Which party is best for investors?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Economic growth is the key to growing the nation, so which party has the best history of economic growth for the nation?

Economic growth is the key to growing the nation, so which party has the best history of economic growth for the nation?

View attachment 553120
So let me see if this helps. Jimmy Carter wrecked the economy with Malaise, then Ronald Reagan inherited that mess, and turned it all around so George Bush and Bill Clinton could come in and wreck it again, so George Bush had to come in and fix it up(Andy Cuomo set up the housing failure) and because of Andy the market tanked and Obama came in with his QE forever, thus artificially inflating the market with FREE money, then Donald Trump comes in, closes trade with China, brings jobs back to America, Closes the border to illegals, shrinks the income gap, gasoline down to $1.78 a gallon, then China and Joe Biden release the Kung Flu upon US crashing the economy, Blue States close businesses, while Red States flourished, and Joe Biteme with the Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization steals the 2020 election and blows up everything Donald Trump did, leads US into hyperinflation, high gasoline and food prices, yep, Pollito, Bloomberg, you cant get more bullshit leftist than those sites....

This plays into the mistaken notion that the stock market is the economy. It is not. The markets have done great the last dozen years while millions have struggled to remain above water or fell further behind.
This plays into the mistaken notion that the stock market is the economy. It is not. The markets have done great the last dozen years while millions have struggled to remain above water or fell further behind.
GDP growth is the measure, and with that measure Democrats beat the snot out of Republicans. For the stock market, a split government is best. The Executive and the Legislative branches controlled by opposing parties.
GDP growth is the measure, and with that measure Democrats beat the snot out of Republicans. For the stock market, a split government is best. The Executive and the Legislative branches controlled by opposing parties.

GDP includes the trillions pumped into the markets which makes it highly misleading.
I always made more money in stocks when Democrats were President. Bill Clinton was the best

Lost money under Bush 43 and Trump
Economic growth is the key to growing the nation, so which party has the best history of economic growth for the nation?

View attachment 553120
What percentage of Democrats know what GDP is and how does it affect them?
Do you think their base....faggots, feminazis, chicks with dicks, illegals, blacks, criminals and lowlife degenerates....could define GDP?
Is this
So let me see if this helps. Jimmy Carter wrecked the economy with Malaise, then Ronald Reagan inherited that mess, and turned it all around so George Bush and Bill Clinton could come in and wreck it again, so George Bush had to come in and fix it up(Andy Cuomo set up the housing failure) and because of Andy the market tanked and Obama came in with his QE forever, thus artificially inflating the market with FREE money, then Donald Trump comes in, closes trade with China, brings jobs back to America, Closes the border to illegals, shrinks the income gap, gasoline down to $1.78 a gallon, then China and Joe Biden release the Kung Flu upon US crashing the economy, Blue States close businesses, while Red States flourished, and Joe Biteme with the Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization steals the 2020 election and blows up everything Donald Trump did, leads US into hyperinflation, high gasoline and food prices, yep, Pollito, Bloomberg, you cant get more bullshit leftist than those sites....

View attachment 553124<-----OldBlockhead
Is this a "Super Conspiracy Post of the Year Award" contender on USMB?
We have a winner!
What percentage of Democrats know what GDP is and how does it affect them?

What percentage of Republicans know that they lost the election, that climate change is real and that vaccines work?
What percentage of Republicans know that they lost the election, that climate change is real and that vaccines work?
Very few Republicans believe there was a free and fair election, most believe the climate changes just as it did before man occupied the earth and most know some vaccines do work. Are you confused?
Now tell us, how many barely legal brown people, blacks and faggots know what GDP is and how it affects them?
I'll leave that to you capitalist hating unAmericans...you always hate the foundation of our economic systems until you think you can use it in some not so clever way...I love this part....GO!
Oh hell no chickenshit. You define it. Already one of your dumbshit Trump lovers totally miffed it. Money in the stock market is not part of GDP. That is actually giving you a hint. I love when you dumbshits run away from a test to your intelligence. It tells me you know you don't know what the hell you are talking about, and it is priceless.
Very few Republicans believe there was a free and fair election, most believe the climate changes just as it did before man occupied the earth and most know some vaccines do work. Are you confused?
Now tell us, how many barely legal brown people, blacks and faggots know what GDP is and how it affects them?
You still haven't shown us that you know what GDP is.
Very few Republicans believe there was a free and fair election, most believe the climate changes just as it did before man occupied the earth and most know some vaccines do work. Are you confused?
Now tell us, how many barely legal brown people, blacks and faggots know what GDP is and how it affects them?

And these are the morons you want to put in charge of our country?
Oh hell no chickenshit. You define it. Already one of your dumbshit Trump lovers totally miffed it. Money in the stock market is not part of GDP. That is actually giving you a hint. I love when you dumbshits run away from a test to your intelligence. It tells me you know you don't know what the hell you are talking about, and it is priceless.

You still haven't shown us that you know what GDP is.
Don't worry about me bud....I pay more in taxes each year than you earn in five. I know GDP...I want you capitalist hating degenerates to tell us how awesome GDP and capitalism is. Come on now....go for it....you're half way there filth.

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