Which policies in 2012 will sway your vote?

Which of these issues could sway your vote?

  • Obama, becasue Mitt will invade Iran

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Obama, because the GOP & Ryan will kill SS & Medicare

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Obama, to bring back the 14,000 factories the GOP moved to China

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Obama, or else global warming will get really bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama, for fair taxes, or "only little people" will pay taxes

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Mitt, or Obama's energy policies will destroy US economy

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Mitt, Obamacare shows complete incompetence

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • Mitt, beacause the EPA is totally out of control

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Mitt, to save the US dollar and our way of life

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Mitt, because we cling to our guns and religion

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters
Has President Obama proposed spending cuts to go along with his proposed tax increases?

Has Mitt Romney proposed tax increases to go along with his proposed spending cuts?

These are not questions that solicit an opinion.

Archived Blog: Massive disapproval of Obama's handling of budget deficit

Graphic of Bam Bams proposed cuts


What? You can't see the green wedge of the pie chart that represents Bammy's budget cuts?

Here you go


Budget director previews cuts in Obama's 2012 plan - The Hill's On The Money

The cuts are relatively small, however, in the larger scheme of things. In total, the $775 million in detailed cuts fall far short of demands by congressional Republicans and will do little toward tackling the deficit, which is estimated to be $1.5 trillion this year by the Congressional Budget Office. The cuts are in addition to a five-year spending freeze which the administration says will save $400 billion over the next decade.

775 million is .002% of the proposed 3.8 trillion dollar budget.

Yeah that's some "tough choices"
You mean like YOUR reason? Spare us.

I don't see anything on the list that appeals and will not participate in the poll.

Awww. He won't debate. Must be an MSNBC producer.
What are your major 2012 issues, or are you a simple-minded locked-in partisan?
Keep drinking your cool-ade if you can't participate.
You mean like YOUR reason? Spare us.

I don't see anything on the list that appeals and will not participate in the poll.

Awww. He won't debate. Must be an MSNBC producer.
What are your major 2012 issues, or are you a simple-minded locked-in partisan?
Keep drinking your cool-ade if you can't participate.

I am an Independent Conservative...and #1 issue is the huge attack on the Constitution, of individual liberty by Obama and the left...which affects the economy.

Your POLL doesn't go far enough (Yeah I know you are bound by limitied choices on the boards).
I am an Independent Conservative...and #1 issue is the huge attack on the Constitution, of individual liberty by Obama and the left...which affects the economy.

Your POLL doesn't go far enough (Yeah I know you are bound by limited choices on the boards).

painting with a very broad brush....the problem with that approach is that EVERY minority party whines about the party in-power. The dems whined about Bush overstepping the Executive's Constitutional powers all the time. So list the ones you think Obama violated (besides Obamacare, which the USSC will correct)

The other issue I could have mentioned is requiring religious institutions to violate their religious beliefs, such as Ms. Fluke making Catholic employers pay for birth control instead of paying for their own, etc.

p.s. I'm still very pissed about the condition of the US when Bush/Cheney slithered out of DC and handed off a financial disaster to BO. The GOP deserves a few more woodshed sessions, but the country simply can't afford to spite itself by staying on this overspending binge.
You left out one thing that will cost Obama the election if his policies don't get it under control.
I am an Independent Conservative...and #1 issue is the huge attack on the Constitution, of individual liberty by Obama and the left...which affects the economy.

Your POLL doesn't go far enough (Yeah I know you are bound by limited choices on the boards).

painting with a very broad brush....the problem with that approach is that EVERY minority party whines about the party in-power. The dems whined about Bush overstepping the Executive's Constitutional powers all the time. So list the ones you think Obama violated (besides Obamacare, which the USSC will correct)

The other issue I could have mentioned is requiring religious institutions to violate their religious beliefs, such as Ms. Fluke making Catholic employers pay for birth control instead of paying for their own, etc.

p.s. I'm still very pissed about the condition of the US when Bush/Cheney slithered out of DC and handed off a financial disaster to BO. The GOP deserves a few more woodshed sessions, but the country simply can't afford to spite itself by staying on this overspending binge.

