Which of Trumps policies had America/Americans on a path of degradation/regression?

There is absolutely nothing whatsoever that is LEFTIST about my 'narrative'.

You conflate vigorous opposition to your orange POS with Leftism, and nothing could bee further than the truth.

Your IFF needs adjusting.

Incorrect. It is entirely accurate.

Juvenile posturing while standing in a manure-pile of your (side's and leader's) own making. You have been played.

Correct. I am left of Old Joe on a few issues. I am right of Atilla the Hun on a few others. Mostly, I'm a Centrist.

I vote Republican almost as often as I vote Democrat, in elections at all levels (Federal, State, County, Municipal, etc.).

I vote on an issue-by-issue and candidate-by-candidate basis and despise party hacks.

I am a registered (D) but only because northeastern Illinois rarely elects Pubs and I like to have a say in which (D) will run.

At election time I have - and routinely demonstrate - zero party loyalty - and vote for the best (or least harmful) candidate.

I am an Independent... one of vast legions of my fellow countrymen whom you have to convince in order to win an election.

You no longer have - and have not had for years - the numbers to win on your own without the help of Independents.

You will not get that help - from myself nor those vast legions of other Independents - if you run Trump again in 2024.

Which means that you will be crying in your coffee on the morning of November 6, 2024, unless you change direction now.

You are quite correct... I am no Conservative... I am an Independent... and you need my vote.
You side with the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies, so you can go fornicate yourself.
So if it’s Biden vs Trump, you will vote for Biden?
Unfortunately, and with the gravest regret and trepidation... yes.


I am a life-long Chicago -area resident.

Corrupt politicians - enriching and gorging themselves on the public teat - are a dime-a-dozen around here... a way of life.

I have learned that a City or County or State can survive a corrupt politician, but that it cannot survive a strongman takeover.

Your boy is far too willing to set aside the Constitution and the Rule of Law and a Peaceful Transfer of Power to be re-elected.

So... if it comes down to that... yes... I will vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe... and wait for better times, once your boy is sidelined.

I want what your boy is selling... but he, himself (given the autocracy that would come packaged with him) is too high a price.

You side with the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies, so you can go fornicate yourself.
Is there an actual sentence anywhere in that mess? :cool: ...probably best that you go lie down for a while...
Unfortunately, and with the gravest regret and trepidation... yes.


I am a life-long Chicago -area resident.

Corrupt politicians - enriching and gorging themselves on the public teat - are a dime-a-dozen around here... a way of life.

I have learned that a City or County or State can survive a corrupt politician, but that it cannot survive a strongman takeover.

Your boy is far too willing to set aside the Constitution and the Rule of Law and a Peaceful Transfer of Power to be re-elected.

So... if it comes down to that... yes... I will vote for Sleepy Old Uncle Joe... and wait for better times, once your boy is sidelined.

I want what your boy is selling... but he, himself (given the autocracy that would come packaged with him) is too high a price.

Then you are willing to overlook Biden‘s obvious dementia and corruption that has him making decisions that benefit our enemies because you have fallen for the lies about Trump, who was far better for our country.

What our country cannot survive is a man - or rather the handlers behind him, including Obama - so intent on destroying this country that they invite millions of semi-literate, unskilled foreigners to illegally enter the country….fights to keep hardcore, repeat criminals out on the streets….keeps spending trillions of dollars in the face of high inflation and a majority of Americans unable to afford groceries without a struggle….and last but not least, demonizes approximately 40% of voters who won’t submit to their version of the truth, with Marines flanking him to show strength against those he calls “threats to democracy.”
Then you are willing to overlook Biden‘s obvious dementia and corruption that has him making decisions that benefit our enemies because you have fallen for the lies about Trump, who was far better for our country.
Incorrect. I am willing to overlook Biden's shortcomings because Trump's shortcomings are profoundly more toxic for the Repuvlic.
What our country cannot survive is a man - or rather the handlers behind him, including Obama - so intent on destroying this country that they invite millions of semi-literate, unskilled foreigners to illegally enter the country….fights to keep hardcore, repeat criminals out on the streets….keeps spending trillions of dollars in the face of high inflation and a majority of Americans unable to afford groceries without a struggle….and last but not least, demonizes approximately 40% of voters who won’t submit to their version of the truth, with Marines flanking him to show strength against those he calls “threats to democracy.”
There is considerable truth in what you say here, and I agree that in the long run what is happening now is unsustainable.

