Which country do Jihadists fear? Hint: It's not the US

Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

If the world was not watching , Israel would of killed every person in Gaza in a heartbeat with the weapons they have, by bombing it . They can't fight man to man on the battleground. I think the US is fearful of Israel , esp their Unit 8200.
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
Israel takes no prisoners, and they've got nukes. Everyone should be afraid of them. A military guy I know told me that is part of the reason the US keeps intervening in wars over there--to keep Israel from getting involved and blowing up the whole world, starting with their enemy neighbors.
The U.S. has never had that singular focus on security and will never achieve it; we can't get our shit together to agree on anything, it seems, and if we do manage that on rare occassions, there's an election and it all goes south...
Doesn't mean we can't do better, though. I agree with OP
That's why we give them billions in weapons every year?
Can you put that in plainer English for an old lady?
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol
Israel takes no prisoners, and they've got nukes. Everyone should be afraid of them. A military guy I know told me that is part of the reason the US keeps intervening in wars over there--to keep Israel from getting involved and blowing up the whole world, starting with their enemy neighbors.
The U.S. has never had that singular focus on security and will never achieve it; we can't get our shit together to agree on anything, it seems, and if we do manage that on rare occassions, there's an election and it all goes south...
Doesn't mean we can't do better, though. I agree with OP
That's why we give them billions in weapons every year?
Can you put that in plainer English for an old lady?
is that why we give them billions of dollars worth of weapons every year? You know, because we are scared they would attack someone? lol
Name a war Israel has lost
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
Ancient Israel lost against Rome and the muslim arabs.
Of course, now, in their doctrine in the IDF says they cant afford to lose a war. Probably because if they did, they wouldn't have their country anymore..

I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol
Those claiming that Israel is invincible seem delusional, given that Israel couldn't even handle Hamas in Gaza. Yes, Israel scored a bigger body count, but achieved none of their objectives. Hamas stood their ground and bloodied the Israelis until the Israelis backed down, meaning Hamas essentially won.

And pointing that out is going to causes meltdowns in the Isreal-worshippers, which will be delightful to watch.

You are very confused. Israel had no intention of conquest in Gaza------you are
describing a war that never happened. Israel went into Gaza in order to counter
terrorism and uncover tunnels and destroy some of the missile launcher sites----not
plant orange trees
I was talking about modern times but you are correct. Israel is dangerous in the regard they know the consequences of losing a war, they also have nukes and I suspect many of their enemies realize Israel's mindset
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
Nope, you and your ilk are terrified of them while making claims that the USA is powerless. It's quite pathetic.

ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Not entirely. I think our president is doing what he believes is best, and disagreeing with him is not an attack. I do understand the argument against more military involvement, but honestly I am concerned that ISIS, if left to its own devices, will gobble up the Middle East the way Hitler did Europe. No one wanted to see that coming, either, but it did.
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
ISIS wants Israel to attack them...great recruiting tool

SmellyIrishAss can't tell the difference

If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Not entirely. I think our president is doing what he believes is best, and disagreeing with him is not an attack. I do understand the argument against more military involvement, but honestly I am concerned that ISIS, if left to its own devices, will gobble up the Middle East the way Hitler did Europe. No one wanted to see that coming, either, but it did.
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to arm our enemies..
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to be friends with the people that are directly funding their enemies..
I for one don't believe the article. Israel has said they prefer Al Qaeda than Assad. Sorry Israel will do anything to get the US to keep fighting in Syria. I mean come on Isis is killing the Shia, Israel and SA dream come true.