Such a keen understanding of the issue. Thanks so much.
I am an Independent Conservative...and #1 issue is the huge attack on the Constitution, of individual liberty by Obama and the left...which affects the economy.

Your POLL doesn't go far enough (Yeah I know you are bound by limited choices on the boards).

painting with a very broad brush....the problem with that approach is that EVERY minority party whines about the party in-power. The dems whined about Bush overstepping the Executive's Constitutional powers all the time. So list the ones you think Obama violated (besides Obamacare, which the USSC will correct)

The other issue I could have mentioned is requiring religious institutions to violate their religious beliefs, such as Ms. Fluke making Catholic employers pay for birth control instead of paying for their own, etc.

p.s. I'm still very pissed about the condition of the US when Bush/Cheney slithered out of DC and handed off a financial disaster to BO. The GOP deserves a few more woodshed sessions, but the country simply can't afford to spite itself by staying on this overspending binge.

Seeing as I don't belong to a party...I fail to see the justice in the 'whining' comment.
Seeing as I don't belong to a party...I fail to see the justice in the 'whining' comment.

You must have been a very fussy eater as a kid. Its not always about you, in this case its about politics in general, and observations over time.

I posted a reply and get a whine when I was looking for a debate.
During the Bush 8-years the Left/MSM whined constantly. If it wasn't about Ashcroft, it was about Cheney and Halliburton, or waging war, or appointments, or even the election and FL butterfly ballots and all those fucking hanging chads. Pelosi & Obama always whining about the "culture of corruption" etc. and how they would run an "open government".

The point being that the non-Executive party ALWAYS whines about the guys in the WH. Its simply not always news unless its a big fuck-up, like Clinton's perjury, or Obamacare.

So if you have an BIG Constitutional issues about BO (fast & furious?) please provide a list. I'm keeping score.
Romney will beat obama out. People are generally fed up with the things obama is doing against them. Obama is doing nothing but hurting every citizen in this country. He's not even eligible to be president in the first place, and to repeat that mistake would hurt all of us. No way will i vote for obama. Enough is eno9ugh.
Obama doesn't have any policys, he has one agenda, and that is to transform america into a communist country and ditatorship. 4 more yrs of him and all our livelyhoods are finished. And our kids will have no future at all. And irs will be in your bank acct's and control your money like you have never seen before. No thank you, obama has got to be removed.
You said that Democrats threaten freedom of speech. Can you at least try to support that claim? Using political correctness as a weopon? Example?

Holy crap.

Let me invite you into my little brain for just a moment. Yes, it's a strange place, but this will just take a moment. When I see someone deny something that is painfully obvious, my first thought, of course, is to respond. But then that thought is interrupted by the knowledge that, if this person was willing to deny something that is so obvious before, surely they'll do it again to whatever I have to say.

The American Left uses Political Correctness on an ongoing basis. Every day, all the time. They continue to use it because it continues to work. If you're really going to deny that, let's just not proceed.


If it is so obvious, then it shouldn't be difficult for there to be some examples provided.

Personally, I happen to think Political Correctness tends to get a bad rap. What's so horrible about trying not to offend whole groups of people?

Why political correctness matters

if people were more cognizant of their prejudicial ideas and thought twice about vocalizing them when doing so might unnecessarily offend others, we'd live in a more truly accepting environment. We could begin to create a culture of openness in which people feel comfortable asking questions about practices or customs that they do not understand.

Haha, there's nothing horrible about that, but when you preach political correctness out of one side of your mouth and then call everyone you disagree with "anti-choice", "homophobic", "racist" etc. etc. etc. out of the other side of your mouth. It tends to piss off those people who you demand be politically correct i.e. the very people you call "anti-choice", "homophobic", "racists" etc. etc. etc.


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