Which is it Dims?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
First we were told that Romney lost the election because there were not enough angry white men to vote for him. We were told that the only way a Republican could get elected was to try and appeal to brown skinned folk who were not greater in number as they flowed freely across the unprotected border.

Why Mitt Romney Lost: Winning Over The Angry White Male Was Not Enough

Then we are told today that Trump was elected by, not only by exclusively angry white men, but specifically by angry racial white supremacists.

How can that be?
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However, Trump got more Hispanic and black voters that Romney. How can this be? Why would those of other races vote for a white supremacist?

Trump received about 27% of the Hispanic vote compared to 25% for Romney, and 8% of black voted for Trump compared to 6% for Romney.

Is this really enough difference, about 2% for each, to beat Hillary? I don't see how, but it does pretty much blow away the narrative we are fed everyday that Trump is a white supremacist.

Trump did better with Blacks and Hispanics than Romney in 2012
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Of course, we were told throughout the entire election process that Hillary had a big lead over Trump.

The only conclusion can be, the press is a hopelessly lying corrupt group of malcontents that should never be trusted again.
First we were told that Romney lost the election because there were not enough angry white men to vote for him. We were told that the only way a Republican could get elected was to try and appeal to brown skinned folk who were not greater in number as they flowed freely across the unprotected border.

Why Mitt Romney Lost: Winning Over The Angry White Male Was Not Enough

Then we are told today that Trump was elected by, not only by exclusively angry white men, but specifically by angry racial white supremacists.

How can that be?

And then we were told that failing to accept the results of an election by a candidate was dangerous & would undermine the country.

we get told many things

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