Which of Your Rights Will They Go After....

Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

I fully support a free press (don't know what the "conservatives" are doing)

There is no "right" to vote in a federal election.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

So, I don't know where you would think I stand, but the reality is the liberals have an all out war against ANY form of expression not in line with their agenda. I can't believe that antifa hasn't figured that one out and is harassing the Dems.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

I fully support a free press (don't know what the "conservatives" are doing)

There is no "right" to vote in a federal election.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

So, I don't know where you would think I stand, but the reality is the liberals have an all out war against ANY form of expression not in line with their agenda. I can't believe that antifa hasn't figured that one out and is harassing the Dems.

Antifa is in league with them.
Once again, your battle to make this board playtime for infants is on display.

Why can't we have adults who are able to put together a cogent post???

Government school????

The other day you ignored my post and tried to attack my grammar. Is it proper English to use three and four question marks after a question? :eusa_think: You're probably the worst Grammar Nazi I've ever seen.
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Both parties are attacking our rights by creating and taking advantage of different kinds of outrage. I hope people notice before it's too late.

Nice to see the hot air contingent checking in.

You words mean less than nothing.
Get off your lazy duff and put some effort into it.....with supporting documentation.

Anybody that's been paying attention the last 20 years knows my words are true. You're a pure bred partisan hack if you think the Republicans are not guilty of attacking our rights too.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

And wrong.

Conservatives spit on our Constitution
Citations and examples.

1. Based on the recent massacre, and the full-court press by the Left, ....
"Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed."
Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

....one might think that your right to bear arms is first on their list.

Nay, nay......not so.

2. First on the list for Communists, Fascists.....and Liberals......is Free Speech.

Case in point, CNN news-speaker, and grad of..."Yale University, where he obtained an undergraduate degree, and Fordham University where he obtained his Juris Doctor (J.D.). He is a licensed attorney.
He currently works at CNN,[1][2] and has previously been the ABC Newschief law and justice correspondent and the co-anchor for ABC's 20/20."
Chris Cuomo - Wikipedia

One smart Liberal, huh?

3. With all that supposed education, Liberal Democrat Cuomo said this:


"Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Cuomo’s tweet, and his stubborn campaign to defend it in the wake of a merciless assault from the Twitterverse, errs in two ways. First, it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."
Chris Cuomo Won’t Walk Back His Ignorant Tweet About Hate Speech


"it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."

Here....Fredo Cuomo:

Fredo….I’m not stupid like everybody says….I’m smart.

For the Founders, for Conservatives, for classical liberals.....and for Americans....there is no such thing as
"hate speech."

There is only speech.

And the Liberals are about chipping away at what you can say.

Don't ya love it when people cite RWNJ polls about what liberal want and then pretend it has any veracity at all?
The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

Do you also think the 13th AMendment was illegally ratified? How about the 15th?

Wait. Please don't answer that.

Why ask the question if you don't want the answer. It's irrelevant. I can live with the 13th and 15th Amendments for the moment. Can you?

It is, however indisputable, that the 14th Amendment was unconstitutionally ratified.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

I fully support a free press (don't know what the "conservatives" are doing)

There is no "right" to vote in a federal election.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

So, I don't know where you would think I stand, but the reality is the liberals have an all out war against ANY form of expression not in line with their agenda. I can't believe that antifa hasn't figured that one out and is harassing the Dems.

Antifa is in league with them.

That's true and it's ironic. Antifa backs the very kinds of people they are marching against.
Provide examples of free speech being taken away.

Then we can agree that you're a dunce?

No prob.

6. Hurt feelings or views hostile to the party in power….the Democrat Party…. has never been a reason for American governments to restrict the first amendment….yet, it has come to pass.

The 1954 federal Johnson Amendment prohibits a pastor from talking about candidates from the pulpit in light of Scripture. Thus, based on what a pastor says about an election from the pulpit, the tax code allows the government to tax a church. Consider that in light of the Internal Revenue Service's increasingly vague regulations, and you have a recipe for the censorship of religion. The IRS, through those vague regulations, reserves for itself tremendous discretion and power to decide which churches to punish for violations of the Johnson Amendment and which not to punish.”
Why don't churches pay taxes?

Any reading of the first amendment will prove this to be unconstitutional.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Get it, you dunce???????

Learn never to doubt me.
Both parties are attacking our rights by creating and taking advantage of different kinds of outrage. I hope people notice before it's too late.

Nice to see the hot air contingent checking in.

You words mean less than nothing.
Get off your lazy duff and put some effort into it.....with supporting documentation.

Anybody that's been paying attention the last 20 years knows my words are true. You're a pure bred partisan hack if you think the Republicans are not guilty of attacking our rights too.

Once again, your battle to make this board playtime for infants is on display.

Why can't we have adults who are able to put together a cogent post???

Government school????
Can't refute so attack the poster?
Wonder which books they ban first?

Since FDR put a KKKer on the Supreme Court as his first choice, they've pretty much banned the Bible.

did two corinthians tell you that? :auiqs.jpg:

29 Good Bible Sales Statistics
May 23, 2017


Over 100 million Bibles are printed every year. Consumers in the United States will purchase 25% of those newly printed Bibles every year.

29 Good Bible Sales Statistics - BrandonGaille.com

Proof that Americans overrule the Liberal Fascists.

God Bless America.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

I fully support a free press (don't know what the "conservatives" are doing)

There is no "right" to vote in a federal election.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

So, I don't know where you would think I stand, but the reality is the liberals have an all out war against ANY form of expression not in line with their agenda. I can't believe that antifa hasn't figured that one out and is harassing the Dems.

Antifa is in league with them.

That's true and it's ironic. Antifa backs the very kinds of people they are marching against.

....pretend to be marching (rioting) against.
Don't ya love it when people cite RWNJ polls about what liberal want and then pretend it has any veracity at all?

Pretty much all the OP does is provide links to ultra-conservative nonsense and then insult people while claiming to be brilliant. It's one of the most cringy things I've ever seen on a political forum.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

I fully support a free press (don't know what the "conservatives" are doing)

There is no "right" to vote in a federal election.

The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

So, I don't know where you would think I stand, but the reality is the liberals have an all out war against ANY form of expression not in line with their agenda. I can't believe that antifa hasn't figured that one out and is harassing the Dems.

Antifa is in league with them.

That's true and it's ironic. Antifa backs the very kinds of people they are marching against.

Masks over masks.

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