Which of these monuments etc. must be erased and demolished?

We must demolish the following. This is the short list

  • Change Washington D.C. to something else

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing George Washington

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Thomas Jefferson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James Madison

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James Monroe

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Andrew Jackson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Martin Van Buren

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing William Henry Harrison

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing John Tyler

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James K. Polk

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Zachary Taylor

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Andrew Johnson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Ulysses S. Grant

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroying all of the above and more is consistent and the left's ultimate agenda

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • ILMAO at snowflakes. They're only doing what told and don't comprehend cause & effect

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
I assume that the OP , by pretending that this thread is about monuments, is actually justifying the NAZIs, and White Supremacists in NC. How sad, yet, how disgusting..

The fact this was initiated by liberal desire to remove historic monuments flew right over your head huh? Neat twist on the obvious point, and code for you cannot defend the narrative you adopted and hold dear.

And, here you are on this thread, defending these people:


Like the scum that you are. I know you. I grew up in the deep South, and was surrounded by knuckle draggers like you. You are disgusting.

Lacking the spine to say you're wrong huh? Hey dumb shit, where did I defend them outside their response to the liberal gestapo? I bet you're defending the counter protesters huh?

Let's go back to context sweetheart.................when the fuck are you going to tear down all the MFing monuments that should offend our liberal friends, assuming they've been educated? You mind if we start with FDR?

BTW, I've never left Northern Nevada. You recognize me like you recognize hypocrisy and foolishness.
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Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

Grant and Lee both attended the Military Academy at West Point. Grant and Lee both fought together in the War of Mexican Cession in the late 1840's with honor. Grant played a large military role in the in the conquest of the traitorous Southern States.

Lee fought for the South and chose loyalty to his State rather than keeping his sworn duty to upholding the Constitution of the United States; he turned his coat! Grant upheld his oath with honor whilst Lee shed all honor by forsaking his oath and became a traitor to the Constitution and United States.

Grant was a hero, while Lee was a traitor. Hero's deserve to be remembered in stone and bronze, while traitors should only be remembered for their treachery and disloyalty! May ruin rain down upon all traitors to this Nation and they be remembered as the treacherous bastards they were or will become rather than memorialized in granite and metal casts!

Grant is a war criminal who murdered hundreds of thousands of people. The Constitution does not prevent states from seceding, so your claims about Lee being a traitor is obvious bullshit. However, waging war on a state of the union is treason exactly as the Constitution defines the term. Both Grant and Lincoln are traitors.
Hey liberals, we're going to have to remove remembrances of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Not because I say so, but I'm in liberal training, yet somewhat rational, and I think I'm catching on

See mother fuckers, he forced innocent Japanese civilians into camps and even robbed them of their property. Today I'm Japanese or an advocate & savior, and I'm deeply offended & emotionally harmed over you broadcasting this filth as if he's a hero, you commie fascist bastards. If you had your way, we'd rid us of a Japanese people, who contribute a lot to our country. Less their driving habits anyway.

Unless of course you're suggesting the hypocrisy is due to black privilege, thus is justified.
He also kept Jews from immigrating to the United States, and we all know that's racism and hate.
Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

On a side, Washington DC is named for a guy who participated in slavery. The name must be changed to I don't know, Spike Lee DC.
Well now, why don't you just talk to the people of Charlottesville? It is their statue, and their decision to take it down. Better yet, why don't you offer to buy it and put it in your front yard?
Long story short, owning slaves was not an unethical or bad thing although the jewish slave traders really went overboard bringing them over.
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Long story short, owning slaves was not a unethical or bad thing although the jewish slave traders really went overboard bringing them over.

Ironically, Jews have been slaves themselves during times over thousands of years. Course nobody mentions it, similar the Chinese, Japanese etc. etc. etc. No such thing as a country that had never had slaves, regardless of color.
Long story short, owning slaves was not a unethical or bad thing although the jewish slave traders really went overboard bringing them over.

Ironically, Jews have been slaves themselves during times over thousands of years. Course nobody mentions it, similar the Chinese, Japanese etc. etc. etc. No such thing as a country that had never had slaves, regardless of color.
Millions of white Christians were enslaved by Muslims ever since the inception of Islam.
Ironically, Jews have been slaves themselves during times over thousands of years.

