Which is worse

And Trump denies it entirely. As the thread title ponders...which is worse?

You must like losing.

Keep on keepin' on, sweetness. I hope all you dimocraps do.

All you got is your hatred of Trump. That's sure to win something for you....... Like a permanent minority in the House and Senate.

I'm calling for a 20 seat gain in the House and a 7 seat gain in the Senate for Patriotic Americans. Republicans, in case you've been drinking the dimocrap kool aid a little too much these past few months.

You got nothing. People are sick to death of you. Even people who would listen to you because of the legacy of the once-great democrat party.

Now, you're a sad caricature of what you used to be.

Sick, hateful, depraved, Anti-American dirtbags.

The only people that listen to you are like-minded sickos. Keep it up. I'm loving it

Nice rant. :lol: Burst a blood vessel?
a foreign government trying to influence an election, or our own government trying to influence an election.

just for discussion purposes lets assume that the Russians tried to influence our election and the FBI and DOJ tried to influence our election. Doesn't matter who they tried to help or hurt.

Which is worse?
So you're ok with Russia deciding who is president of the United States?

Would you be if they had weighed in on Clinton's side?
Of course not.

the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.
Of course not.

the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.

We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

You are bat sh*t crazy or just the most dishonest person next to Trump, in the whole wide world.

Putin was not in bed with Clinton.

Putin did not want Hillary as President, he wanted Trump as President.

The Russians did NOT create the Dossier

the FBI did not begin their investigation in to Russian interference in our election process because of the Dossier.

Regardless the dossier field notes of Steele, several aspects of it and in it, have been PROVEN TRUE.

The Senate intel committee, in their investigation ALSO shows that Putin did not want Hillary to win, Putin worked hard, in a comprehensive plan, to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign worked with Russians in many different aspects of their interference, to get Trump elected....

This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads
So you're ok with Russia deciding who is president of the United States?

Would you be if they had weighed in on Clinton's side?
Of course not.

the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.
the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.

We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

You are bat sh*t crazy or just the most dishonest person next to Trump, in the whole wide world.

Putin was not in bed with Clinton.

Putin did not want Hillary as President, he wanted Trump as President.

The Russians did NOT create the Dossier

the FBI did not begin their investigation in to Russian interference in our election process because of the Dossier.

Regardless the dossier field notes of Steele, several aspects of it and in it, have been PROVEN TRUE.

The Senate intel committee, in their investigation ALSO shows that Putin did not want Hillary to win, Putin worked hard, in a comprehensive plan, to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign worked with Russians in many different aspects of their interference, to get Trump elected....

This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads

My Q is: So why did FB, Twitter, and Google allow so many Russian bots to post?

Another Q: Are these not pro-Hillary and BLM ads?



Last edited:
the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.

We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

Says no US intelligence agency anywhere.

This is actually what they said:

The assessment, which U.S. intelligence leaders issued weeks before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an “influence campaign intended to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” It added that the Russians eventually developed “a clear preference” for Trump, and in time “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

posting the same bullshit in multiple threads does not make it true. Everyone KNOWS that the FBI and DOJ were running a campaign to discredit Trump, of course they would cover their asses in their reports. Are you as dumb as you appear to be?
No, little fishy, only Trump cultists like you think that. The Senate intelligence agency, led by Republican Senator Burr also came to the same conclusion as ALL of our intelligence agencies...that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

What will happen if you allow the truth to permeate the blind adoration you have for Trump? It doesn't overturn the results. Nothing changes. So, why can't you accept the fact that Russia actively sought to help Trump?

if everyone knows it you should be able to tell us exactly what they did. I have asked you several times, WHAT EXACTLY DID RUSSIA DO THAT INFLUENCED OUR ELECTION?

Its interesting that the dems and libs on this thread think that domestic election interference by our intelligence services is OK, but a few facebook ads funded by a foreign entity are the end of the world.
We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

Says no US intelligence agency anywhere.

