Which Is More Of An Affront To Islam..A Cartoon Or Same-Sex Marriage?

Gosh...Muslims in other, less advanced countries, want to kill gays...just like Christians do in those same, less advanced countries....shocking.

What's the connection I wonder?
We look to the founders of the religions to see the truth of them. Not by some people claiming to be in it. So, Well let's see, one founder (Jesus) calls us to love everyone, to turn the other cheek, to know everyone has eternal value, and to even forgive those who hate them. The other founder will killed hundreds with his own hands and taught his followers to do likewise. Yeah, there's the difference

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Gays don't threaten or hurt. Muslims? I am a graphic artist, I can imagine Mr. Hankey the Christmas poo with a Muslim headrap yodeling like Muslims do. Islam demands so much respect from us. We expect so little of them. But 9/11? Wow, crosses the bloody line
So....if you believe that....why do you constantly take their side?

You appear confused

Being against YOUR stupid hatred does NOT mean that I have to "defend" another side.....Learn that axiom and you've started your journey into being a grown up.
Riiiiight, being for freedom of speech declaring we shouldn't bow down to threats is hate speech.

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more like a twisting on yours...

More like you can't face the truth. It's what people do when reality slaps them in the face. Pretty soon the media will be declaring jihad on America at the rate they're going.

truth is you can't show where anyone referred to those two guys as victims.

Sharia Law Threat: Right-Wing Boogeyman

The truth? Sharia is religious law, and no religious law can be imposed on the US without amending the Constitution -- twice -- to repeal both the opening clause of the First Amendment, and the Supremacy Clause in Article 6.

So how can Sharia Law be imposed on the US? No one seems to know. Or at least, nobody who's pushing the claim would talk to me about it, though they seemed eager to tell me how bad it would be.

Meanwhile, the so-called examples of how Sharia Law is already being used in American courts are frauds. Take a look at them and you find out what they're talking about are arbitrations -- not trials under civil or criminal law. And two parties in an arbitration can agree to be bound by Star Fleet regulations without crossing the Constitution.

Sharia Law Threat Right-Wing Boogeyman Andrew Reinbach


I was just wondering what everyone thought was more disgusting to Allah.......a cartoon of Muhammad, or same-sex marriages?

The same people that feel two dead terrorists in Texas were victims also support something those terrorists would hang them for.

I'm a bit confused......

Can you name the posters on this forum who have said the two dead in Texas were victims?
I am offended by neither but than again I am not a thin-skinned crybaby.


I was just wondering what everyone thought was more disgusting to Allah.......a cartoon of Muhammad, or same-sex marriages?

The same people that feel two dead terrorists in Texas were victims also support something those terrorists would hang them for.

I'm a bit confused......
It would be easier to ask what is it that radical Muslims don't find offensive?
think the difference is we use our words (though some use them rather harshly) but islam uses swords

True....but lets paraphrase the old axiom that the pen (and in this case words or the cartoonist's pencil) is mightier than the sword........Result ????
Of course "you're a bit confused".......its part of the nature of a rabid right winger to be confused......

A contest to willfully "poke the eye" of Islamist zealots for self aggrandizement is one thing.....

Whereas the civil rights of a gay couple is quite another.

Stay "confused."

BEING GAY IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT for one and under Islamic rule gays would certainly be killed with the jews and Christians you moron.
more like a twisting on yours...

More like you can't face the truth. It's what people do when reality slaps them in the face. Pretty soon the media will be declaring jihad on America at the rate they're going.

truth is you can't show where anyone referred to those two guys as victims.

Sharia Law Threat: Right-Wing Boogeyman

The truth? Sharia is religious law, and no religious law can be imposed on the US without amending the Constitution -- twice -- to repeal both the opening clause of the First Amendment, and the Supremacy Clause in Article 6.

So how can Sharia Law be imposed on the US? No one seems to know. Or at least, nobody who's pushing the claim would talk to me about it, though they seemed eager to tell me how bad it would be.

Meanwhile, the so-called examples of how Sharia Law is already being used in American courts are frauds. Take a look at them and you find out what they're talking about are arbitrations -- not trials under civil or criminal law. And two parties in an arbitration can agree to be bound by Star Fleet regulations without crossing the Constitution.

Sharia Law Threat Right-Wing Boogeyman Andrew Reinbach
Truth is..you're full of crap.

Anyone with any knowledge of the English language can tell that in this case the context is of the terrorists being victims of a horrid event. The word 'victims" didn't have to be used because it was implied.

involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated; tacitly understood

The post stated that Pam Gellar wasn't apologetic for an event that resulted in two deaths. Two pathetic terrorists who were prevented from carrying out a bloody attack against people that the author must have felt had it coming.

