Which major party is Dumber, Repubs or Dems

Who is dumber?

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So far. But lots of people would have it otherwise. People posting in this thread.
Yes , that would be the republicans. They've already blurred the lines between church and state in my state the people are going to vote on it in Nov. And repeal it.
I guess not. Why does my comment seem ridiculous to you?
I don't know of any woman who does not want control of their own body. I don't know of any transgender person who wants control over their own body and I don't know any gay person who does not want the right to legally marry. Those aren't about equity those are about equality. If you start arguing that , I have nothing more to say to you. You are a total idiot and lost cause of you do not believe in equality.
I don't know of any woman who does not want control of their own body.
Mkay. I agree. What's your point?
I don't know of any transgender person who wants control over their own body and I don't know any gay person who does not want the right to legally marry.
Again, agree. What's your point?
Those aren't about equity those are about equality.
Those issues are about equals rights. That's what government should be ensuring.

Equity is different. Equity is when we put government in charge of ensuring outcomes. Equal rights means we all play by the same rules, and accept the fact that some will fare better than others. Equity demands that government tip the scales toward most-favored minorities. It requires that rights be decidedly unequal, with government subsidizing and correcting for supposed societal inequities.

If you start arguing that , I have nothing more to say to you. You are a total idiot and lost cause of you do not believe in equality.
Apparently it's very important for you to frame as an "idiot", though I'm not sure what your beef is. It looks like just a knee-jerk thing. You don't even really seem to be reading what I post.
Mkay. I agree. What's your point?

Again, agree. What's your point?

Those issues are about equals rights. That's what government should be ensuring.

Equity is different. Equity is when we put government in charge of ensuring outcomes. Equal rights means we all play by the same rules, and accept the fact that some will fare better than others. Equity demands that government tip the scales toward most-favored minorities. It requires that rights be decidedly unequal, with government subsidizing and correcting for supposed societal inequities.

Apparently it's very important for you to frame as an "idiot", though I'm not sure what your beef is. It looks like just a knee-jerk thing. You don't even really seem to be reading what I post.
Thañks some. I guess you're unaware it's the government's duty to protect minorities against the tyranny of the majority. Gays have finally become normalized in society because of those statues. When I was a teenager you couldn't even say the word , gays were being murdered all the time. I remember a policeman in Philadelphia, Pa. saying on the news that " they " were just asking for it. Even 25 years ago when I lived in Omaha a friend was attacked after leaving a night club in downtown Omaha. He still has a bad scar because he didn't want to go to the hospital because he didn't want to report it to the police. That is how bad it was then. Now , finally things are a lot better. But the republicans real terror in some gays because. they still feel threatened their rights can be taken away.
Thañks some. I guess you're unaware it's the government's duty to protect minorities against the tyranny of the majority.
Why do you guess that?
Gays have finally become normalized in society because of those statues. When I was a teenager you couldn't even say the word , gays were being murdered all the time. I remember a policeman in Philadelphia, Pa. saying on the news that " they " were just asking for it. Even 25 years ago when I lived in Omaha a friend was attacked after leaving a night club in downtown Omaha. He still has a bad scar because he didn't want to go to the hospital because he didn't want to report it to the police. That is how bad it was then. Now , finally things are a lot better. But the republicans real terror in some gays because. they still feel threatened their rights can be taken away.
Yes. As I've said, I'm adamant in insisting government protect our rights equally.

But that's not what equity is demanding. Do you not see the difference?
Why do you guess that?

Yes. As I've said, I'm adamant in insisting government protect our rights equally.

But that's not what equity is demanding. Do you not see the difference?
Who do you believe is demanding equity ?
Which church ? Which religion ? You are a fool. That is not possible or even desiriable. America should never recreate the errors or the past. We must move forward. The light of freedom and equality demands US to do so.
Equality? That's a joke. How long before the pedophiles you and the rest of your diseased ilk support get their special rights? This country prospered when G-d was honored.
As opposed to the real brokers of tyranny, the republicans , in the US attacking women , transgenders and just about everyone else that doesn't fit their cookie - cutter idea of a person.
Listen. G-d does not support any kind.of sexual sin. His design is one man one woman within the bonds of marriage. That is the only true and proper definition.
Equality? That's a joke. How long before the pedophiles you and the rest of your diseased ilk support get their special rights? This country prospered when G-d was honored.
So I have special rights and you have god-given rights ? Gee , I believe he gave everyone god-given rights. Looks like you want to play god with other people's rights. By the way I am very healthy , despite two bouts with Cancer. I still work at age 72 soon to be 73.
As opposed to the real brokers of tyranny, the republicans , in the US attacking women , transgenders and just about everyone else that doesn't fit their cookie - cutter idea of a person.

Getting someone fired because they misgendered someone is radical. Men winning womens sports is radical.
So I have special rights and you have god-given rights ? Gee , I believe he gave everyone god-given rights. Looks like you want to play god with other people's rights. By the way I am very healthy , despite two bouts with Cancer. I still work at age 72 soon to be 73.
Who the fuck cares? You morons are responsible foe the moral decay in this country masquerading as freedom.
As opposed to the real brokers of tyranny, the republicans , in the US attacking women , transgenders and just about everyone else that doesn't fit their cookie - cutter idea of a person.

The real brokers are the uniparty. You call preservation "attacking."
No one is attacking women or trannies. We're just preserving something the majority believes in. And common sense.
Actual women in sports don't make as much as men, because they don't bring in the revenue.
And trannies, they're just whacked out retards who think everyone should accept them for who they are. Even thought 90% of the planet think they're whacked out retards.
Listen. G-d does not support any kind.of sexual sin. His design is one man one woman within the bonds of marriage. That is the only true and proper definition.
So you believe, glad that works for you. It doesn't for everyone. Would you really want your sister marrying a gay guy ? That's the way it used to be in those dark days you no doubt call the good old days. Most of my gay friends my age were married to women they led tortured lives and the wives probably didn't fare well either. They left their wives after the children grew up. They were all good fathers at least in that respect. One of my best friends in that group is now happily married to another man both legally and he had the ceremony in a forward-thinking Christian church. So not all of your Christian churches continue in their sins against mankind.
So you believe, glad that works for you. It doesn't for everyone. Would you really want your sister marrying a gay guy ? That's the way it used to be in those dark days you no doubt call the good old days. Most of my gay friends my age were married to women they led tortured lives and the wives probably didn't fare well either. They left their wives after the children grew up. They were all good fathers at least in that respect. One of my best friends in that group is now happily married to another man both legally and he had the ceremony in a forward-thinking Christian church. So not all of your Christian churches continue in their sins against mankind.
Then they need to repent of their homosexuality. Only through Jesus Christ can you find true joy.
Who the fuck cares? You morons are responsible foe the moral decay in this country masquerading as freedom.
You are a gem. Just the kind of people that represents the worst of US. How can you live with so much hatred in your heart and still believe you're a Christian in good standing with Jesus.
So you believe, glad that works for you. It doesn't for everyone. Would you really want your sister marrying a gay guy ? That's the way it used to be in those dark days you no doubt call the good old days. Most of my gay friends my age were married to women they led tortured lives and the wives probably didn't fare well either. They left their wives after the children grew up. They were all good fathers at least in that respect. One of my best friends in that group is now happily married to another man both legally and he had the ceremony in a forward-thinking Christian church. So not all of your Christian churches continue in their sins against mankind.
Oh and those "churches" that tolerate or embrace homosexuality? Jesus said it is better for these pastors to have a millstone tied around their necks and cast into the sea.

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