This is actually what they said:

The assessment, which U.S. intelligence leaders issued weeks before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an “influence campaign intended to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” It added that the Russians eventually developed “a clear preference” for Trump, and in time “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

posting the same bullshit in multiple threads does not make it true. Everyone KNOWS that the FBI and DOJ were running a campaign to discredit Trump, of course they would cover their asses in their reports. Are you as dumb as you appear to be?
No, little fishy, only Trump cultists like you think that. The Senate intelligence agency, led by Republican Senator Burr also came to the same conclusion as ALL of our intelligence agencies...that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

What will happen if you allow the truth to permeate the blind adoration you have for Trump? It doesn't overturn the results. Nothing changes. So, why can't you accept the fact that Russia actively sought to help Trump?

if everyone knows it you should be able to tell us exactly what they did. I have asked you several times, WHAT EXACTLY DID RUSSIA DO THAT INFLUENCED OUR ELECTION?


Way off-topic:

I live about 20 miles from saltwater, but what did I see on the sidewalk yesterday? A small dead Yellowfin Snapper. :eek:

Such a waste, they're one of my favorites. :(

Either it jumped out of somebody's boat well, or an Osprey dropped it (Near as I can figure).
Last edited:
more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

Says no US intelligence agency anywhere.

This is actually what they said:

The assessment, which U.S. intelligence leaders issued weeks before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an “influence campaign intended to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” It added that the Russians eventually developed “a clear preference” for Trump, and in time “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

posting the same bullshit in multiple threads does not make it true. Everyone KNOWS that the FBI and DOJ were running a campaign to discredit Trump, of course they would cover their asses in their reports. Are you as dumb as you appear to be?
No, little fishy, only Trump cultists like you think that. The Senate intelligence agency, led by Republican Senator Burr also came to the same conclusion as ALL of our intelligence agencies...that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

What will happen if you allow the truth to permeate the blind adoration you have for Trump? It doesn't overturn the results. Nothing changes. So, why can't you accept the fact that Russia actively sought to help Trump?

if everyone knows it you should be able to tell us exactly what they did. I have asked you several times, WHAT EXACTLY DID RUSSIA DO THAT INFLUENCED OUR ELECTION?


Way off-topic:

I live about 20 miles from saltwater, but what did I see on the sidewalk yesterday? A small dead yellow. :eek:

Such a waste, they're one of my favorites. :(

Either it jumped out of somebody's boat well, or an Osprey dropped it (Near as I can figure).

Of course not.

the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.
We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

You are bat sh*t crazy or just the most dishonest person next to Trump, in the whole wide world.

Putin was not in bed with Clinton.

Putin did not want Hillary as President, he wanted Trump as President.

The Russians did NOT create the Dossier

the FBI did not begin their investigation in to Russian interference in our election process because of the Dossier.

Regardless the dossier field notes of Steele, several aspects of it and in it, have been PROVEN TRUE.

The Senate intel committee, in their investigation ALSO shows that Putin did not want Hillary to win, Putin worked hard, in a comprehensive plan, to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign worked with Russians in many different aspects of their interference, to get Trump elected....

This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads

My Q is: So why did FB, Twitter, and Google allow so many Russian bots to post?

Another Q: Are these not pro-Hillary and BLM ads?



No, they are not pro Hillary ads.

They are ads directed at Republicans, pretending to be Hillary ads, so to yank conservative's chains on what issues ''the republicans THINK" are democratic and Hillary ads/issues....

Last edited:
the Russians created the fake dossier, the Russians paid the Clinton foundation 145 million, the Russians got 20% of our uranium from Hillary, and you claim the Russians wanted Trump? are you fricken crazy? The Russians are laughing at all of us right now, they just wanted to create turmoil and mistrust in this country, and they did.
more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

You are bat sh*t crazy or just the most dishonest person next to Trump, in the whole wide world.

Putin was not in bed with Clinton.

Putin did not want Hillary as President, he wanted Trump as President.

The Russians did NOT create the Dossier

the FBI did not begin their investigation in to Russian interference in our election process because of the Dossier.

Regardless the dossier field notes of Steele, several aspects of it and in it, have been PROVEN TRUE.

The Senate intel committee, in their investigation ALSO shows that Putin did not want Hillary to win, Putin worked hard, in a comprehensive plan, to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign worked with Russians in many different aspects of their interference, to get Trump elected....

This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads

My Q is: So why did FB, Twitter, and Google allow so many Russian bots to post?

Another Q: Are these not pro-Hillary and BLM ads?



