Which Religion Annoys You The Most?

Which Religion Annoys You The Most? That's easy: militant atheism with high priestesses like Carla et al.


Whichever one is on my doorstep on Saturday morning.

And, yes - that's a serious answer.

I've said it before -- As long as you leave me out of your rituals and beliefs, I just don't care.

Religions don't annoy me. Their followers often work to be a pain in the ass.

I'm the opposite, religions annoy me, not so much individuals. Most Christians even aren't of the annoying sort. At least not until you start asking awkward questions. :)

I'm not annoyed until they start their preaching.

I don't even notice them until then.
Three people have stated atheism is the most annoying religion, even though it's not a religion. Wowza!

Hardcore Atheism is a belief structure. Its the active denial of a deity coupled with a desire to rid the commons of any references to theism.

Said Atheists have brought this on themselves, by being stuffy, insufferable assholes.
They keep trying to deny the fact that New Atheism is a religion. It reeks of desperate denial.

It's similar to Obama saying that Islamist State is not Islamist.
I'll take new atheism over old-time christianity any time.
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.

Atheism. They're worse and more invasive than the Hari Krishnas used to be

They are worse because some of them force THEIR belief structure and desires on the rest of us using the judiciary and warped interpretation of the 1st amendment.

EXACTLY!! They want their religion to be the one and only state religion!
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.

Atheism. They're worse and more invasive than the Hari Krishnas used to be

They are worse because some of them force THEIR belief structure and desires on the rest of us using the judiciary and warped interpretation of the 1st amendment.
Not at all. The courts have sided with the constitution (you know what the constitution is, right?), to keep the Christian extremist nut-bars from forcing their dogma into the schools.

You need a better conspiracy theory.
Religions whose authority is top down. Specifically, the Mormons and the Catholics. In protestant religions, the congregation rules. In top down religions, you can not even fire your priest. You are told what the rules and the creed of the church is, and there is no room for disagreement or discussion. They are both dictatorships.
A tough choice. I hate all religion, but I'd have to agree with you and pick Christianity. They're the largest, the most in-your-face, and by far the most numerous in my area.

Plus, it's like you say--Moonslims will say, "Do you agree with me? No? OK, I kill you now," but Christ-stains stalk you all over town and the Internet to tell you why you're wrong and why you need "almighty Jeebus" in your life. To be constantly hounded by such stupidity is torture.

And yet here you are subjecting yourself to it. Why is that?
Amazing sign of the times..
Muslims are sawing people's heads off with steak knives, crucifying people on trees and burning people alive, burying people alive, and you have a problem with Christians.........

Isa 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
AND....how many people did christians kill during the spanish inquisition..which was a killing spree as well? Or during the witch hunts? Christians kill too, ya know.

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