The Old Testament is essentially a series of essays of lies on several levels, not going into details here, sorry.
Millions of white Christians were enslaved by Muslims ever since the inception of Islam.

Blacks in particular were brutally enslaved by Arab Muslims and then KILLED. African American scholar Thomas Sowell did extensive research in that regard. Arab Muslim have always been low IQ savages who expanded and adopted from the cultures that they invaded and then degenerated with their faggot cult to destroy what they stole from more sophisticated cultures. So they invading Europe literally means the genocide of Europeans. And Obama/Crooked Hillary wanted more of them here in the USA. Very scary. Thank GOD The Donald was elected.
I assume that the OP , by pretending that this thread is about monuments, is actually justifying the NAZIs, and White Supremacists in NC. How sad, yet, how disgusting..

The fact this was initiated by liberal desire to remove historic monuments flew right over your head huh? Neat twist on the obvious point, and code for you cannot defend the narrative you adopted and hold dear.

And, here you are on this thread, defending these people:


Like the scum that you are. I know you. I grew up in the deep South, and was surrounded by knuckle draggers like you. You are disgusting.

Lacking the spine to say you're wrong huh? Hey dumb shit, where did I defend them outside their response to the liberal gestapo? I bet you're defending the counter protesters huh?

Let's go back to context sweetheart.................when the fuck are you going to tear down all the MFing monuments that should offend our liberal friends, assuming they've been educated? You mind if we start with FDR?

BTW, I've never left Northern Nevada. You recognize me like you recognize hypocrisy and foolishness.

Oh, but, yes, I recognize you. You and your asshole buddies used to rule the South. I saw you intimidate blacks, with your white sheets and racial hatred.

But, guess what, jerk off...Your day is through. You are nothing but a pimple on the history of the USA, and, in spite of what happened in NC, you are done, and you will go down in history as the jerkoffs that could not let go of your hatred.

Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on....
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Any and all of the statues and memorial listed could be removed if the authorities that own and maintain the property where they are located voted in a legislation such as a Town or City Council, State Legislature or Congress voted to remove them in the same way that was done and is being done in regards to Confederate memorials.

The racist domestic terrorist and their supporters are upset because local people who own and maintain the Confederate memorials and statues in question have voted to stop spending funds of maintaining them and voted to remove them.

The far right nationalist, white supremacist, terrorist and terrorist supporters have been given aid from the Trump administration to the point of getting a nod and a wink in regards to committing acts of domestic terrorism.
Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

On a side, Washington DC is named for a guy who participated in slavery. The name must be changed to I don't know, Spike Lee DC.

Here's a question you won't answer. Should the elected representatives of a municipality have the right to decide what monuments belong on public property or not?

If not, who should have the power to decide that?
Oh, btw, there is a monument to Robert E. Lee in Richmond Virginia whose preservation is protected by the FEDERAL government,

under the National Historic Preservation Act.

Ironically, if you stop and think about it, that Act is the sort of thing that most conservatives would consider unconstitutional,
because the Constitution doesn't enumerate any such power. lol

How about removing this ridiculousness and all the streets that were renamed Martin Luther King Blvd which are usually very dangerous areas.
The Constitution does not prevent states from seceding, so your claims about Lee being a traitor is obvious bullshit.
Secession is beside the point of traitorous conduct! Lee took up arms against the United States, which is spelled out in the Constitution as TREASON you ignorant little FUCK!
The Constitution does not prevent states from seceding, so your claims about Lee being a traitor is obvious bullshit.
Secession is beside the point of traitorous conduct! Lee took up arms against the United States, which is spelled out in the Constitution as TREASON you ignorant little FUCK!
Lee defended Virginia from Lincoln's invasion. Read the definition of treason. Making war on any state of the union is treason. That's what Lincoln did.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them (plural), or in adhering to their (plural) enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Remove all monuments that symbolize hate.

What symbolizes hate and to whom? A small town on the plain may have a statue of a pioneer family to symbolize the rugged nature of early Americans, but to the Indians it may be a symbol Of hatred, oppression and slavery. Who decied if it stays or go's? Hell, what if the political winds took a very dim view of the Vietnam war and decieded that all monuments should go. Or if MLK was a hate preacher and any monument to him is a symbol of said hate and they should all go ? Where does it start, stop and who decides?

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