No, they are not pro Hillary ads.

They are ads directed at Republicans, pretending to be Hillary ads, so to yank conservative's chains on what issues ''the republicans THINK" are democratic and Hillary ads/issues....


so those ads convinced democrats and liberals in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to vote for Trump? do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you make claims like that?

You are bat sh*t crazy or just the most dishonest person next to Trump, in the whole wide world.

Putin was not in bed with Clinton.

Putin did not want Hillary as President, he wanted Trump as President.

The Russians did NOT create the Dossier

the FBI did not begin their investigation in to Russian interference in our election process because of the Dossier.

Regardless the dossier field notes of Steele, several aspects of it and in it, have been PROVEN TRUE.

The Senate intel committee, in their investigation ALSO shows that Putin did not want Hillary to win, Putin worked hard, in a comprehensive plan, to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign worked with Russians in many different aspects of their interference, to get Trump elected....

This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads

My Q is: So why did FB, Twitter, and Google allow so many Russian bots to post?

Another Q: Are these not pro-Hillary and BLM ads?



No, they are not pro Hillary ads.

They are ads directed at Republicans, pretending to be Hillary ads, so to yank conservative's chains on what issues ''the republicans THINK" are democratic and Hillary ads/issues....


so those ads convinced democrats and liberals in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to vote for Trump? do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you make claims like that?
As I have told you several times over the past year, most of the Russian focus, was to divide liberals, so that democrats would stay home or vote for a third party.... its focus, was to depress/suppress the liberal vote....it is a long time Republican strategy that the Russians played off of....

in addition their ads played on dividing Americans, making conservatives angry, and make them hate Hillary more, surpassing what they ever did.... and this got the vote out for conservatives.....

Now PLEASE do NOT ask me your stupid question again, sadly, it only shows your willful intent on staying ignorant....
We KNOW Putin wanted Trump. That's not in contention by anyone but Trump (and by extension his cult members). Putin interfered in our election to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

Senate intelligence leaders: Russians schemed to help Trump I

more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

Says no US intelligence agency anywhere.

This is actually what they said:

The assessment, which U.S. intelligence leaders issued weeks before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an “influence campaign intended to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” It added that the Russians eventually developed “a clear preference” for Trump, and in time “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

posting the same bullshit in multiple threads does not make it true. Everyone KNOWS that the FBI and DOJ were running a campaign to discredit Trump, of course they would cover their asses in their reports. Are you as dumb as you appear to be?
No, little fishy, only Trump cultists like you think that. The Senate intelligence agency, led by Republican Senator Burr also came to the same conclusion as ALL of our intelligence agencies...that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

What will happen if you allow the truth to permeate the blind adoration you have for Trump? It doesn't overturn the results. Nothing changes. So, why can't you accept the fact that Russia actively sought to help Trump?

if everyone knows it you should be able to tell us exactly what they did. I have asked you several times, WHAT EXACTLY DID RUSSIA DO THAT INFLUENCED OUR ELECTION?


Have you been living under a rock? There have been hearings,indictments and arrests.

Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable

You still haven't answered MY question. If someone tries to rob a bank, but doesn't get away with any money, has a crime still been committed or not?
This is 90% of the "Russian interference" in the 2016 election.

"In reviewing the ads buys, we have found approximately $100,000 in ad spending from June of 2015 to May of 2017 — associated with roughly 3,000 ads — that was connected to about 470 inauthentic accounts and Pages in violation of our policies," Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos said in a statement."

Facebook says it sold ads to Russian 'troll farm' during 2016 campaign

The other 10% is failed hacking attempts on a few localized voting machines. Nothing to do with Trump.
You and your article, is way way way behind the times my dear!

The interference crosses multiple platforms with a wider reach than first estimated
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube all have data indicating some political ads leading up to the election were purchased by Russian organizations. (Tumblr has now shared that 84 accounts were also used on the platform, but the network believes only organic posts, not ads, on the platform had an IRA link). Facebook ads had the largest audience, with sponsored posts reaching as many as 126 million Americans (based on estimates from November). The Facebook-owned Instagram also had 120,000 posts with Russian links, though it’s unclear how many users saw those posts.

