Which country do Jihadists fear? Hint: It's not the US

I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
Who said anything about lefties or righties dumbfuck?
That's isn't the goddamn point anyways. See? You are stupid as fuck.
We cut shit that actually matters so we can school illegal immigrants, house third world savages and see if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
I cant stand the establishment left OR right.
Fuck the GOP and fuck the corporate "liberals".
Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:

it was Obama's sequester ya lying old hag. Go play in the Flame Zone, you offer up nothing substantial
You mean I laugh at your lies so I should leave you free to make up whatever you wish. :thup:
Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
Who said anything about lefties or righties dumbfuck?
That's isn't the goddamn point anyways. See? You are stupid as fuck.
We cut shit that actually matters so we can school illegal immigrants, house third world savages and see if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
I cant stand the establishment left OR right.
Fuck the GOP and fuck the corporate "liberals".
Did you even read the post you replied "word" to? Just knee jerking along, you are.
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:

it was Obama's sequester ya lying old hag. Go play in the Flame Zone, you offer up nothing substantial
You mean I laugh at your lies so I should leave you free to make up whatever you wish. :thup:

I linked....your turn ya lying piece of horse dung. Go play in the zone before you get hurt here
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
Who said anything about lefties or righties dumbfuck?
That's isn't the goddamn point anyways. See? You are stupid as fuck.
We cut shit that actually matters so we can school illegal immigrants, house third world savages and see if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
I cant stand the establishment left OR right.
Fuck the GOP and fuck the corporate "liberals".
Did you even read the post you replied "word" to? Just knee jerking along, you are.
"I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong"
What is wrong with that?
I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
Who said anything about lefties or righties dumbfuck?
That's isn't the goddamn point anyways. See? You are stupid as fuck.
We cut shit that actually matters so we can school illegal immigrants, house third world savages and see if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
I cant stand the establishment left OR right.
Fuck the GOP and fuck the corporate "liberals".
Did you even read the post you replied "word" to? Just knee jerking along, you are.
"I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong"
What is wrong with that?

She doesn't know, she's just flaming the thread
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
Who said anything about lefties or righties dumbfuck?
That's isn't the goddamn point anyways. See? You are stupid as fuck.
We cut shit that actually matters so we can school illegal immigrants, house third world savages and see if we can train a lion to run on a treadmill.
I cant stand the establishment left OR right.
Fuck the GOP and fuck the corporate "liberals".
Did you even read the post you replied "word" to? Just knee jerking along, you are.
"I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong"
What is wrong with that?

She doesn't know, she's just flaming the thread
like always. That dumb twat cant contribute to anything besides flames.
Like her yelling "republicans" when you didn't even mention a political party lol
And she mentioned knee-jerking? lol
I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:

it was Obama's sequester ya lying old hag. Go play in the Flame Zone, you offer up nothing substantial
You mean I laugh at your lies so I should leave you free to make up whatever you wish. :thup:

I linked....your turn ya lying piece of horse dung. Go play in the zone before you get hurt here
You linked to someone that confirmed your bias. You are good at that.
You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees

And Israel failed to achieve that. Body counts and excuses as to why they failed are not relevant. Hamas achieved its objectives and Israel did not, hence Hamas won.
You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees

And Israel failed to achieve that. Body counts and excuses as to why they failed are not relevant. Hamas achieved its objectives and Israel did not, hence Hamas won.
YAYYY terrorism!
Israel takes no prisoners, and they've got nukes. Everyone should be afraid of them. A military guy I know told me that is part of the reason the US keeps intervening in wars over there--to keep Israel from getting involved and blowing up the whole world, starting with their enemy neighbors.
The U.S. has never had that singular focus on security and will never achieve it; we can't get our shit together to agree on anything, it seems, and if we do manage that on rare occassions, there's an election and it all goes south...
Doesn't mean we can't do better, though. I agree with OP
The military guy you know was clueless. All the US needs to do is withdraw support and Israel is gone.
You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees

And Israel failed to achieve that. Body counts and excuses as to why they failed are not relevant. Hamas achieved its objectives and Israel did not, hence Hamas won.
That's some warped logic right there. Like a losing boxer bragging about how sore the other guy's knuckles are.
You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees

And Israel failed to achieve that. Body counts and excuses as to why they failed are not relevant. Hamas achieved its objectives and Israel did not, hence Hamas won.

in fact Israel uncovered and destroyed hundreds of tunnels-----and continues to keep your heroic baby murderers at bay--------they achieved a limited objective and your infant throat slitting pals ---------are a bit less effective in entertaining you and your sluts. Now you and yours are reduced to putting knives in the stinking rags of your sluts and pushing them into Jerusalem with instructions LOOK FOR A VULNERABLE VICTIM AND SHOVE A KNIFE IN FOR ALLAH. ---------this
Islamic technique is going to bite you and your sluts in your ASSES
You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees

And Israel failed to achieve that. Body counts and excuses as to why they failed are not relevant. Hamas achieved its objectives and Israel did not, hence Hamas won.
That's some warped logic right there. Like a losing boxer bragging about how sore the other guy's knuckles are.

nothing new------GAMAL ABDEL NASSER claimed victory in 1967 --because
the IDF had not raped the female population of Cairo---------HE PROVED
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:

it was Obama's sequester ya lying old hag. Go play in the Flame Zone, you offer up nothing substantial
You mean I laugh at your lies so I should leave you free to make up whatever you wish. :thup:

I linked....your turn ya lying piece of horse dung. Go play in the zone before you get hurt here
You linked to someone that confirmed your bias. You are good at that.

Once again you have offered nothing. You are good at that. Go bother someone who gives a rat's
Israel takes no prisoners, and they've got nukes. Everyone should be afraid of them. A military guy I know told me that is part of the reason the US keeps intervening in wars over there--to keep Israel from getting involved and blowing up the whole world, starting with their enemy neighbors.
The U.S. has never had that singular focus on security and will never achieve it; we can't get our shit together to agree on anything, it seems, and if we do manage that on rare occassions, there's an election and it all goes south...
Doesn't mean we can't do better, though. I agree with OP
That's why we give them billions in weapons every year?
Can you put that in plainer English for an old lady?
is that why we give them billions of dollars worth of weapons every year? You know, because we are scared they would attack someone? lol

Yes us.
That's some warped logic right there. Like a losing boxer bragging about how sore the other guy's knuckles are.

So you're saying the Germans won at Kursk? After all, they inflicted twice as many casualties as they took.
Islamic technique is going to bite you and your sluts in your ASSES

My, what a nasty piece of work you are.

I don't even have to ask. You're a Trump fan. Like calls to like.

I am a democrat-------generally if I do not like the democrat candidate---
I do not vote. I did not vote when Kerry ran for president because my
impression of him way back then is that he his hopelessly stupid

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