Which issues motivated your vote?

I voted for the economy, jobs, stock market, border control, staying the hell out of wars and AMERICA FIRST. I voted for President Trump.

I don't care if Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or George Bush was in office. COVID-19 is a world wide pandemic. Europe and other places are shutting down again as I type this. The situation would be no better in the US regardless of who is in office. It's just a bad situation. But no doubt COVID-19 gave Trump's enemies plenty of false ammunition.

As far as character, Trump is not a politician. He doesn't have a different personality in front of the camera like all other phony politicians do. What you see is what you get. He can't be bought because he's already rich. He's owes no one anything.

Trump never hid his agenda to put the US first above everyone else. Trump's ego is to big for the economy and job market to tank while he is in office. Trump truly was a champion for the middle class and minorities. It's because of his outward and loud personality that I wanted him representing us in trade deals. The man hates to lose.

But, because of his personality he was a very polarizing figure. You either loved him or hated him. IMO people who hated him really weren't paying attention to his accomplishments because they couldn't get past the hatred. Likewise, they unknowingly voted against there own self-interests.
I voted on "C" issues. Coronavirus, character, comportment, corruption.

The economy waxes and wanes. Social issues always end up in fairness eventually.

But how America is represented and presented to the world, the fairness of our justice system, the freedoms we hold dear are things that have been directly effected by our leadership and its actions.

And that's why I voted against the current president.
There is one amendment that allows us to keep all the others, the Second. The one democrats use false stats and out right lies to destroy. Enough said.
It was an election.
flag upside down.jpg
The Republican Party is becoming the party of the middle class. And most of the neo cons are leaving. The Progs are just a corrupted party that has become a 2nd and 3rd world political machine.
The Republican Party is becoming the party of the middle class. And most of the neo cons are leaving. The Progs are just a corrupted party that has become a 2nd and 3rd world political machine.

Republicans abandoned the middle class under Reagan
I voted on "C" issues. Coronavirus, character, comportment, corruption.

The economy waxes and wanes. Social issues always end up in fairness eventually.

But how America is represented and presented to the world, the fairness of our justice system, the freedoms we hold dear are things that have been directly effected by our leadership and its actions.

And that's why I voted against the current president.
Yep, dont forget China... that is Joe Biden in a nut shell, sold US out the China....
I voted on "C" issues. Coronavirus, character, comportment, corruption.

The economy waxes and wanes. Social issues always end up in fairness eventually.

But how America is represented and presented to the world, the fairness of our justice system, the freedoms we hold dear are things that have been directly effected by our leadership and its actions.

And that's why I voted against the current president.
There is one amendment that allows us to keep all the others, the Second. The one democrats use false stats and out right lies to destroy. Enough said.

The only reason that has been drilled into your head is for profit. The 2nd Amendments popularity is due to it's profitability. Profits all around. From manufacturers of the weapons and munitions to doctors, hospitals, morticians, funeral homes and cemeteries. Not much profit in the Amendment to protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Authoritarian Leftists and leaders that hate America motivated My vote against the Democrats.
Mostly that I do not want Trump representing my country

Your country is positioned to become Venezuela.

Your country is positioned to become Somalia
Thanks to vermin scum like you.
Donald John Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and I am glad he is gone

I was tired of winning, anyways.
I'll enjoy the fallout from this election watching delusional Muppets really suffer for awhile from Casa Di Kidd in the higher Mojave. :smoke::booze:.
Mostly that I do not want Trump representing my country

Your country is positioned to become Venezuela.

Your country is positioned to become Somalia
Thanks to vermin scum like you.
Donald John Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and I am glad he is gone

I was tired of winning, anyways.
I'll enjoy the fallout from this election watching delusional Muppets really suffer for awhile from Casa Di Kidd in the higher Mojave. :smoke::booze:.

Good to see America put Trump in its rear view mirror
Mostly that I do not want Trump representing my country

Your country is positioned to become Venezuela.

Your country is positioned to become Somalia
Thanks to vermin scum like you.
Donald John Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and I am glad he is gone
Gone? More delusions from the doofi.
I’m sure Fox News and Hannity will have a spot for him
Mostly that I do not want Trump representing my country

Your country is positioned to become Venezuela.

Your country is positioned to become Somalia
Thanks to vermin scum like you.
Donald John Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and I am glad he is gone
Gone? More delusions from the doofi.
I’m sure Fox News and Hannity will have a spot for him

Fuck Fox! They've gone full RINO except for Tucker and Sean. They're now part of the Lincoln Project.
Mostly that I do not want Trump representing my country

Your country is positioned to become Venezuela.

Your country is positioned to become Somalia
Thanks to vermin scum like you.
Donald John Trump is an embarrassment to our nation and I am glad he is gone
Gone? More delusions from the doofi.
I’m sure Fox News and Hannity will have a spot for him

Fuck Fox! They've gone full RINO except for Tucker and Sean. They're now part of the Lincoln Project.
I've felt that way for a while now. I lmao when some leftist pos does the "but fox" crap.

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