Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

Russia saved our constitution from you

Be glad of that..

can it you unAmerican fck

Ahhh you upset

Yea, I actually remember the day republicans were half way respectable patriots. The GOP has melted into a bunch of treasonous, spineless, jellyfish.

Orange is the new red
Russia saved our constitution from you

Well, bearbreath....tomorrow wear TWO American flag pins so that you can claim that you're DOUBLY patriotic.......
(what an asshole...LOL)

Hey the adults are in charge now..


Adults or not....Gnat isn't in charge.

He's sitting on the sidelines with the rest of the butthurt left, continually dragging this stuff up to make himself feel better about the fact that he lost big time last November.

Even if Trump is found to be "guilty" of everything that he is accused of, he has broken no law.

I don't like the guy.

I actually hope they run him out of office.

That would pretty much seal it for the next eight to ten years. The right would be so pissed, they'd mop up the democrats in 2018.

In 2020, president Pence would have no problem getting re-elected.

The left can continue to sit on the sidelines and suck on it.
And then you're telling people its not appropriate to demand proof any longer,

The above is YOUR biased conclusion....not mine

That's exactly what your post is suggesting. You're saying assume guilt, wait for irrefutable proof later (in words, which comes first irrefutable proof, or an investigation) which is your premise, and then you move on to the conclusion of, so why do I keep hearing people demanding proof.
Now that there has been an investigation into both "collusion" and "wiretap-gate", we know the only allegations that are true was the wiretapping of Trump's staff and subsequent illegal unmasking of Flynn.

Yeah.......bring back Flynn and appoint him ambassador to the Kremlin and Ankara.......(what a fool.......LOL)

This is a strawman argument, I'm sorry your 5th grade teacher never taught you the common logical fallacies like they should have. You read the post statement about the illegal unmasking of Flynn to say the poster wants to reinstate Flynn. Misrepresenting his point, to give the illusion of bolstering your point.
What you right wing morons refuse to acknowledge (mostly because you're too busy licking Trump's fat ass) is that if your beloved Flynn was "illegally" wiretapped, then NO spy would ever be caught fucking up our own country because that spy is an American citizen and, ergo, cannot be placed under surveillance.....

Grow up, idiots.....LOL
Russia saved our constitution from you

Be glad of that..

can it you unAmerican fck

Ahhh you upset

Yea, I actually remember the day republicans were half way respectable patriots. The GOP has melted into a bunch of treasonous, spineless, jellyfish.

We are the ones who are patriotic and Russia in 2016 saved our constitution and ass like the French did in 1776

Russia is not our friend. Russia wanted donnie because it benefits THEM. Putin does not care that trump could potentially ruin our country. Putin will get his sanctions lifted, and his oil shipping out again. That's all he cares about.
Like it or not, right wingers......unless ALL of our intelligence agencies and media outlets are in the pocket of Trump. folks like

et al

WILL try to save their own hides and throw the orange charlatan's administration under the nearest gutter .....where it belongs.

Defend all you want......and I'll attack all I want.
Putin will get his sanctions lifted, and his oil shipping out again. That's all he cares about.

(and we got a Sec, of State, Tillerson, willing to help both his buddy, Putin and his bosses back at Exxon.)
What you right wing morons refuse to acknowledge (mostly because you're too busy licking Trump's fat ass) is that if your beloved Flynn was "illegally" wiretapped, then NO spy would ever be caught fucking up our own country because that spy is an American citizen and, ergo, cannot be placed under surveillance.....

Grow up, idiots.....LOL
A. I didn't vote for trump, nor do I like the guy. B.Wow you really have zero clue how the whole citizen surveillance and unmasking works. Also you shouldn't have to resort to ad hominems, it weakens your position.

So the FBI should open investigations based on uncorroborated rumors? Well why didn't they investigate Ted Cruzs dad for the murder of JFK? Surely if this warrants an investigation, shouldn't the FBI be looking into Juanita Broderick's claims?

FBI Relied On Dossier To Obtain Surveillance Warrant On Trump Campaign Adviser

The Surprising Evidence the FBI Used to Get FISA Surveillance of the Trump Campaign

FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation - CNNPolitics.com

Intelligence Reports Reveal Improper Political Surveillance of Trump, Transition Team
, QUOTE="sakinago, post: 17085226, member: 39648"]So the FBI should open investigations based on uncorroborated rumors?[/QUOTE]

Now THAT is YOUR biased opinion...."Uncorroborated rumors"??
Where the hell did you hear that from, Hannity?
Tillerson holds firm on Russia sanctions during talks with Putin - Oil | Platts News Article & Story

Oh yea, Tillerson is really working with the Russians there. Trump and Putin are certainly best friends now

Proves NOTHING........Just imagine had Tillerson and Putin shaken hands for EXXON to disregards current sanctions and have them work together.....Even the most "loyal" Trump ass lickers would find it difficult to defend THAT......

Also noticed that Trump acolytes NOW like to say that they "never really liked Trump".....One wonders how the fuck the orange clown managed to sit in the oval office.....Buyers' remorse tinged with lies, anyone?
, QUOTE="sakinago, post: 17085226, member: 39648"]So the FBI should open investigations based on uncorroborated rumors?

Now THAT is YOUR biased opinion...."Uncorroborated rumors"??
Where the hell did you hear that from, Hannity?[/QUOTE]

The trump dossier, that came from opposition research during the campaign, where much of the timeline didn't fit with the claimed events, and, widely to believe to be written by Russian former KGB (not by an English speaking Britain), and 100% of what's in the dossier is heresay, 100% ... thats what I call uncorroborated...what's your loose definition. It's quite ridiculous on one hand to talk about how bad Russia is, then on other, believe wholeheartedly in their intelligence reports that are completely constructed of here-say... Remember, this was the report that MSM had for months, and didn't even report on because it was so outlandish...do you remember trump thanking some media outfits for not running the story? And this is what the FBI is using, a here-say report...and you expect to find irrefutable proof...

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Bonfire of the credibilities: Trump ‘dossier’ rings false - and falsely convenient - Liberty Unyielding

The Bizarre Trump Dossier
The trump dossier, that came from opposition research during the campaign, where much of the timeline didn't fit with the claimed events, and, widely to believe to be written by Russian former KGB (not by an English speaking Britain), and 100% of what's in the dossier is heresay, 100% ... thats what I call uncorroborated..

Nonsense and inane......HAD the dossier been the ONLY proof presented to a FISA judge I'd tend to agree and ANY judge who would grant surveillance simply based on a foreign dossier should be out of a job.....

HOWEVER, as repeatedly reported by the FBI, no one within that agency would dare jeopardize an investigation by walking into a judge's chambers and simply state, "hey, judge, may I have a warrant based on a foreign guy's gathering of damaging information???....yeah, thanks!!"

THAT is dumb and a flimsy straw to hang on to in your drowning diatribe........ smarten up.

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