Which race started racism? Where did it come from?

I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
Losers Who Want to Feel Like Winners Play the Race Card

Racism is a healthy and wise survival instinct. Feralphilia is a Death Wish. But the Whiteys Hating Whitey won't die out unless we help the process along.

Is this why whites invented the race card?
As an example, when the British were in their days of colonization and conquest, every place they went all the people they "Conquered" were subjugated to the king or queen.

As with any empire, if we dissect the British Empire we can find it's flaws. However, no one can dispute the fact that the British brought law, order, infrastructure and trade to highly inferior cultures. Look at Africa for example. The British extracted man and materiel from the continent but they also contributed much.

Then those Brits who moved to the other countries with their superior "attitudes" towards the subjects, also were very racist towards those who worked for the elites.

As for 'superior' attitudes toward cultures. Look at what the British encountered in places like India and Africa...widows burned on pyres, yogis eating excrement (India)...cannibalism/no written language/not even a two story structure (Congo).
This is the culture of Shakespeare/Magna Carta/the industrial age. You wouldn't consider that backward? Not all cultures are equal.
the whites [ Brits, Belgians, Spanish, French, etc ] were superior in:
transport [ ships/etc ]
etc etc
some Africans didn't even have a written language
Cortes conquered a whole kingdom with a ''small'' number of men
--so they would naturally ''feel'' superior
if the shoe was on the other foot--it would be the same

the Japanese thought they were superior--including to US troops in early WW2

Wrong. Things occurred in Africa because if agreements between kings and European rulers. You are totally ignorant bout the history of this continent and you only know what whites have taught as that history. You're way behind.
Africa was backward long before the Europeans. The events of today are simply a continuum of that behavior. For God's sake they still have open slavery in many parts of Africa. Is that the fault of the European? Public defecation to the point of contaminating water supplies..is that the fault of the European? AIDS rates as high as 25% of the population is some parts of Africa...Europeans as well? Colonialism ended in the early 50's.
Yes ----------- as the answer to the question in the thread title, with a description of how and why.

Perhaps you should start over.
Must be the time zone. I gotta remember y'all need an extra hour to read.
Maybe you should start reading :04:

What? And lose all this devastating writing?

Let's face it. It's all about time zones. Unless you can force the earth to spin backward I'll always be ahead of you.
You obviously arent as far as history goes ;)

Again, it's not a point about "slavery" and it's not really a point about "intercontinental slavery". It's a point about racism and how race got set up as an excuse to justify --- not slavery but racial slavery. Prior to the Atlantic slave trade there was certainly slavery practiced worldwide, but it wasn't race-based. Slaves were enslaved because they were captured, not because they were a specific race. And in time they were set free.

Race-based slavery differs in that it uses race itself as a basis and continues that rationale for the slaves' life, and their descendants' lives as well. In the former model the slave was looked on as subservient but not intrinsically "inferior" whereas in the transAtlantic model the slave was considered a slave because of his own birth -- something that could never change.

And that theory --- that one race is inferior to another --- is HOW that transAtlantic trade justified itself to the inevitable resistance from moral forces. Hence, racism is created, and that's my answer to the OP title.

I can't really break it down any simpler than that unless Google Translate comes up with an option for "Tennesseean".
What makes you think the atlantic slave trade was race based and no others were? How many Nations sold their inhabitants for fruit, pogo?
Racism is older than the 16th century.
Maybe you would make more sense if your "history" didnt read like a 9th grade dropout :dunno:

When you come up with a historical example of an institution of slavery based on race that predates the transAtlantic one, you get back to me Snuggles. :talktothehand:
How far will we go to protect our racism? And only that far IF one admits they are racist. I am racist, but I do not need to defend it, because I am not proud of it. Its a part of me that I do not like , and I try not to feed it. So I don't need to protect Black people, my people, racism more than likely, started with the Black race. It may even be biblical? I don't know.
So you are a victim of Liberalism? I who was picked on by blacks in high school,(do to my small stature) had a big fear of blacks. When I entered into the Air Force, my prejudices went out the door when we became a "UNIT". Also, reading " https://www.amazon.com/Setting-Record-Straight-American-History/dp/1932225277&tag=ff0d01-20 " allowed me to understand better the plight of the black man in America, and what the Democrats have and still do to the people of color. More of my friends today have read that book, many no longer vote Democrat.

How far will we go to protect our racism? And only that far IF one admits they are racist. I am racist, but I do not need to defend it, because I am not proud of it. Its a part of me that I do not like , and I try not to feed it. So I don't need to protect Black people, my people, racism more than likely, started with the Black race. It may even be biblical? I don't know.
The Egyptian texts I mentioned were thousands of years before the bible. I wanna say like 8000BC. But i could be wrong.

Yes the Egyptians were a Black people , perhaps a mixture of other colors as well. They were also a biblical people , and more than likely a racist people ; as most dynasties were. The Egyptians enslaved their own people in their leaders lust to build their tombs.

