Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?



"Days after Mr. Comey’s news conference, Carter Page, an American businessman, gave a speech in Moscow criticizing American foreign policy. Such a trip would typically be unremarkable, but Mr. Page had previously been under F.B.I. scrutiny years earlier, as he was believed to have been marked for recruitment by Russian spies. And he was now a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump.

Mr. Page has not said whom he met during his July visit to Moscow, describing them as “mostly scholars.” But the F.B.I. took notice. Mr. Page later traveled to Moscow again, raising new concerns among counterintelligence agents. A former senior American intelligence official said that Mr. Page met with a suspected intelligence officer on one of those trips and there was information that the Russians were still very interested in recruiting him.

Later that month, the website WikiLeaks began releasing hacked emails from the D.N.C. Roger J. Stone Jr., another Trump adviser, boasted publicly about his contact with WikiLeaks and suggested he had inside knowledge about forthcoming leaks. And Mr. Trump himself fueled the F.B.I.’s suspicions, showering Mr. Putin with praise and calling for more hacking of Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

“Russia, if you’re listening,” he said, “I hope you’ll be able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

In late July, the F.B.I. opened an investigation into possible collusion between members of Mr. Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives. Besides Mr. Comey and a small team of agents, officials said, only a dozen or so people at the F.B.I. knew about the investigation. Mr. Strzok, just days removed from the Clinton case, was selected to supervise it.

It was a worrisome time at the F.B.I. Agents saw increased activity by Russian intelligence officers in the United States, and a former senior American intelligence official said there were attempts by Russian intelligence officers to talk to people involved in the campaign. Russian hackers had also been detected trying to break into voter registration systems, and intelligence intercepts indicated some sort of plan to interfere with the election."

Much more at link.

It was in late July the FBI investigation into Trump's campaign was opened. The dossier came later.

Again...what is in the dossier that warrants any sort of investigation? So far no one is able to cite anything outside of the dossier, of what has changed since October, to now. Flynn lying about being in contact with Russia? Really th guy who was forced to resign after a month, that's Russia/Trump collusion? All we know is that there was indeed an unmasking, the reasons for the unmasking are still unknown.
Maybe you should consider reading the link.

That wasn't already known by the FBI October 2016.
I also notice that no one here has a problem with Brennan colluding with foreign agencies against trump...the hypocrisy is head spinning. Anything anti-trump=good, protrump= bad.

The same people here calling foul, are probably the same ones who dismissed our own governmental entity (IRS), ADMITTEDLY suppressing thousands of right wing groups leading up to the 2012 elections. And then dismissed the IRS's destruction of evidence despite a congressional subpoena. All of this is ADMITTED. And I'm supposed to believe y'all actually care about election tampering...apparently only when you loose.
How long did we all have to hear about Benghazi?

With good reason!

No, just that it does nothing to refute the point that tillerson just said a couple of weeks ago the sanctions against Russia will be upheld until Russia backs away from the Ukraine, which is in fact how the sanctions got there in the first place...so again what's your point. Are you still saying tillerson is working with Russians by removing sanctions?

NO.....Tillerson now CANNOT defy the sanctions.....he is not an idiot. Again, can you imagine the pitchforks parading before the State Dept. if he had stated, "fuck the sanctions, I have a responsibility to Exxon..."???
No, just that it does nothing to refute the point that tillerson just said a couple of weeks ago the sanctions against Russia will be upheld until Russia backs away from the Ukraine, which is in fact how the sanctions got there in the first place...so again what's your point. Are you still saying tillerson is working with Russians by removing sanctions?

NO.....Tillerson now CANNOT defy the sanctions.....he is not an idiot. Again, can you imagine the pitchforks parading before the State Dept. if he had stated, "fuck the sanctions, I have a responsibility to Exxon..."???

Then where's the Russian collusion? What the hell is your point? why bring up tillerson as a collusionist, if he's not able to collude?
Yeah those billionaires are tough to take down. They can go around poking pussies and still get elected president. How stupid do we look to the rest of the world?! Welcome to the circus!

Nonsense and inane......HAD the dossier been the ONLY proof presented to a FISA judge I'd tend to agree and ANY judge who would grant surveillance simply based on a foreign dossier should be out of a job.....

How many FISA warrants have been issued in the past ten years and how many have been denied?
Russia saved our constitution from you

So much unrequited love.....Sad, really......LOL
View attachment 122671

You lost commie pinko...

You should be thankful

So once again, it's party over country. You prefer to be governed by Putin's pick than that of the American people. That's not democracy or anything close to it. So much for the Constitution or the will of the people.

When people want this.
Russia saved our constitution from you

So much unrequited love.....Sad, really......LOL
View attachment 122671

You lost commie pinko...

You should be thankful

So once again, it's party over country. You prefer to be governed by Putin's pick than that of the American people. That's not democracy or anything close to it. So much for the Constitution or the will of the people.