Soon these kinds of attacks will start happening all over the country. Will you defend them too?? Will you attempt to deflect and deny and look the other way while the body-count begins to rise??

I'm done arguing with you.
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I think 9/11 proved that US imperialists meddling in Middle East affairs was the biggest 'affront'.

are you joking? if not you think and agree with the terrorists. If it was up to you we wouldn't have meddled with Germany and Hitler either.
Um just for historical accuracy, Germany was rapidly expanding its boundaries and hellbent on world domination. It was using tanks, submarines and air power to get that done. It was moving in and sacking whole cities across Europe of our closest allies, laying them to ruin.

In contrast, while Iraq had internal problems, they were internal. No threat to the US was ever found. (WOMDs). We just went in there to dismantle it's ownership, essentially, so we could nab that sweet crude. Bottom line. It was grand theft, armed robbery. And it was illegal to do so according to every international convention there is.

What we did in Iraq would be like me knowing you had a pile of gold in your house and me hearing you kicking your dog every now and then. I could make up a story to pre-emptively tell police and authorities, other neighbors that I believed because you kick your dog, you have a dirty bomb hidden in your house somewhere. I could get a couple of my friends to say they'd been in your house and seen evidence you were making a dirty bomb. Then I could grab an assault rifle, kick your front door down, shoot you, your wife and kids and after I "didn't find a dirty bomb after all", I could take your gold; because you were a threat and well, you're not around now and so possession of the gold has to be had by someone right?
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I think 9/11 proved that US imperialists meddling in Middle East affairs was the biggest 'affront'.

are you joking? if not you think and agree with the terrorists. If it was up to you we wouldn't have meddled with Germany and Hitler either.
Um just for historical accuracy, Germany was rapidly expanding its boundaries and hellbent on world domination. It was using tanks, submarines and air power to get that done. It was moving in and sacking whole cities across Europe of our closest allies, laying them to ruin.

In contrast, while Iraq had internal problems, they were internal. No threat to the US was ever found. (WOMDs). We just went in there to dismantle it's ownership, essentially, so we could nab that sweet crude. Bottom line. It was grand theft, armed robbery. And it was illegal to do so according to every international convention there is.

What we did in Iraq would be like me knowing you had a pile of gold in your house and me hearing you kicking your dog every now and then. I could make up a story to pre-emptively tell police and authorities, other neighbors that I believed because you kick your dog, you have a dirty bomb hidden in your house somewhere. Then I could grab an assault rifle, kick your front door down, shoot you, your wife and kids and after I "didn't find a dirty bomb after all", I could take your gold; because you were a threat and well, you're not around now and so possession of the gold has to be had by someone right?
So how much crude are we getting from iraq?
more like a twisting on yours...

More like you can't face the truth. It's what people do when reality slaps them in the face. Pretty soon the media will be declaring jihad on America at the rate they're going.

truth is you can't show where anyone referred to those two guys as victims.

Sharia Law Threat: Right-Wing Boogeyman

The truth? Sharia is religious law, and no religious law can be imposed on the US without amending the Constitution -- twice -- to repeal both the opening clause of the First Amendment, and the Supremacy Clause in Article 6.

So how can Sharia Law be imposed on the US? No one seems to know. Or at least, nobody who's pushing the claim would talk to me about it, though they seemed eager to tell me how bad it would be.

Meanwhile, the so-called examples of how Sharia Law is already being used in American courts are frauds. Take a look at them and you find out what they're talking about are arbitrations -- not trials under civil or criminal law. And two parties in an arbitration can agree to be bound by Star Fleet regulations without crossing the Constitution.

Sharia Law Threat Right-Wing Boogeyman Andrew Reinbach
Truth is..you're full of crap.

Anyone with any knowledge of the English language can tell that in this case the context is of the terrorists being victims of a horrid event. The word 'victims" didn't have to be used because it was implied.

involved, indicated, or suggested without being directly or explicitly stated; tacitly understood

The post stated that Pam Gellar wasn't apologetic for an event that resulted in two deaths. Two pathetic terrorists who were prevented from carrying out a bloody attack against people that the author must have felt had it coming.

Soon these kinds of attacks will start happening all over the country. Will you defend them too?? Will you attempt to deflect and deny and look the other way while the body-count begins to rise??

I'm done arguing with you.

Well then quote someone implying it where the implication is clear.
Of course "you're a bit confused".......its part of the nature of a rabid right winger to be confused......

A contest to willfully "poke the eye" of Islamist zealots for self aggrandizement is one thing.....

Whereas the civil rights of a gay couple is quite another.

Stay "confused."

BEING GAY IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHT for one and under Islamic rule gays would certainly be killed with the jews and Christians you moron.

We aren't under Islamic rule.

The only Muslim in the US Congress, Keith Ellison, is a strong supporter of same sex marriage rights.

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