Our history is ripe with racism, we were destined to inherit it. This thing was in humanity before we were even born.
The Egyptians were not BLACK people as you said, but more Arabic looking, as if you remember when Moses went up the Nile and made friends with the Nubians, those people were the TRUE BLACK people.

Might want to brush up on your history...

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

Slavery in Massachusetts

All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.
Not slaves but indentured servants, who after 5 -7 years were set free with land, so they too could prosper in the new lands. But it was a Black man who went to court(English) and sued to keep his servants for ever as slaves. Stop with your bullshit FAUX history, we are on to you , and how you must rewrite history. Problem for you is, more are seeing the TRUTH and moving more towards the right.

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.


All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.
No it was Southern White Democrats that created the racism of today, and the Democrats today still see only the skin color, genitalia, wealth, or education of the individual to pander to, thus keeping RACISM as their modus operandi.
Nobody invented racism. In-group preference is a trait shared among most animal species and virtually all mammals. Glad I could clear that up.
Maybe you should start reading :04:

What? And lose all this devastating writing?

Let's face it. It's all about time zones. Unless you can force the earth to spin backward I'll always be ahead of you.
You obviously arent as far as history goes ;)

Again, it's not a point about "slavery" and it's not really a point about "intercontinental slavery". It's a point about racism and how race got set up as an excuse to justify --- not slavery but racial slavery. Prior to the Atlantic slave trade there was certainly slavery practiced worldwide, but it wasn't race-based. Slaves were enslaved because they were captured, not because they were a specific race. And in time they were set free.

Race-based slavery differs in that it uses race itself as a basis and continues that rationale for the slaves' life, and their descendants' lives as well. In the former model the slave was looked on as subservient but not intrinsically "inferior" whereas in the transAtlantic model the slave was considered a slave because of his own birth -- something that could never change.

And that theory --- that one race is inferior to another --- is HOW that transAtlantic trade justified itself to the inevitable resistance from moral forces. Hence, racism is created, and that's my answer to the OP title.

I can't really break it down any simpler than that unless Google Translate comes up with an option for "Tennesseean".
What makes you think the atlantic slave trade was race based and no others were? How many Nations sold their inhabitants for fruit, pogo?
Racism is older than the 16th century.
Maybe you would make more sense if your "history" didnt read like a 9th grade dropout :dunno:

When you come up with a historical example of an institution of slavery based on race that predates the transAtlantic one, you get back to me Snuggles. :talktothehand:
Romans. Gee, that was easy.... lol
IMO, slavery based on religion (islam christianity) or any certain feature is the same as basing it on race. Probably doesnt have the feelz like race does, though. :rolleyes:

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.


All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.
No it was Southern White Democrats that created the racism of today, and the Democrats today still see only the skin color, genitalia, wealth, or education of the individual to pander to, thus keeping RACISM as their modus operandi.

No the racism of today was created by whites, and the republican party of today is the party f racism, Stop lying about what republicans don't see. We see just how much republicans do see all of those things in forums like this one.
Nobody invented racism. In-group preference is a trait shared among most animal species and virtually all mammals. Glad I could clear that up.

But you didn't. Racism is not a natural human trait as humans as a species of animal will associate with other humans. A brown skinned human is just as much a human as a pink skinned one. For what you say to be the case a human would gave to hang out with cows or horses because that would be outside the group preference.
How far will we go to protect our racism? And only that far IF one admits they are racist. I am racist, but I do not need to defend it, because I am not proud of it. Its a part of me that I do not like , and I try not to feed it. So I don't need to protect Black people, my people, racism more than likely, started with the Black race. It may even be biblical? I don't know.
So you are a victim of Liberalism? I who was picked on by blacks in high school,(do to my small stature) had a big fear of blacks. When I entered into the Air Force, my prejudices went out the door when we became a "UNIT". Also, reading " https://www.amazon.com/Setting-Record-Straight-American-History/dp/1932225277&tag=ff0d01-20 " allowed me to understand better the plight of the black man in America, and what the Democrats have and still do to the people of color. More of my friends today have read that book, many no longer vote Democrat.

View attachment 175140

Why were you picked on by blacks? Was it because you were small? I doubt it. So let's set the record straight.

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote
Fur color is not even close to the same as skin color, different skeletal structures and various other differences.

Your idiotic analogy is more akin to a blonde Irishman fighting a redhead Irishman simply because of hair color, and that has never happened.
OK. So the floor is yours then

The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.

1) Facial structure
2) Skin color
3) Hair texture.

Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome

Show me what no geneticist on the planet, no biologist on the planet, to be connected with any other trait known as intelligence or temperament or behavior or morality or any of those kinds of things.

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

Slavery in Massachusetts

All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.
Not slaves but indentured servants, who after 5 -7 years were set free with land, so they too could prosper in the new lands. But it was a Black man who went to court(English) and sued to keep his servants for ever as slaves. Stop with your bullshit FAUX history, we are on to you , and how you must rewrite history. Problem for you is, more are seeing the TRUTH and moving more towards the right.

