Which country do Jihadists fear? Hint: It's not the US

Thanks for the propaganda, SassyLiarBitch! And happy holidays!
They said turkey buying oil from IS was Russian propaganda...
Whats sad was, that was DESPITE Obama going there over a year ago to discuss it. You are on the wrong side when it comes to IS, you miserable witch.
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.
Listen dumbfuck, EVERYONE knows you are far from substantial. You need to stick to your childish humor in the FZ. I honestly don't think I have EVER seen you post anything that required a hint of thinking besides a flame.
You don't have a goddamn clue what is going on in the ME.
We have been giving IS arms
We have been friends with people that DIRECTLY fund IS
We have been lied to for YEARS about everything that involves them.
Now, they have taken over like 25% of the ME. Hell, they are in Africa training with boko haram right now.
YOU are on the wrong side, you miserable witch.
Right, and Obama is a closet muslim ISIS supporter. You really hate the US which is quite sad.
Thanks for the propaganda, SassyLiarBitch! And happy holidays!
They said turkey buying oil from IS was Russian propaganda...
Whats sad was, that was DESPITE Obama going there over a year ago to discuss it. You are on the wrong side when it comes to IS, you miserable witch.
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.

ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Well Israel doesn't have ridiculous ROE's so I can see where ISIS would fear them.

Israel fights to win and they do what it takes to win.

Doubt ISIS would take them on at all.
They said turkey buying oil from IS was Russian propaganda...
Whats sad was, that was DESPITE Obama going there over a year ago to discuss it. You are on the wrong side when it comes to IS, you miserable witch.
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.

ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
So ISIS says their plan is to draw the US into a fight it will lose. Therefore, the OP demands ... to do exactly what ISIS wants.

Is Sassy an ISIS sleeper agent? When someone is devoting themselves to doing exactly what ISIS wants, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

With the continued military setbacks being suffered by ISIS, some conservatives are panicking. Conservatives need ISIS to win in order to gain political power at home, hence many conservatives will be doing what they can to aid ISIS.

I don't know anyone who benefits from ISIS other than Russia-------politically or in any other way---
even Trump does not need ISIS. Russia is MOST involved with ISIS----because
Russia NEEDS isis as a cause and for a victory
Thanks for the propaganda, SassyLiarBitch! And happy holidays!
They said turkey buying oil from IS was Russian propaganda...
Whats sad was, that was DESPITE Obama going there over a year ago to discuss it. You are on the wrong side when it comes to IS, you miserable witch.
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.
Listen dumbfuck, EVERYONE knows you are far from substantial. You need to stick to your childish humor in the FZ. I honestly don't think I have EVER seen you post anything that required a hint of thinking besides a flame.
You don't have a goddamn clue what is going on in the ME.
We have been giving IS arms
We have been friends with people that DIRECTLY fund IS
We have been lied to for YEARS about everything that involves them.
Now, they have taken over like 25% of the ME. Hell, they are in Africa training with boko haram right now.
YOU are on the wrong side, you miserable witch.
Right, and Obama is a closet muslim ISIS supporter. You really hate the US which is quite sad.
I am more of a nationalist than anything else so how in the fuck do I hate America? I want America and Americans put first. Dumbfuck
So you think all that is bullshit? LMAO
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.

ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Obama attacks himself..
I for one don't believe the article. Israel has said they prefer Al Qaeda than Assad. Sorry Israel will do anything to get the US to keep fighting in Syria. I mean come on Isis is killing the Shia, Israel and SA dream come true.

They may fear the IDF for fear of what Israel will do if they do not follow the wishes of Israel. Israel leaders are unstable, ruthless and don't give a care about non jewish life.
ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Obama attacks himself..

He even does lousy at that, the fool is a natural born phuck up
I am more of a nationalist than anything else so how in the fuck do I hate America?
Because you spend your time hating on the USA and boosting ISIS.

Lefties(you) hate America. That's why you want to import thirld world savages by the thousands even though we have our own sleeping in the fuckin street.
Fuck you
Boost IS? What does that even mean?
Like when we say anti-Islamic words drive those "moderates" to terrorism?
Like how all it takes is a couple words to make them strap bombs to their children?
THAT kind of boost? lol
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.
I am more of a nationalist than anything else so how in the fuck do I hate America?
Because you spend your time hating on the USA and boosting ISIS.

Lefties(you) hate America. That's why you want to import thirld world savages by the thousands even though we have our own sleeping in the fuckin street.
Fuck you
You are a moron, which is why the GOP is going to lose once again. Keep up with your support of ISIS.
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
I am more of a nationalist than anything else so how in the fuck do I hate America?
Because you spend your time hating on the USA and boosting ISIS.

Lefties(you) hate America. That's why you want to import thirld world savages by the thousands even though we have our own sleeping in the fuckin street.
Fuck you
You are a moron, which is why the GOP is going to lose once again. Keep up with your support of ISIS.
:lol: you brain-dead dumbfuck
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I thought they feared Putin

Guess not...but they should. He won't play with rules either

With Russia's economy in shambles, I would think that ISIS would welcome Russia blowing a wad in Syria, not only attacking ISIS but also the other 100 rebel groups.
The USSR's shaky economy played an important role with the USSR exiting Afghanistan and then eventually falling apart, along with the body bags coming home. Could history repeat itself with Russia?
And Israel, I can understand why the ISIS fears them the most. Israel has the best intelligence in the ME on the ME. It's Israel's home turf and they are very used to be under a threat from neighboring countries and a variety of terrorist groups. It's old hat for Israel.
So ISIS says their plan is to draw the US into a fight it will lose. Therefore, the OP demands ... to do exactly what ISIS wants.

Is Sassy an ISIS sleeper agent? When someone is devoting themselves to doing exactly what ISIS wants, it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

With the continued military setbacks being suffered by ISIS, some conservatives are panicking. Conservatives need ISIS to win in order to gain political power at home, hence many conservatives will be doing what they can to aid ISIS.
I hate war, but military expert after military expert has explained that we can't beat back ISIS with an air campaign alone. Today gives me hope that the plan of having Muslims fighting the ground war will actually work -- the Iraqi's have apparently retaken Ramadi (sp?). If providing the materials and a little specialist support is all it takes on our part, that's great. If ISIS continues to hold or take more territory, however, it seems like someone needs to end this before they've established mini-states throughout the Middle East and Africa. ISIS wants us to come over there because they don't have a large and powerful enough army to invade us here. Just because ISIS welcomes it, isn't a good reason to rule it out. These aren't teasing kindergarteners who need to be ignored in order to learn a lesson.
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

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