Letting anti democracy pinko liberals win is not democracy
2017 being the 100th anniversary of Russian Socialism, it is not a suprise that the political left in the US still loves Russian totalitarianism.

Which is why the conspiraciy theories are silly at face value.
I also notice that no one here has a problem with Brennan colluding with foreign agencies against trump...the hypocrisy is head spinning. Anything anti-trump=good, protrump= bad.

The same people here calling foul, are probably the same ones who dismissed our own governmental entity (IRS), ADMITTEDLY suppressing thousands of right wing groups leading up to the 2012 elections. And then dismissed the IRS's destruction of evidence despite a congressional subpoena. All of this is ADMITTED. And I'm supposed to believe y'all actually care about election tampering...apparently only when you loose.

THOUSANDS of right wing groups??? In total, 298 groups had their applications DELAYED for extra scrutiny - and not all of them were conservative groups. Tax-exempt, non-profit groups CANNOT work to the benefit of either political party. Liberal groups had their applications declined as well. A fact that conservatives leave out when they begin the standard "IRS rant".

None of what you posted is admitted. The IRS admitting using key word searches to determine whether a tax-exempt, non-profit application needed further scrutiny, and apologized for this being "inappropriate", but the rest of your post is conservative fiction.
I also notice that no one here has a problem with Brennan colluding with foreign agencies against trump...the hypocrisy is head spinning. Anything anti-trump=good, protrump= bad.

The same people here calling foul, are probably the same ones who dismissed our own governmental entity (IRS), ADMITTEDLY suppressing thousands of right wing groups leading up to the 2012 elections. And then dismissed the IRS's destruction of evidence despite a congressional subpoena. All of this is ADMITTED. And I'm supposed to believe y'all actually care about election tampering...apparently only when you loose.

THOUSANDS of right wing groups??? In total, 298 groups had their applications DELAYED for extra scrutiny - and not all of them were conservative groups. Tax-exempt, non-profit groups CANNOT work to the benefit of either political party. Liberal groups had their applications declined as well. A fact that conservatives leave out when they begin the standard "IRS rant".

None of what you posted is admitted. The IRS admitting using key word searches to determine whether a tax-exempt, non-profit application needed further scrutiny, and apologized for this being "inappropriate", but the rest of your post is conservative fiction.
the tax exemption PAC they were applying for was as a CHARITY, not a political party PAC, so when a PAC like Karl Rove's is applying for tax exempt as a CHARITY PAC, and Tea Party Groups applying as a Charity for tax exemption....and claim they are not primarily a political cause group, they should be questioned by the IRS....

Lerner was railroaded...
What you right wing morons refuse to acknowledge (mostly because you're too busy licking Trump's fat ass) is that if your beloved Flynn was "illegally" wiretapped, then NO spy would ever be caught fucking up our own country because that spy is an American citizen and, ergo, cannot be placed under surveillance.....

Grow up, idiots.....LOL

I never said he was "illegally" wiretapped. You lamers seem to think that just because the recording of Trump staff was legal, that it somehow makes Trump wrong. The actual taping may have been legal, but the dissemination of that intel and unmasking of a US citizen was completely illegal. Comey and even the Dem members of the House intel committee stated so.

You just can't accept reality and admit Trump was right. His staff was wiretapped (illegally or legally, doesn't matter). The recordings were used in a malicious manner for political purposes by Obama hacks, as opposed to investigation and national security purposes (the only legal cause to wiretap).
What you right wing morons refuse to acknowledge (mostly because you're too busy licking Trump's fat ass) is that if your beloved Flynn was "illegally" wiretapped, then NO spy would ever be caught fucking up our own country because that spy is an American citizen and, ergo, cannot be placed under surveillance.....

Grow up, idiots.....LOL

I never said he was "illegally" wiretapped. You lamers seem to think that just because the recording of Trump staff was legal, that it somehow makes Trump wrong. The actual taping may have been legal, but the dissemination of that intel and unmasking of a US citizen was completely illegal. Comey and even the Dem members of the House intel committee stated so.

You just can't accept reality and admit Trump was right. His staff was wiretapped (illegally or legally, doesn't matter). The recordings were used in a malicious manner for political purposes by Obama hacks, as opposed to investigation and national security purposes (the only legal cause to wiretap).
please explain to me what you think it is when the National Security Advisor asks for permission from the intelligence agency for a US Person#1 in an intelligence report briefing she was given as part of our national security to be unmasked, means in your head? Do you think unmasking is leaking? Do you think unmasking means everyone with classified clearance gets to see the name when one person asks for permission to see the name? What exactly is it that you think "unmasking" means in relation to the person asking for permission and the person being unmasked?
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The actual taping may have been legal, but the dissemination of that intel and unmasking of a US citizen was completely illegal.

Tell THAT to Clinton's staff and how Comey called a news conference a few days before election to tell the entire planet that Clinton was under investigation.....LOL

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