No they were slaves. You aren't on to anything. The picture you posted is not Anthony Johnson, Slavery was already legal when Johnson got here. And the reality of your bullshit is that blacks did not make slavery legal. Whites did. TRUTH!

Just setting the record straight.

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

Slavery in Massachusetts

All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.
Not slaves but indentured servants, who after 5 -7 years were set free with land, so they too could prosper in the new lands. But it was a Black man who went to court(English) and sued to keep his servants for ever as slaves. Stop with your bullshit FAUX history, we are on to you , and how you must rewrite history. Problem for you is, more are seeing the TRUTH and moving more towards the right.

No they were slaves. You aren't on to anything. The picture you posted is not Anthony Johnson, Slavery was already legal when Johnson got here. And the reality of your bullshit is that blacks did not male slavery legal. Whites did. TRUTH!

Just setting the record straight.
Johnson was the first person in the colonies to have their slave ownership legally recognized. Do you understand now?

All of this is incorrect. The picture is not Anthony Johnson. Anthony Johnson was not the first slave owner in America. In 1654, there were no photographers in Virginia,

Seven Lies, Half-Truths, and Irrelevancies People Trot Out About Slavery—Debunked

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.

The exact date slaves first entered Massachusetts is unknown but many sources suggest Samuel Maverick was the first slaveholder in the colony after he arrived in early
Boston in 1624 with two slaves.

According to the book Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, the first slaves imported directly from Africa to Massachusetts arrived in 1634.

A few years later, in December of 1638, a slave ship named Desire brought Boston’s first shipment of slaves from Barbados, whom had been exchanged for enslaved Pequot Indians from New England.

In 1641, Governor John Winthrop, a slave owner himself, helped write the first law legalizing slavery in North America, the Massachusetts Bodies of Liberty, which the General Court passed on December 10, 1641.

Slavery in Massachusetts

All of this happened before 1654.

Blacks did not make slavery legal in he United States.

Racial classifications were not created until the 15-1600's, so black Egyptians did not invent racism. And blacks did not create the system of racism as it is in America.

Massachusetts Bay Colony was the first slave-holding colony in New England. The first slaves were brought to the colony in the early 17th century.
Not slaves but indentured servants, who after 5 -7 years were set free with land, so they too could prosper in the new lands. But it was a Black man who went to court(English) and sued to keep his servants for ever as slaves. Stop with your bullshit FAUX history, we are on to you , and how you must rewrite history. Problem for you is, more are seeing the TRUTH and moving more towards the right.

No they were slaves. You aren't on to anything. The picture you posted is not Anthony Johnson, Slavery was already legal when Johnson got here. And the reality of your bullshit is that blacks did not make slavery legal. Whites did. TRUTH!

Just setting the record straight.
So when they finished their terms of service and were set free with their land and property, they were still slaves?

Indentured Servants In The U.S. | History Detectives | PBS
Servants typically worked four to seven years in exchange for passage, room, board, lodging and freedom dues. While the life of an indentured servant was harsh and restrictive, it wasn't slavery.

In 1619 the first black Africans came to Virginia. With no slave laws in place, they were initially treated as indentured servants, and given the same opportunities for freedom dues as whites.
However, slave laws were soon passed – in Massachusetts in 1641 and Virginia in 1661 –and any small freedoms that might have existed for blacks were taken away.
Do you refute anything that PBS has claimed here as FAKE NEWS?
I think using "Mitochrondrinal DNA research", we could come to a conclusion that the first humans were " Mid Brown" in color. Some religious may say " Adam and Eve" then were Black, and the research backs that up because from two mid brown people, we can get the whole array of color that we have on earth. Not from two Whites or two Dark skinned Blacks. Yet that may not be an exact science . But somewhere along the lines, as humans grew and evolved into our races , somebody got racist! I doubt that racism was in our genetic make up. Or was it?

Think about it, racism on a cellular level; lying dormant like a great Trojan horse. We must then assume that all other emotional content , straight or twisted, also lays deep within us. And each individual manifest it however they do. If this be the case, then emotional content in humans derived from Blacks first.

If racism has a molecular probe , like a fingerprint, we than can trace it. We could then ask Is emotion hereditary?

Was racism a DNA virus?
I think what causes racism, is when one person "THINKS" they are much better than another person. As an example, when the British were in their days of colonization and conquest, every place they went all the people they "Conquered" were subjugated to the king or queen. Then those Brits who moved to the other countries with their superior "attitudes" towards the subjects, also were very racist towards those who worked for the elites. Even in America, where people left the security of the King or Queen for an opportunity to make a life of their own, soon the king and queen wanted more from those who left for greener pastures. The rest is history, but the insidious Democrats(I call them new liberals) started subjugating those indentured servants who originally came here knowing that they served for 5 -7 years then were set free, but one disgusting individual said his property was his and should never be free. This is what History doesn't tell US and why racism still happens.

View attachment 174976
Clear as mud...All the population are the King and Queen's subjects...even the nobility and aristocracy but not the bed bugs....

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