Which of these monuments etc. must be erased and demolished?

We must demolish the following. This is the short list

  • Change Washington D.C. to something else

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing George Washington

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Thomas Jefferson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James Madison

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James Monroe

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Andrew Jackson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Martin Van Buren

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing William Henry Harrison

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing John Tyler

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing James K. Polk

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Zachary Taylor

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Andrew Johnson

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroy all monuments etc. symbolizing Ulysses S. Grant

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Destroying all of the above and more is consistent and the left's ultimate agenda

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • ILMAO at snowflakes. They're only doing what told and don't comprehend cause & effect

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
Remove all monuments that symbolize hate.

Say Lahota, we're going to start with Crazy Horse memorial consistent with your narrative. That okay with you, or is this a common instance where you fail to think things through?

So? Crazy Horse is a Native American hero! What's your point?

Crazy Horse was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota. He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government to fight against encroachments on the territories and way of life of the Lakota people. His most famous actions against the U.S. military included the Fetterman Fight (21 December 1866) and the Battle of the Little Bighorn (25–26 June 1876). He surrendered to U.S. troops under General Crook in May 1877 and was fatally wounded by a military guard, while allegedly[4][5] resisting imprisonment atCamp Robinson in present-day Nebraska. He ranks among the most notable and iconic of Native American tribal members and was honored by the U.S. Postal Service in 1982 with a 13¢ postage stamp that is part of its Great Americans series.[6]

Crazy Horse Memorial - Wikipedia
He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government

Doesnt' that make him a terrorist?

You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

Here you go Lahota: Your people of peace. https://www.quora.com/Did-Native-Am...-accurate-or-was-tribal-warfare-less-frequent
Absolutely, and to this day Indians cannot get along with each other because that's the way it is.
Any monument that hate groups want to keep and rally around should be gone immediately, see, that was easy. The swastika was once a symbol that meant happy things like good luck and prosperity but the Nazis changed it forever. If the symbols of the confederacy ever meant anything good they are now permanently tainted by how they have been used.

I read any monument snowflakes flake over should be removed. In other terms, it's free-flowing and narrative capturing.

Oh look, let's go after Roosevelt as well. According to you, it's a monument hate groups want to keep, because you're cause and effect challenged and you project. Take down 'racist' Theodore Roosevelt statue, activists tell New York museum

Perhaps all statues of Martin Luther King should be removed, he was a Race Baiter, a friend of Communists and he had a thing for forcing himself sexually on women.

Why would people want statues of someone like him to remain standing?
Any monument that hate groups want to keep and rally around should be gone immediately, see, that was easy. The swastika was once a symbol that meant happy things like good luck and prosperity but the Nazis changed it forever. If the symbols of the confederacy ever meant anything good they are now permanently tainted by how they have been used.

I read any monument snowflakes flake over should be removed. In other terms, it's free-flowing and narrative capturing.
These monuments were only ever allowed so that the confederate soldiers would not feel they fought and died for nothing and perhaps start another rebellion. The last one of them died before most of us were even born. Their original purpose has been served. All they are now are symbols of antiquated concepts that deserve no monuments in the public spaces and only the minimum of forbearance in our national discourse.
You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

You're people lost to lands to the conquest of a vastly superior race. Hail Odin. Hail Thor. Remember to thank the merciful Christian God for the boon the white people granted your pitiful race by putting them on reservations instead of exterminating your worthless kind into extinction.
Remove all monuments that symbolize hate.

Say Lahota, we're going to start with Crazy Horse memorial consistent with your narrative. That okay with you, or is this a common instance where you fail to think things through?

So? Crazy Horse is a Native American hero! What's your point?

Crazy Horse was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota. He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government to fight against encroachments on the territories and way of life of the Lakota people. His most famous actions against the U.S. military included the Fetterman Fight (21 December 1866) and the Battle of the Little Bighorn (25–26 June 1876). He surrendered to U.S. troops under General Crook in May 1877 and was fatally wounded by a military guard, while allegedly[4][5] resisting imprisonment atCamp Robinson in present-day Nebraska. He ranks among the most notable and iconic of Native American tribal members and was honored by the U.S. Postal Service in 1982 with a 13¢ postage stamp that is part of its Great Americans series.[6]

Crazy Horse Memorial - Wikipedia
He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government

Doesnt' that make him a terrorist?

You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?
That's why you are a Washington Redskin, real indians know indians don't consider any land theirs.
Your political correctness makes you look like a stupid motherfucker.
The federal government always wanted to annihilate indians obviously now more than ever… they did not need conventional weapons of war. Political correctness along with affirmative-action has done way more damage than anything else.
You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

You're people lost to lands to the conquest of a vastly superior race. Hail Odin. Hail Thor. Remember to thank the merciful Christian God for the boon the white people granted your pitiful race by putting them on reservations instead of exterminating your worthless kind into extinction.
You are mistaken, what the federal government and their politically correct owners have done to the American Indians is much worse than that. They broke their spirit without firing a shot…
Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

On a side, Washington DC is named for a guy who participated in slavery. The name must be changed to I don't know, Spike Lee DC.
Loaded question fallacy.

No one is advocating anything be erased or demolished.
You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

You're people lost to lands to the conquest of a vastly superior race. Hail Odin. Hail Thor. Remember to thank the merciful Christian God for the boon the white people granted your pitiful race by putting them on reservations instead of exterminating your worthless kind into extinction.
You are mistaken, what the federal government and their politically correct owners have done to the American Indians is much worse than that. They broke their spirit without firing a shot…

Oh yes, we forgot about the Native Americans vastly inferior immune system. Smallpox anyone!?
Any monument that hate groups want to keep and rally around should be gone immediately, see, that was easy. The swastika was once a symbol that meant happy things like good luck and prosperity but the Nazis changed it forever. If the symbols of the confederacy ever meant anything good they are now permanently tainted by how they have been used.