The reach of Russian trolling ads is also much wider than originally thought. Facebook originally said 3,000 ads were purchased by Russian trolls, with a reach of around 10,000, but now that number is 80,000 ads and a 126-million reach, though that new data also encompasses non-paid posts, images, and events.

On Twitter, at least 2,752 accounts and over 36,000 bots sharing political posts were connected to Russia, the platform shared in November. Twitter says, however, that only 0.74 percent of election-related Tweets came from those accounts, getting just 0.33 percent of impressions out of all the political Tweets between September 1 and November 15, 2016.

Google says that one group spent $4,700 on search and display ads during the election, though none of those ads were targeted toward specific states or political interests. YouTube had 1,108 English-language videos from 18 Russian trolling accounts, though not all of those were political and only three percent saw upward of 5,000 views. The company didn’t find any related Google+ ads in English, though there were some written in Russian.

9 things you need to know about the Russian social media election ads

My Q is: So why did FB, Twitter, and Google allow so many Russian bots to post?

Another Q: Are these not pro-Hillary and BLM ads?



No, they are not pro Hillary ads.

They are ads directed at Republicans, pretending to be Hillary ads, so to yank conservative's chains on what issues ''the republicans THINK" are democratic and Hillary ads/issues....


so those ads convinced democrats and liberals in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania to vote for Trump? do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you make claims like that?
As I have told you several times over the past year, most of the Russian focus, was to divide liberals, so that democrats would stay home or vote for a third party.... its focus, was to depress/suppress the liberal vote....it is a long time Republican strategy that the Russians played off of....

in addition their ads played on dividing Americans, making conservatives angry, and make them hate Hillary more, surpassing what they ever did.... and this got the vote out for conservatives.....

Now PLEASE do NOT ask me your stupid question again, sadly, it only shows your willful intent on staying ignorant....

So you are claiming that the Russians created Hillary-hate by putting a few ads on facebook. You are very naïve. As to conservatives hating Hillary, there was no need for ads to increase that, it was very prevalent in conservatives, moderates, independents, and even some democrats. Hillary Clinton was and is a terrible corrupt human being. Virtually everyone in the world knows that.

You on the left continually say that "Russian hacked our election" but not one of you can say which votes were changed as a direct result of Russian actions, in which states they occurred, and how many of them there were. You also are unable to tell us exactly what the Russians did, "ads played on dividing americans" does not cut it. All political ads are played on dividing americans, always have been.

Now, for some actual Russian influence,
1. selling the fake dossier to the Clinton campaign
2. giving 145 million to the Clinton foundation
3. paying bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech in moscow
4. gaining control of 20% of US uranium via a deal brokered by Hillary clinton
5. control of the 30,000 missing Hillary emails
6. leaking via wikileaks the corruption within the DNC

But what is ultimately much more troubling were the actions of top officials in the FBI and DOJ trying to influence the outcome of a US election.
more bullshit. Putin owned Hillary, he had tons of material on her to use to blackmail her into doing his bidding (including her 30,000 missing emails). He had nothing on Trump and Trump is taking him on on every front.

your small mind has been poisoned by left wing media lies.

Says no US intelligence agency anywhere.

This is actually what they said:

The assessment, which U.S. intelligence leaders issued weeks before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin had ordered an “influence campaign intended to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” It added that the Russians eventually developed “a clear preference” for Trump, and in time “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him.”

posting the same bullshit in multiple threads does not make it true. Everyone KNOWS that the FBI and DOJ were running a campaign to discredit Trump, of course they would cover their asses in their reports. Are you as dumb as you appear to be?
No, little fishy, only Trump cultists like you think that. The Senate intelligence agency, led by Republican Senator Burr also came to the same conclusion as ALL of our intelligence agencies...that Russia interfered to help Trump and hurt Clinton.

What will happen if you allow the truth to permeate the blind adoration you have for Trump? It doesn't overturn the results. Nothing changes. So, why can't you accept the fact that Russia actively sought to help Trump?

if everyone knows it you should be able to tell us exactly what they did. I have asked you several times, WHAT EXACTLY DID RUSSIA DO THAT INFLUENCED OUR ELECTION?


Have you been living under a rock? There have been hearings,indictments and arrests.

Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

Did Russia Affect the 2016 Election? It’s Now Undeniable

You still haven't answered MY question. If someone tries to rob a bank, but doesn't get away with any money, has a crime still been committed or not?

those articles verify only that Russia was trying to stir the pot and get us all pissed off at each other, in that they succeeded quite well.

the indictments from Heir Mewler have not been related to anything done by Trump or the Trump campaign. Mewler was not chartered to investigate the last 30 years of the lives of everyone that participated in the Trump campaign. No collusion has been found. Innocent until proven guilty has been suspended by the Mueller team, Manafort being put in solitary before any trial or proof of guilt is a crime in itself.

As to your bank question, yes, attempted robbery is a crime. But that has nothing to do with attempting to influence an election in another country, we have been doing that since 1776 and other countries have been trying to influence ours since then too. There is nothing new here. Nothing but left wingers who cannot accept the FACT the their beloved Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Donald Trump and that Trump is doing an outstanding job as president
a foreign government trying to influence an election, or our own government trying to influence an election.

just for discussion purposes lets assume that the Russians tried to influence our election and the FBI and DOJ tried to influence our election. Doesn't matter who they tried to help or hurt.

Which is worse?

Which is worse? Really?

A foreign government meddling in our democratic process to elect the highest official in the world that best serves THEIR interests or.......there is no or. That is worse than whatever bullshit your corporate masters are telling you to "think".

a foreign government trying to influence an election, or our own government trying to influence an election.

just for discussion purposes lets assume that the Russians tried to influence our election and the FBI and DOJ tried to influence our election. Doesn't matter who they tried to help or hurt.

Which is worse?

assume my Texas ass, its been proven.

another country sends their people to live in this country and influence an election is fucking with our democracy - any idiot that has to ask which is worse is a fucking traitor.


Phuck Russia...the shitholes of the world have infiltrated our democracy.
Mexico pretty much runs Mexifornia through barely legal anchor baby politicians framing policy to better ‘fit’ for their kind....NOW, we have Alexander Ocasio-Cortez willing to engage in bare knuckle brawls to force good Americans to better fund her people and encourage more thirdworlders to come get their piece of the checking accounts of good Americans.
The Left-
“Encourage foreign nations to ‘meddle’ in U.S. democracy...BUT X nation must be a shithole, the infiltrators can not be white and they can not run ads in cyberspace....they must plant illegals here to drop litters of anchor babies who will eventually vote on their shithole nations interests.”

(please save the “Puerto Ricans are American” bullshit)
Manafort being put in solitary before any trial or proof of guilt is a crime in itself.

Yeah, poor Paulie walnuts...

They pointed out that he has had a personal telephone in his unit at the Northern Neck Regional Jail and has had more than 100 phone calls with his lawyers in the last three weeks as they prepare for trial. He has a personal laptop on which he can review materials from the case and access to his own workspace to meet with his legal team, they said. Visitors’ logs show Manafort having multiple visits each week with his lawyers, according to the prosecutors.

Though Manafort’s lawyers have said he spends nearly all of his days in solitary confinement, prosecutors described his living arrangements as a “private, self-contained living unit, which is larger than other inmates’ units” with its own bathroom and shower.

“On the monitored prison phone calls, Manafort has mentioned that he is being treated like a ‘VIP,’” prosecutors quoted him as having said. They also said Manafort has said in the calls that he is able to visit with his lawyers every day and that he has “all my files like I would at home.”
Prosecutors: Manafort says he's treated like 'VIP' in jail
As to your bank question, yes, attempted robbery is a crime. But that has nothing to do with attempting to influence an election in another country, we have been doing that since 1776 and other countries have been trying to influence ours since then too. There is nothing new here. Nothing but left wingers who cannot accept the FACT the their beloved Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Donald Trump and that Trump is doing an outstanding job as president

So it was a crime to try to influence our election. People have been trying to rob banks since the beginning of banks too...still a crime.

So, even if no votes or voters were swayed (and we don't know one way or the other, but evidence suggests the Russians had an impact), a crime was still committed and the foreign criminals may have had American help. That would be important to know don't ya think?
Manafort being put in solitary before any trial or proof of guilt is a crime in itself.

Yeah, poor Paulie walnuts...