But I view the Republic as resilient enough to withstand four more years of Democrat idiocy until the Trump threat has abated.

You find me someone on your side to vote for who cares about that stuff - who is not Trump - and I'll vote alongside you.

Until then... No Sale... and it pains me to say that more than most Trump fans could possibly imagine or believe.

I... and vast, vast numbers of our fellow countrymen who are NOT part of the MAGA base... feel similarly, and strongly.

Underestimating the depth and vast extent of such anti-Trump sentiment will be the downfall of any Trump candidacy.

Want to put an end to all those things you've described above?

Change leadership - change standard bearers - while there is still time.

Find someone else who can advance the Trump Agenda without the Trump Baggage and I'll help you vote-out Old Joe.

Fail to do that and most of the non-MAGA folk in this country will prop-up Old Joe one more time to avoid a Trump rerun.

Believe it.
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Incorrect. I am willing to overlook Biden's shortcomings because Trump's shortcomings are profoundly more toxic for the Repuvlic.

And to me, Trump’s shortcomings pale in comparison to having a president who has sold out our country in exchange for millions from the Communists. NOTHING could be worse than that.
There is considerable truth in what you say here, and I agree that in the long run what is happening now is unsustainable.

But I view the Republic as resilient enough to withstand four more years of idiocy until the Trump threat has abated.

We disagree here. The damage has been so immense in the past 2.5 years that the country could not survive four more years of: a mass influx of millions of more illegals, devaluing of our dollar to drive inflation, skyrocketing crime, and a president who blatantly violates the Supreme Court’s orders and calls almost half of his constituents traitors to the country.
You find me someone on your side to vote for who cares about that stuff - who is not Trump - and I'll vote alongside you.

Until then... No Sale... and it pains me to say that more than most Trump fans could possibly imagine or believe.

OK, then. You have made your decision that a president too demented to speak and too corrupted to go against our enemies, and at the whims of his anti-American handlers, is preferable to a man who told supporters to peacefully protest what tens of millions see as a stolen election, and under whose presidency we had no new wars, inflation was less than 2%, real wages grew, hiring increased, the stock market was soaring, and the border was under control.
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And to me, Trump’s shortcomings pale in comparison to having a president who has sold out our country in exchange for millions from the Communists. NOTHING could be worse than that.

We disagree here. The damage has been so immense in the past 2.5 years that the country could not survive four more years of: a mass influx of millions of more illegals, devaluing of our dollar to drive inflation, skyrocketing crime, and a president who blatantly violates the Supreme Court’s orders and calls almost half of his constituents traitors to the country.

OK, then. You have made your decision that a president too demented to speak and too corrupted to go against our enemies, and at the whims of his anti-American handlers, is preferable to a man who told supporters to peacefully protest what tens of millions see as a stolen election, and under whose presidency we had no new wars, inflation was less than 2%, real wages grew, hiring increased, the stock market was soaring, and the border was under control.
Much of what you say here is entirely true. It is killing me to have to defend voting for Old Joe but I see no other option.

Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans at-present have a very deep bench (bullpen). Get one of 'em warming-up, quickly.

You're gonna need a good Relief Pitcher if you have any chance whatsoever of actually WINNING in November 2024.

And WINNING is what you need to do in order to provide relief and salvation to the Republic.

Trump has become toxic and is now un-electable.

You need to ask yourselves... what is more important... Donald Trump, or the salvation of the Republic. You can't have both.

Not after January 6, 2021.

You know I'm right... even if you can't admit it publicly at the moment.
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Much of what you say here is entirely true. It is killing me to have to defend voting for Old Joe but I see no other option.

Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans at-present have a very deep bench (bullpen). Get one of 'em warming-up, quickly.

You're gonna need a good Relief Pitcher if you have any chance whatsoever of actually WINNING in November 2024.

And WINNING is what you need to do in order to provide relief and salvation to the Republic.

Trump has become toxic and is now un-electable.

You need to ask yourselves... what is more important... Donald Trump, or the salvation of the Republic. You can't have both.
If you agree that winning is what we need to salvage the Republic, then how could you vote against Trump - who would need to win in order to salvage the Republic? You are saying you would sacrifice the Republic rather than have Trump.