I read any monument snowflakes flake over should be removed. In other terms, it's free-flowing and narrative capturing.

Oh look, let's go after Roosevelt as well. According to you, it's a monument hate groups want to keep, because you're cause and effect challenged and you project. Take down 'racist' Theodore Roosevelt statue, activists tell New York museum

There are also those who say that Abraham Lincoln was a racist, these are primarily Black Supremacists and they hate Lincoln, so they'd of course want something like the below removing:



I have never visited Washington DC, I suppose I should visit next time before the American Taliban/American ISIS lose it completely and just TNT the Lincoln Memorial.

I should also probably visit Mount Rushmore before they demand that's blown up also, considering four White Racists heads are on it :uhoh3:


After the above is blown up by the American Taliban/American ISIS, they'll construct a new Mount Rushmore with the heads of Lenin, Mao, Stalin and Marx on.

Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt and Lincoln embody the spirit of Classical Liberalism and Freedom and actual Tolerance for ALL opinions, so no wonder the Leftists hate Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt and Lincoln.

Lenin, Mao, Stalin and Marx are the Left's Icon's, their God's standing for Repression, Violence, Genocide and Intolerance.

You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

You're people lost to lands to the conquest of a vastly superior race. Hail Odin. Hail Thor. Remember to thank the merciful Christian God for the boon the white people granted your pitiful race by putting them on reservations instead of exterminating your worthless kind into extinction.
You are mistaken, what the federal government and their politically correct owners have done to the American Indians is much worse than that. They broke their spirit without firing a shot…

Oh yes, we forgot about the Native Americans vastly inferior immune system. Smallpox anyone!?
No doubt, we would still be playing around with sticks and dirt if it was not for the white man. And at the time of being conquered we had no concept of "possession".
BTW - Native American is the white man's term...
Any monument that hate groups want to keep and rally around should be gone immediately, see, that was easy. The swastika was once a symbol that meant happy things like good luck and prosperity but the Nazis changed it forever. If the symbols of the confederacy ever meant anything good they are now permanently tainted by how they have been used.

I read any monument snowflakes flake over should be removed. In other terms, it's free-flowing and narrative capturing.

Oh look, let's go after Roosevelt as well. According to you, it's a monument hate groups want to keep, because you're cause and effect challenged and you project. Take down 'racist' Theodore Roosevelt statue, activists tell New York museum

Perhaps all statues of Martin Luther King should be removed, he was a Race Baiter, a friend of Communists and he had a thing for forcing himself sexually on women.

Why would people want statues of someone like him to remain standing?
History makes it's judgements and has found the confederacy to be at odds with the values of a free and equitable nation. It is high time to shitcan all this stuff and move on, the confederates are all dead and few now feel the need to honor what they did. Perhaps at some point in the future history will judge MLKjr to be of little importance and remove his monuments, who knows, the point is this: to the vast majority these monuments either mean nothing or they mean hatred, lynching and segregation.
You mean the same federal government that was trying to annihilate Native Americans and steal their lands?

You're people lost to lands to the conquest of a vastly superior race. Hail Odin. Hail Thor. Remember to thank the merciful Christian God for the boon the white people granted your pitiful race by putting them on reservations instead of exterminating your worthless kind into extinction.
You are mistaken, what the federal government and their politically correct owners have done to the American Indians is much worse than that. They broke their spirit without firing a shot…

Oh yes, we forgot about the Native Americans vastly inferior immune system. Smallpox anyone!?
No doubt, we would still be playing around with sticks and dirt if it was not for the white man. And at the time of being conquered we had no concept of "possession".
BTW - Native American is the white man's term...

You are correct on all counts.
All So called "heroes" have faults… It's a human thing.
Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

On a side, Washington DC is named for a guy who participated in slavery. The name must be changed to I don't know, Spike Lee DC.
Loaded question fallacy.

No one is advocating anything be erased or demolished.

Incorrect. Maybe you should review the cause for yesterday's protest and counter protest
Robert E. Lee monuments must be removed, yet Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves as well. Somehow liberals must have minimal comprehension of their thoughts & actions, so therefore, which of these U.S. leaders must have their monuments etc. removed from all schools, govt. institutions and private entities?

On a side, Washington DC is named for a guy who participated in slavery. The name must be changed to I don't know, Spike Lee DC.

We should immediately put up a 30 foot statue of a Red Herring in front of GOP headquarters.
Remove all monuments that symbolize hate.

Say Lahota, we're going to start with Crazy Horse memorial consistent with your narrative. That okay with you, or is this a common instance where you fail to think things through?

So? Crazy Horse is a Native American hero! What's your point?

Crazy Horse was a Native American war leader of the Oglala Lakota. He took up arms against the U.S. Federal government to fight against encroachments on the territories and way of life of the Lakota people. His most famous actions against the U.S. military included the Fetterman Fight (21 December 1866) and the Battle of the Little Bighorn (25–26 June 1876). He surrendered to U.S. troops under General Crook in May 1877 and was fatally wounded by a military guard, while allegedly[4][5] resisting imprisonment atCamp Robinson in present-day Nebraska. He ranks among the most notable and iconic of Native American tribal members and was honored by the U.S. Postal Service in 1982 with a 13¢ postage stamp that is part of its Great Americans series.[6]

Crazy Horse Memorial - Wikipedia
Robert e lee took up arms against the Federal Government.

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