Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

Who is dumber?

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Perhaps you should look up what the majority supports and what it doesn't. For example if abortion laws were voted on in a national election they'd be defeated. Etc etc.

We're talking about trannies and the radical lefts retarded idea that we should all just accept this kind of BS in our society.

You forget Jesus IS God Himself. Therefore He is the resident authority on the Scriptures.
I understand you believe that to be true. But I believe I remember Jesus saying to disregard the Old Testament because he was the truth. In actuality the Old testament was about a different , more evil god. Jesus distanced himself from that hatred and evil it represented.
We're talking about trannies and the radical lefts retarded idea that we should all just accept this kind of BS in our society.

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Oh , I know you'll never accept this , especially this pitiful example you've posted here as a token example of what they're all like. ( Bigotry ) . Simple tolerance is the least any American should give a fellow American.
Oh , I know you'll never accept this , especially this pitiful example you've posted here as a token example of what they're all like. ( Bigotry ) . Simple tolerance is the least any American should give a fellow American.

Calling me a bigot is quite radical, don't you think? It's not like these weirdo's have been running around in public for centuries? They've only come out in public, amongst women and children since the radicals progressives have been pushing this BS.

5:36 to 6:55

This the same BS that caused the LP to lose so much support. They got invaded by the purple haired, tranny & legalized drugs weirdos. If they'd have just stuck with the really important things that draw people to the voting booth, they'd be getting 10% to 15% by now. Monetary policy, inflation, small limited government that lives within it's means.
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Calling me a bigot is quite radical, don't you think? It's not like these weirdo's have been running around in public for centuries? They've only come out in public, amongst women and children since the radicals progressives have been pushing this BS.

5:36 to 6:55

You obviously have an issue with transgenders. Why are their lives of any concern of yours especially when it's a hostile or negative view of them. That's concerning.
You obviously have an issue with transgenders. Why are their lives of any concern of yours especially when it's a hostile or negative view of them. That's concerning.

If you have to asked that, you wouldn't understand my explanation. It's weird. It's un natural. It's abnormal. And it irks some, pisses other off, when the radicals on the left are trying to normalize something that's just not normal.


FFS, if they all looked like the those Asian ladyboys, it would be one thing. But they don't. 95% of them are hideous. You can't even mistake them.

And they get pissed and have you fired or cancelled because you can't get over just how hideous they are.
And then they parade and chant shit like "We're coming for your kids." I get that it was a joke. But FFS, the joke is backed up by drag queens doing sexually oriented lap dances in front of children.

How TF can you not understand any of this?
If you have to asked that, you wouldn't understand my explanation. It's weird. It's un natural. It's abnormal. And it irks some, pisses other off, when the radicals on the left are trying to normalize something that's just not normal. FFS, if they all looked like the those Asian ladyboys, it would be one thing. But they don't. 95% of them are hideous. You can't even mistake them. And they get pissed and have you fired or cancelled because you can't get over just how hideous they are.
And then they parade and chant shit like "We're coming for your kids." I get that it was a joke. But FFS, the joke is backed up by drag queens doing sexually oriented lap dances in front of children.

How TF can you not understand any of this?
I will agree it is not normal for you. It is normal for them. They have a right to exist and live. You do not have to ever accept them , you must at least tolerate them.. End of story
None the less, the radical progressives are forcing moderate democrats right into the hands of Trump. They may not even like Trump. But he's more normal than the crap the radicals on the left are pushing.

FFS, you have American gay college students marching for Hamas & Palestine. Those fucking arabs would behead them for being gay. And those dumbasses are marching for them?

None the less, the radical progressives are forcing moderate democrats right into the hands of Trump. They may not even like Trump. But he's more normal than the crap the radicals on the left are pushing.

FFS, you have American gay college students marching for Hamas & Palestine. Those fucking arabs would behead them for being gay. And those dumbasses are marching for them?

View attachment 896484
You have a nice collection of propaganda there. Not interested. Good night.
America should never bend over backwards for victim groups. America needs to bring the church back into schools, government, and society.
No problem my church is fine , yours isn't . Yours is the one that

supported Hitler in the 30's and 40's
The church that preaches the Bible and nothing else.
These hate Nazis are a joke, They think they have some relationship to god but this is their God
Who is Tump , he is a mentally ill rapist and criminal, who is charged with 91 felonies with more coming and when found guilty can be charged with over 700 years in jail. . ,he is a clown who shits in his pants so often that he has a diaper changing crew following him around to change his diapers when he lets loose. They say the biggest problem is his girdle he wears, That has him strapped in like an astronaut. He is a drug addict who smells so bad his own family won't get in a car with him. There is no one as scummy as he is . He is like standing next to an open sewer, that's what his son says anyway. Shitpants is the rights God and leader, You have to be kidding.
Calling me a bigot is quite radical, don't you think? It's not like these weirdo's have been running around in public for centuries? They've only come out in public, amongst women and children since the radicals progressives have been pushing this BS.

5:36 to 6:55

This the same BS that caused the LP to lose so much support. They got invaded by the purple haired, tranny & legalized drugs weirdos. If they'd have just stuck with the really important things that draw people to the voting booth, they'd be getting 10% to 15% by now. Monetary policy, inflation, small limited government that lives within it's means.

Fucking low life bigot. This squirrel is the definition of scum , Like the rest of his hate party he is driven by hatred and stupidity. You will never find a more hate driven stupid group in your lifetime then these ass hole.
None the less, the radical progressives are forcing moderate democrats right into the hands of Trump. They may not even like Trump. But he's more normal than the crap the radicals on the left are pushing.

FFS, you have American gay college students marching for Hamas & Palestine. Those fucking arabs would behead them for being gay. And those dumbasses are marching for them?

View attachment 896484
If Trump pulls in support from a democrat it's because they are stupid and hate based and Democratic patriots don't want them anyway. Only the traitors to this great country wants them. But to be honest I've never met a democrat who is stupid enough to jump ships to Shitpants.
Who is Tump , he is a mentally ill rapist and criminal, who is charged with 91 felonies with more coming and when found guilty can be charged with over 700 years in jail. . ,he is a clown who shits in his pants so often that he has a diaper changing crew following him around to change his diapers when he lets loose. They say the biggest problem is his girdle he wears, That has him strapped in like an astronaut. He is a drug addict who smells so bad his own family won't get in a car with him. There is no one as scummy as he is . He is like standing next to an open sewer, that's what his son says anyway. Shitpants is the rights God and leader, You have to be kidding.

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