Also, what do you mean by a relief pitcher? The VP? And whom would you like to see?
If you agree that winning is what we need to salvage the Republic, then how could you vote against Trump - who would need to win in order to salvage the Republic? You are saying you would sacrifice the Republic rather than have Trump.
I am saying that Trump will be the death of American representative democracy and the Republic.

I am saying that the Republic can probably survive one more round of Democratic idiocy but it cannot survive another Trump term.

I am saying that I will risk the Republic by voting (D) rather than certainly kill the Republic by voting (R) with Trump on the ballot.

And if all of that sounds foreign to your ears, believe it when I say that non-MAGA America is thinking along the same lines.

That includes the legions of Independents you need to bring over to your side in order to actually WIN in November 2024.

You guys need to stop trying to put lipstick on a pig that is past its sell-by date and can no longer make a profit for you.

Also, what do you mean by a relief pitcher? The VP? And whom would you like to see?
Take your pick from amongst those who will be on the stage in Milwaukee at the first GOP Primary Debate on Thurs Aug 23rd.

So far, I am liking Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis... I could even stomach Chris Christy now that he's found his ball$ again.

I'm sure there are a thousand-and-one reasons why many won't like those choices, but... you asked.
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Is there an actual sentence anywhere in that mess? :cool: ...probably best that you go lie down for a while...
Yeah, no. I still have to work for a living.
You are delusional in your Pavlovian hatred of Trump.
You dismiss the EVIL of the Marxist demented LEFT because Orange Man BAD.
You might as well vote dem you useless POS!
You need to do some due diligence….your Kenyan King doubled the national debt and put millions more on the taxpayer tit……Trump’s Treasury, under the Trump tax cuts took in record revenues.

They don't understand the record revenue thing and how tax rate reductions had worked evertime that they have been tried.

Taxation is simply used to punish achievement and behavior that the left doesn't like.
We digitize money at will, now.
Fake orange bag O' shit con man doing what con men do, though this time, his campaign fun time is limited due to court obligations, because, well, criminal indictments. :dunno:

Yet another desperate fake photo op (exactly like the fake bible op) for his superficial base of magaturd morons. It's as real as sasquatch, and they eat that stuff up. This isn't for votes, it's for his base.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Some suburban soccer moms are magaturds. That's where he'll go. Binary talking points are boring.

Go with that.

Memes are fun. :rolleyes:

Whereas, you seem to be suffering from an extreme case of Truth Deficiency Syndrome, or TDS. To may toe, to mah toe. :dunno:
Which of Trumps policies had you scrambling….which were bad for America?
Which of Trumps policies had you scrambling….which were bad for America?
1. Continuing to flush taxpayer money building upon a physical barrier wall when half of our country's illegal immigration problem legally flies into our nation's airports. In a nutshell, that's stupid & completely short sighted. Incapable or unable to understand the true scope of the situation. Bad for America. :rolleyes:

Closing the entire border is a non-starter. Doesn't matter if you're D or R. Won't ever happen. Orange bag 'O shit or no orange bag 'O shit. :dunno: You are mad about it. I have no fucks to give you.
1. Continuing to flush taxpayer money building upon a physical barrier wall
Hahaha…holy shit. Let me make sure I understand you correctly. So your ass hurts because Trump was trying to spend $20B on a wall that would pay for itself, keep Laken Riley alive, keep human cockroaches out of your country, revive blue collar trade wages, improve your public education and healthcare institutions and keep fentanyl out?
Are you pissed about the $100B spent on Ukraines border…with no chance of keeping Laken Riley from being raped and murdered?
when half of our country's illegal immigration problem legally flies into our nation's airports.
If half fly in then how did your Crypt Keeper add 10 million new cockroaches to the already obscene number of cockroaches?
In a nutshell, that's stupid & completely short sighted. Incapable or unable to understand the true scope of the situation.
It’s “shortsighted” to want to keep thirdworld parasites out at all costs?
Bad for America.
If brown cockroaches are good for America why aren’t other nations flying big jets into Mehico to scoop up a few million cockroaches of their own?
Closing the entire border is a non-starter. Doesn't matter if you're D or R. Won't ever happen.
But you want it completely closed so you can have a legitimate country right Humberto from Mehico?

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