Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?

and the republican slime trying their best to avoid investigations?? WTF are they ?? My guess is scum and traitors

It has almost been a year of MULTIPLE investigations...and snowflakes have produced nothing but BULLSHIT!

Conservatives WELCOME the investigations...because they have revealed:
1) Obama attempted to hack the Indiana and Georgia state election processes

2) The Russians did NOT attempt to 'hack the election'

3) The accusation that Trump and his team colluded with Russians is a LIE - ZERO evidence supports the lie.

4) The Clintons and Podestas took money from, took stocks from, and worked for the Russians, the KGB, the KGB Bank, the Russian SPY AGENCY, the Kremlin, and PUTIN.

5) The only crime proven to have been committed so far was the FELONY ESPIONAGE perpetrated by Obama / the Obama administration / Obama holdovers.

The investigations have been AWESOME! Every time they reveal more connections, more crime, more sedition, more treason perpetrated by the Democrats / Obama / Obama holdovers they scream louder about the false accusations against Trump in an attempt to distract from their own acts.

In all honesty, after the Felony Espionage was revealed and the undeniable links to the Clintons and the Podestas, I thought there would be more of a sense of urgency to go after / prosecute the PROVEN acts than there is the desire to continue the witch hunt against Trump and his team.
Your commentary could easily be applied to Hellary and her private server issues. Of course those making your argument would be Republicans, and then you would be arguing against the rationale you employ here. That is what blind partisanship is all about.

With ONE main difference....

Clinton (as I've often stated) was a flawed candidate; self-centered, power-hungry and borderline crooked.....HOWEVER, her sins pale when compared to the orange charlatan who may have colluded with an enemy of our country, refuses transparency (His tax returns) and has so many conflict of interests to be openly screwing with the US treasury.

BUT, as long as he keeps golfing, the country is better off.
It has almost been a year of MULTIPLE investigations...and snowflakes have produced nothing but BULLSHIT!

Amazing how those investigations produced "nothing" according to morons like you.....and YET, THREE Trump confidants managed to get fired.....LOL
Amazing how those investigations produced "nothing" according to morons like you.....and YET, THREE Trump confidants managed to get fired.....LOL
Thanks for admitting you are too ignorant to understand the difference between what is 'criminal' and what is not.
Thanks for admitting you are too ignorant to understand the difference between what is 'criminal' and what is not.

MORON, where did I say "criminal"....???
Your commentary could easily be applied to Hellary and her private server issues. Of course those making your argument would be Republicans, and then you would be arguing against the rationale you employ here. That is what blind partisanship is all about.

With ONE main difference....

Clinton (as I've often stated) was a flawed candidate; self-centered, power-hungry and borderline crooked.....HOWEVER, her sins pale when compared to the orange charlatan who may have colluded with an enemy of our country, refuses transparency (His tax returns) and has so many conflict of interests to be openly screwing with the US treasury.

BUT, as long as he keeps golfing, the country is better off.

Classic partisan. So obvious. I knew you'd say "yea, but....."
Personally I don't think there will be impeachment. I think it's a bunch of petty lies for PR purposes. He needs to be called out for all that dishonest shit though, he is our president now.

What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.

I guess you don't recall him being named liar of the year either.

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

I think it's pretty weak that your only response to Trumps dishonesty is trying to point the finger at Obama. You realize that not an argument right. I've never defended one lie by Obama or Clinton, so how about you deal with the topic at hand

Actually it was in response to your apparent senility when you said this:

"I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies,"
Really, you mean when I pointed out Trumps petty lies and you responded by saying "Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?" Yes you were changing the subject to Obama to try and paint his accusers as hypocrites because you can't admit the simple fact that our current president lies his ass off. I don't give a shit if every president in history has done the same thing, it doesn't make it any less unacceptable.
I am actually surprised snowflakes, like DT, keep crating these threads that only serve to remind people how their accusations about Trump have been proven FALSE while simultaneously revealing how connected the Clintons and the Podestas were / are to the Russians and how the Obama administration and his holdovers perpetrated Felony Espionage in an attempt to undermine the newly elected President of the United States.

I would think they would want everyone to FORGET how criminal and seditious the Democrats and their candidate and Ex-President have been.
Classic partisan. So obvious. I knew you'd say "yea, but....."

Bullshit......I would have taken 2 or 3 GOP candidates over that orange moron.....Its NOT partisanship its SANITY.
Why you mad at me? Register as a republican if you want to have a voice in who they nominate. You Dems nominated the worst canidate in history. She is literally the only person he could have beaten.
What dishonest shit?

Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?
I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies, so you don't really know what the fuck I think about that do ya? I don't accept lies from anybody on capital hill and I find it curious that you bitch about Obama and Hillary but seem to excuse Trump. What a hypocrite you are.

I guess you don't recall him being named liar of the year either.

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

I think it's pretty weak that your only response to Trumps dishonesty is trying to point the finger at Obama. You realize that not an argument right. I've never defended one lie by Obama or Clinton, so how about you deal with the topic at hand

Actually it was in response to your apparent senility when you said this:

"I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies,"
Really, you mean when I pointed out Trumps petty lies and you responded by saying "Seriously now you forgot about Obama's lies?" Yes you were changing the subject to Obama to try and paint his accusers as hypocrites because you can't admit the simple fact that our current president lies his ass off. I don't give a shit if every president in history has done the same thing, it doesn't make it any less unacceptable.

Fuck off and die maggot, you're the one who didn't recall discussing maobamas lies, you brought it up. I simply pointed out the absurdity and ignorance of you statement.

Once again here's your quote:

"I don't recall us ever having a discussion about Obamas lies,"

Own your ignorance and stop trying to put words in my mouth.
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You seriously think if there was proof the MSM wouldn't run that 24-7 because they think so highly of the office of president? You have serious mental issues.

Patience, Mikebaby, patience....at this point we do NOT have indictable proof......have patience. LOL

5 months later and still nothing


You have no clue.

It took two years to get Nixon and he didn't start out with nearly as much evidence of criminal activity as the pussy grabber. And, Reagan - filthy corrupt president, caught red handed but look who served time, who is now employed.

And dumbest morons on the planet idolize Ronnie RayGun for running up the debt, raising taxes on the working class, cutting taxes for the 1% and making the US a debtor nation.

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The FBI has declared 3 times now that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russians...but snowflakes keep insisting, 'Uh-huh'.

Meanwhile The Clintons and the Podestas were / are OWNED by the KGB / Putin. :p
You seriously think if there was proof the MSM wouldn't run that 24-7 because they think so highly of the office of president? You have serious mental issues.

Patience, Mikebaby, patience....at this point we do NOT have indictable proof......have patience. LOL

5 months later and still nothing

How long did we all have to hear about Benghazi?
We had evidence the first few days. You have nothing after months.

We had proof the Rs cut funding and then refused to increase it when it requested by both Obama and Clinton.

Jason Chaffetz was one of the Rs who voted to slash their security and then made his slimy rep on going after Hillary.

He planned to keep up the same lies but since the pussy grabber is in the WH, he chickened out of the shit storm that's coming.


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When has DJT ever told the full truth about anything? Name one thing the chronic LIAR has told the truth about....

He said he'd win. He said he won.

Was that a lie.

Or was he now sworn in as POTUS ?
shortly before the election he had doubts and he said he didn't know if he'd win but he thought he'd win...and started playing the election is rigged card.... :rolleyes:

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