is going to end up in impeachment. Weird.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.

What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.
How long did we all have to hear about Benghazi?
We had evidence the first few days. You have nothing after months.
Evidence yet no arrests huh? Weird
Yet you think your no evidence is going to end up in impeachment. Weird.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.
Don't tell Nat he will go crazy.
I think Nat is having a good ol time busting your balls. The reality is, at this point, none of us know the truth or extent of what really happened, all we know for sure is that there have been lies and some shady shit coming from the trump camp. We can be honest and admit that or pretend like we have a magic crystal ball
We had evidence the first few days. You have nothing after months.
Evidence yet no arrests huh? Weird
Yet you think your no evidence is going to end up in impeachment. Weird.
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.
Don't tell Nat he will go crazy.
I think Nat is having a good ol time busting your balls. The reality is, at this point, none of us know the truth or extent of what really happened, all we know for sure is that there have been lies and some shady shit coming from the trump camp. We can be honest and admit that or pretend like we have a magic crystal ball

Nat's an old man and we already know what's going to happen
Probably under the "guidance" of FOX and Friends geniuses, right wingers on here, whenever there is mention of possible collusion between the Trumpsters and Russian oligarchs and Russian spies, revert to the trite: "Show me the proof?"

Now, the question arises (not that these same right wing nitwits could ever admit) if there already WAS proof, we wouldn't be subjected to the world embarrassment of an orange clown in the oval office........Proof is the result of careful, objective and unhindered investigations by both our intelligence agencies and [hopefully] congressional oversight committees.

We can witness this drip, drip, drip of allegations materializing, and tonight's news is that Carter Page and other Trump advisers were indeed the subject of Russian intelligence recruitment. Since some of these investigations go back to last summer, the issue is NOT whether Putin and his cohorts are currently recruiting, BUT whether the earlier recruitment led to collusion, such as the RNC platform's softening on Russian land grab in the Ukraine and Crimea.

Now, rarely there may be smoke but no fire.....but much more often, this amount of "smoke" CANNOT be witnessed without there having been a smoldering fire.

Funny when Trump made his allegations that his team was being spied on you demanded proof right away.

Now that there has been an investigation into both "collusion" and "wiretap-gate", we know the only allegations that are true was the wiretapping of Trump's staff and subsequent illegal unmasking of Flynn.
Trump is to big to take down like Hillary
Yeah those billionaires are tough to take down. They can go around poking pussies and still get elected president. How stupid do we look to the rest of the world?! Welcome to the circus!
Now that there has been an investigation into both "collusion" and "wiretap-gate", we know the only allegations that are true was the wiretapping of Trump's staff and subsequent illegal unmasking of Flynn.

Yeah.......bring back Flynn and appoint him ambassador to the Kremlin and Ankara.......(what a fool.......LOL)
Russia saved our constitution from you

Be glad of that..

can it you unAmerican fck
Probably under the "guidance" of FOX and Friends geniuses, right wingers on here, whenever there is mention of possible collusion between the Trumpsters and Russian oligarchs and Russian spies, revert to the trite: "Show me the proof?"

Now, the question arises (not that these same right wing nitwits could ever admit) if there already WAS proof, we wouldn't be subjected to the world embarrassment of an orange clown in the oval office........Proof is the result of careful, objective and unhindered investigations by both our intelligence agencies and [hopefully] congressional oversight committees.

We can witness this drip, drip, drip of allegations materializing, and tonight's news is that Carter Page and other Trump advisers were indeed the subject of Russian intelligence recruitment. Since some of these investigations go back to last summer, the issue is NOT whether Putin and his cohorts are currently recruiting, BUT whether the earlier recruitment led to collusion, such as the RNC platform's softening on Russian land grab in the Ukraine and Crimea.

Now, rarely there may be smoke but no fire.....but much more often, this amount of "smoke" CANNOT be witnessed without there having been a smoldering fire.
An interesting path you want to follow for sure is the russian operatives who have been dropping like flies since the election....

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