They may fear the IDF for fear of what Israel will do if they do not follow the wishes of Israel. Israel leaders are unstable, ruthless and don't give a care about non jewish life.

what has Israel done "to get the US to keep fighting in Syria"?? What does
"prefer al Qaeda to ASSAD mean? something like preferring Mussolini to Adolf?
Israel has something against SHIITES? this one is really a newbie.
I know what a Shiite is--------I have known for 45+ years-----because I interacted
with muslims of various varieties------but I have never met an Israeli who so much as knows SHIITE vs SUNNI or cares. I doubt penny knew as recently as two
years ago. Try to be honest , penny-------when did you know "SHIITE"
and "SUNNI" -------you still do not know. You know now because of the islamo Nazi propaganda you read -------which has become markedly PRO IRAN because
Iran is markedly anti-Israel now-------since the AYATOILETS TOOK OVER
(1979). I was alive long before 1979
yes. Especially since they have a lot of our technology for free lol

My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
Israel takes no prisoners, and they've got nukes. Everyone should be afraid of them. A military guy I know told me that is part of the reason the US keeps intervening in wars over there--to keep Israel from getting involved and blowing up the whole world, starting with their enemy neighbors.
The U.S. has never had that singular focus on security and will never achieve it; we can't get our shit together to agree on anything, it seems, and if we do manage that on rare occassions, there's an election and it all goes south...
Doesn't mean we can't do better, though. I agree with OP
That's why we give them billions in weapons every year?
Can you put that in plainer English for an old lady?
is that why we give them billions of dollars worth of weapons every year? You know, because we are scared they would attack someone? lol
Good point.
If Israel attacks ISIS Israel will make short work of them...unlike the gonad you elected has failed to do.
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Not entirely. I think our president is doing what he believes is best, and disagreeing with him is not an attack. I do understand the argument against more military involvement, but honestly I am concerned that ISIS, if left to its own devices, will gobble up the Middle East the way Hitler did Europe. No one wanted to see that coming, either, but it did.
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to arm our enemies..
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to be friends with the people that are directly funding their enemies..
There are at least two sides to every story, TN. I don't know enough about it to say. So I'll get out of this before I say something REALLY stupid.
My father spent time in Israel during his time in the Navy, I have a ton of respect for Israel from just what he told me
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:
How so exactly and why would they?

They would if they consider ISIS either causing them harm or about to.
Which isn't about to happen. The entire thread is just an attack on Obama and a boost to ISIS. Sickening.
Not entirely. I think our president is doing what he believes is best, and disagreeing with him is not an attack. I do understand the argument against more military involvement, but honestly I am concerned that ISIS, if left to its own devices, will gobble up the Middle East the way Hitler did Europe. No one wanted to see that coming, either, but it did.
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to arm our enemies..
I don't see how ANY person would think its "best" to be friends with the people that are directly funding their enemies..
There are at least two sides to every story, TN. I don't know enough about it to say. So I'll get out of this before I say something REALLY stupid.
there isn't two sides to this, though..
We have "accidently" dropped weapon caches directly to the Islamic state. Not once.. or even twice..
Turkey buys oil from IS. Even before the "its Russian propaganda" bullshit started, Obama went to turkey last year to confront them about it...
and Don't egt me started on us arming/training those "moderate" rebels we will be fighting in 10 years lol
I have no problem with Israel.
I do wish we would stop giving them so much shit though. Of course, I feel that way about everyone lol

Meh, this nation wastes so much money it's pathetic, give Israel what they need
They are very capable of carrying their own weight.
I don't want to waste any money.
I would rather spend it here, where it belongs.
We have hundreds of thousands of homeless vets sleeping in the streets
We have hundreds of thousands of orphans with nothing. Not even love..
1 in 5 American children go hungry.
I am more of a "teach a guy to fish" kinda person but damn lol

I read today that the USAF will no longer send details to veteran's funerals for the gun salute due to budget cuts. While Obungles and his brood spend millions upon millions for vacations, allow thousands upon thousands of immigrants to go on welfare, etc etc and this nation cannot honor a veteran with a gun salute? Something is very wrong
The Republican Congress cut the Air Force budget. What a pair of fools you are. :lmao:

it was Obama's sequester ya lying old hag. Go play in the Flame Zone, you offer up nothing substantial

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