They pointed out that he has had a personal telephone in his unit at the Northern Neck Regional Jail and has had more than 100 phone calls with his lawyers in the last three weeks as they prepare for trial. He has a personal laptop on which he can review materials from the case and access to his own workspace to meet with his legal team, they said. Visitors’ logs show Manafort having multiple visits each week with his lawyers, according to the prosecutors.

Though Manafort’s lawyers have said he spends nearly all of his days in solitary confinement, prosecutors described his living arrangements as a “private, self-contained living unit, which is larger than other inmates’ units” with its own bathroom and shower.

“On the monitored prison phone calls, Manafort has mentioned that he is being treated like a ‘VIP,’” prosecutors quoted him as having said. They also said Manafort has said in the calls that he is able to visit with his lawyers every day and that he has “all my files like I would at home.”
Prosecutors: Manafort says he's treated like 'VIP' in jail
As to your bank question, yes, attempted robbery is a crime. But that has nothing to do with attempting to influence an election in another country, we have been doing that since 1776 and other countries have been trying to influence ours since then too. There is nothing new here. Nothing but left wingers who cannot accept the FACT the their beloved Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Donald Trump and that Trump is doing an outstanding job as president

So it was a crime to try to influence our election. People have been trying to rob banks since the beginning of banks too...still a crime.

So, even if no votes or voters were swayed (and we don't know one way or the other, but evidence suggests the Russians had an impact), a crime was still committed and the foreign criminals may have had American help. That would be important to know don't ya think?

you are wrong, it is not a crime for one country to try to influence the elections in another country, there is no body of international law that would cover such things. It is a crime however, for a federal employee to try to use his/her position to try to influence the outcome of a federal election, can you say: Strzok and Page and McCabe, and Comey, and Lynch--------------AND Obama?
Manafort being put in solitary before any trial or proof of guilt is a crime in itself.

Yeah, poor Paulie walnuts...

They pointed out that he has had a personal telephone in his unit at the Northern Neck Regional Jail and has had more than 100 phone calls with his lawyers in the last three weeks as they prepare for trial. He has a personal laptop on which he can review materials from the case and access to his own workspace to meet with his legal team, they said. Visitors’ logs show Manafort having multiple visits each week with his lawyers, according to the prosecutors.

Though Manafort’s lawyers have said he spends nearly all of his days in solitary confinement, prosecutors described his living arrangements as a “private, self-contained living unit, which is larger than other inmates’ units” with its own bathroom and shower.

“On the monitored prison phone calls, Manafort has mentioned that he is being treated like a ‘VIP,’” prosecutors quoted him as having said. They also said Manafort has said in the calls that he is able to visit with his lawyers every day and that he has “all my files like I would at home.”
Prosecutors: Manafort says he's treated like 'VIP' in jail
As to your bank question, yes, attempted robbery is a crime. But that has nothing to do with attempting to influence an election in another country, we have been doing that since 1776 and other countries have been trying to influence ours since then too. There is nothing new here. Nothing but left wingers who cannot accept the FACT the their beloved Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Donald Trump and that Trump is doing an outstanding job as president

So it was a crime to try to influence our election. People have been trying to rob banks since the beginning of banks too...still a crime.

So, even if no votes or voters were swayed (and we don't know one way or the other, but evidence suggests the Russians had an impact), a crime was still committed and the foreign criminals may have had American help. That would be important to know don't ya think?

you are wrong, it is not a crime for one country to try to influence the elections in another country, there is no body of international law that would cover such things. It is a crime however, for a federal employee to try to use his/her position to try to influence the outcome of a federal election, can you say: Strzok and Page and McCabe, and Comey, and Lynch--------------AND Obama?

No, I'm not wrong. Russia committed crimes. That's how all the charges are coming about in the Special Counsel investigation. These are things we know. What we don't know is how much help Russia got with their criminal activity from American traitors.

Riddle me this, joker...why didn't anything come out about the Russia investigation until after the election if the "deep state" was out to get Trump?
Come on, Redfish...tell us all about the "deep state" that was out to stop Trump at all costs.

The FBI's investigation started in July of 2016. If Strzok and the FBI wanted to stop Trump, all it would have taken was a few selective leaks to the Press...And yet that didn't happen. Comey felt the need to tell us about Huma's emails days before the election but stayed completely mum on the fact that Trump and his campaign were under counter intelligence investigation.

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