Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

The American people were given a choice between Trump and Clinton.

Next time...try running a candidate who isn't a pathological liar, who isn't for sale to the highest bidder, and who doesn't have more scandals than any ten other people put together!
What a stupid question, one Snowflakes have already answered...

Coming quickly upon a year during which their MULTIPLE 'McCarthyistic' witch hunt has been on-going, snowflakes still have ZERO evidence to support their false claims that the Russians 'hacked the election' and that Trump and his team colluded with the Russians....and the FBI has already said 3 times no such evidence exists / has been found.

Evidence does exist, however, that Obama and his administration DID try to hack US state election processes and committed Felony ESPIONAGE while Hillary, Bubba, and the Podestas were working for / with the KGB, the KGB Bank, the Russian SPY agency, the Kremlin, and Putin.

And thanks to Hillary Insiders and Tell-All books, America is being treated to an inside look at Hillary's failed campaign, her Russian connections, the help the DNC gave her to beat Sanders, the rigged primaries, the debate cheating, how Obama asked her to concede, and her tantrum / meltdown after her 2nd loss.


Patience, Mikebaby, patience....at this point we do NOT have indictable proof......have patience. LOL

...of TRUMP wrong-doing. There's plenty of evidence of criminal / seditious / treasonous activity NOW of wrong-doing by Hillary, Bubba, the Podestas, Obama, his administration, and his holdovers.
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You're not following proof from the investigations...you're following innuendoes about the investigations.

You mean all those investigations going on and the recusals and the firings of Trump lap dogs are ALL based on innuendos...

WOW, the things you learn from moronic right wingers.....LOL
You're not following proof from the investigations...you're following innuendoes about the investigations.

You mean all those investigations going on and the recusals and the firings of Trump lap dogs are ALL based on innuendos...

WOW, the things you learn from moronic right wingers.....LOL
and the republican slime trying their best to avoid investigations?? WTF are they ?? My guess is scum and traitors
You're not following proof from the investigations...you're following innuendoes about the investigations.

Here, let me help you out with how the nightmare for Trump ass lickers may work out......

You MAY start out with innuendos/rumors/suspicions...

THEN you launch multiple investigations, gather evidence, find the weakest link (Carter Page?) and turn him or her to spill the beans, so to speak

FINALLY, once you've gathered all that evidence, you present the proof before both the public and perhaps a prosecutor (our boy, Session?).......and the fun then begins.
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Health care claim was the lie of the year and your dear leader was the one telling it, makes him liar of the year.

Tell THAT to the 20 million people.....most within your ilk ......that their first time health care insurance is all a "lie".......LOL
You're not following proof from the investigations...you're following innuendoes about the investigations.

You mean all those investigations going on and the recusals and the firings of Trump lap dogs are ALL based on innuendos...

WOW, the things you learn from moronic right wingers.....LOL

Show me something that a single one of these "investigations" have proven, Nat! You've got Democrats accusing Trump of everything under the sun because they don't want to admit they ran an awful candidate...and a main stream media that's running those narratives because they still can't believe that Trump won.
You're not following proof from the investigations...you're following innuendoes about the investigations.

Here, let me help you out with how the nightmare for Trump ass lickers may work out......

You MAY start out with innuendos/rumors/suspicions...
THEN you launch multiple investigations, gather evidence, find the weakest link (Carter Page?) and turn him or her to spill the beans, so to speak
FINALLY, once you've gathered all that evidence, you present the proof before both the public and perhaps a prosecutor (our boy, Session?).......and the fun then begins.

And when do you think we'll see the first proof? Ever? Get back to me when you've actually got something, Nat! Right now this is farce of the highest order...
He can't do that...unless he points out how the Directors of the NSA and FBI both stated the only proven crime to have been committed so far has been the Felony Espionage by the Obama administration and his holdovers.
Health care claim was the lie of the year and your dear leader was the one telling it, makes him liar of the year.

Tell THAT to the 20 million people.....most within your ilk ......that their first time health care insurance is all a "lie".......LOL

Since your 20 million people getting health insurance for the first time is a lie in and of itself, Nat...what difference does it make what "ilk" they are?
Next time...try running a candidate who isn't a pathological liar, who isn't for sale to the highest bidder, and who doesn't have more scandals than any ten other people put together!

Agreed that Clinton was a FLAWED candidate....but to vote for an orange charlatan instead of her is the equivalent of chopping off your hand because of a nail infection.
Show me something that a single one of these "investigations" have proven, Nat

Glad you asked......

Flynn (who was once loved by the orange clown) proved to be an agent for a foreign government, Turkey and possibly even for Russia..he got fired.

Carter Page (once called by Trump one of his top foreign advisers) proved to be a prime target for Russian spies....He got fired.

Paul Manafort (once head of Trump's campaign) proved to be an agent for the communist former Ukrainian leaders and crook....He got fired...

You see, investigations cause your ilk a bit of a problem, don't you think?
Health care claim was the lie of the year and your dear leader was the one telling it, makes him liar of the year.

Tell THAT to the 20 million people.....most within your ilk ......that their first time health care insurance is all a "lie".......LOL

You mean the insurance with deductibles so high they can't afford to use it? Or the people who can no longer see doctors they had a decades old relationships with? It's a lie alright.
Russia saved our constitution from you

So much unrequited love.....Sad, really......LOL
View attachment 122671

You lost commie pinko...

You should be thankful

So once again, it's party over country. You prefer to be governed by Putin's pick than that of the American people. That's not democracy or anything close to it. So much for the Constitution or the will of the people.

When people want this.
Russia saved our constitution from you

So much unrequited love.....Sad, really......LOL
View attachment 122671

You lost commie pinko...

You should be thankful

So once again, it's party over country. You prefer to be governed by Putin's pick than that of the American people. That's not democracy or anything close to it. So much for the Constitution or the will of the people.

Letting anti democracy pinko liberals win is not democracy

Neither is using the Russian propaganda machine to spread lies and disinformation about your opponent.
Probably under the "guidance" of FOX and Friends geniuses, right wingers on here, whenever there is mention of possible collusion between the Trumpsters and Russian oligarchs and Russian spies, revert to the trite: "Show me the proof?"

Now, the question arises (not that these same right wing nitwits could ever admit) if there already WAS proof, we wouldn't be subjected to the world embarrassment of an orange clown in the oval office........Proof is the result of careful, objective and unhindered investigations by both our intelligence agencies and [hopefully] congressional oversight committees.

We can witness this drip, drip, drip of allegations materializing, and tonight's news is that Carter Page and other Trump advisers were indeed the subject of Russian intelligence recruitment. Since some of these investigations go back to last summer, the issue is NOT whether Putin and his cohorts are currently recruiting, BUT whether the earlier recruitment led to collusion, such as the RNC platform's softening on Russian land grab in the Ukraine and Crimea.

Now, rarely there may be smoke but no fire.....but much more often, this amount of "smoke" CANNOT be witnessed without there having been a smoldering fire.

Your commentary could easily be applied to Hellary and her private server issues. Of course those making your argument would be Republicans, and then you would be arguing against the rationale you employ here. That is what blind partisanship is all about.
And when do you think we'll see the first proof? Ever? Get back to me when you've actually got something, Nat

You'll be among the very FIRST to know....Bear in mind that the Watergate investigation took over 3 year....
Try not to be so damn anxious.......LOL
Since your 20 million people getting health insurance for the first time is a lie in and of itself, Nat...what difference does it make what "ilk" they are?

Well, you can put your head back up your arse....but you should check out those town halls in red states when citizens are told that you're going to take away their ACA.....Seriously, check it out how that is going.....LOL

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