Which Party Is The Big Tent Inclusive Party?

Wrong Bumbling Bumblebrain.

Liz Cheney turned on her own voter and turned traitor on the head of her party, and assisting the enemies with creating a one-party socialist state. Thats why she is on the ours, moron
Liz Cheney defended the Constitution

Republicans were outraged
Is it the party who censures Kyrsten Sinema for not going along with the collective? Is it the party who wants to run bisexuals out of the party? Is it the party who wants to primary Sinema and Manchin out because they are not welcome in the party tent and want to exclude them from the inclusive party?
Is it the party who labels anyone who won't suck Trump's cock a RINO?

Let's take a head count of elected minorities in each party, shall we?
It is part of being in a political party

Dems still have Manchin and Sinema
Republicans still have Collins and Romney
I notice they are going after Murkowski
. Any and every criticism by a white Republican towards a minority Democrat or woman Democrat is always deemed racist or sexist by you people which is really not racist or sexist….. it’s just part of being partisan. Right?
It is a Democratic Tent welcome to all races, religions, sexes and sexual orientations

The Republican Tent?
Not so much
Then why are democrats excluding two people in their party, one a bisexual. It's not inclusive when you exclude people.
I know what you're saying, and I think your opinion is skewed by partisanship. I believe neither party is inclusive unless you toe the party line.
I agree, BUT I don't see Republicans claiming they are the big tent inclusive party. It is democrats who say that and then they turn right around and exclude people.
Is it the party who labels anyone who won't suck Trump's cock a RINO?

Let's take a head count of elected minorities in each party, shall we?
I'm just asking, if you claim you are the inclusive big tent party and then you try to exclude people from your party, how is it that you are the big tent inclusive party?
I'm just asking, if you claim you are the inclusive big tent party and then you try to exclude people from your party, how is it that you are the big tent inclusive party?
You mean like this?

That is an odd version of politics.

Conservatives are, if we are going by definition and not party, those that support traditions and the status quo. Essentially, the job of conservatives in the political sphere is to protect those institutions that are working. Liberals are the ones that want to push those institutions further or, in the more extreme circumstances, remove them entirely.

I would say that means in any functional society, and our society is quite functional, that conservatives should absolutely be the 'big tenet party' aka has broad appeal across society in general.

The fact that the republicans are not that is not indicative of conservatism but rather indicative of the republicans failure to actually be conservative.

No..."big tent" as in politically varied

For most of my life that phrase was used to refer to the marriage between the religious and business right.

But in reality they both support a very narrow band of options relative to the "liberals" (i prefer progressive in 2021 but in context ok). Who just inherently have a vastly wider range of options available to them to support. They are not limited by options given to them by the status quo and history.

It is not about the amount of people in the tent. It's about the ideological variation
As Monkey said, Democrats are only inclusive if you vote for them and follow the collective. You are only allowed in the inclusive party if you follow that party collective. If not, you are excluded from the inclusive party. The only way you can be included in the inclusive party is if you are a Borg in the collective.

I didn't say they were inclusive. It's just inherent that a conservative party will have a "smaller tent" ideologically relative to a liberal or progressive one not tied down to teh status quo or history.
Is it the party who censures Kyrsten Sinema for not going along with the collective? Is it the party who wants to run bisexuals out of the party? Is it the party who wants to primary Sinema and Manchin out because they are not welcome in the party tent and want to exclude them from the inclusive party?

Sinema and Manchin are supporting the Republican attacks on our voting rights. They are traitors to this country just like fascist Republicans are. Sinema has allowed herself to be bribed by special interests and Manchin has used his position to enrich himself. They should be excluded and primaried.
Democrats "diversity" is fake and phony and only skin deep, literally! hey like lots of skin colors, but they demand that everyone think the same like Nazi robots.

Republican diversity is diversity of thought and opinions. That is the TRUE diversity, and the Left hates TRUE diversity

You're an imbecile, obviously

That is a funny one. Let's talk about Liz Cheney and how she has been treated.
Both parties say they are big tent parties but each only wants a certain type of person.
Is it the party who censures Kyrsten Sinema for not going along with the collective? Is it the party who wants to run bisexuals out of the party? Is it the party who wants to primary Sinema and Manchin out because they are not welcome in the party tent and want to exclude them from the inclusive party?

I hate when parties censure people for not voting a certain way...


Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney and that guy from New York

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