Which Religion Annoys You The Most?

The religion that argues with you for naming the religion that annoys you per the OP.
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.

You are annoyed more by a close and kindered belief rather than the actions of people bent on your destruction?

That seems dumb and dangerous, to me. Thus, I don't believe you. I think instead you are just a hater who is hating the wrong ideology. Nothing else is rational.
Religions whose authority is top down. Specifically, the Mormons and the Catholics. In protestant religions, the congregation rules. In top down religions, you can not even fire your priest. You are told what the rules and the creed of the church is, and there is no room for disagreement or discussion. They are both dictatorships.

Sort of like every non publicly traded company out there....
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.

Atheism. They're worse and more invasive than the Hari Krishnas used to be

They are worse because some of them force THEIR belief structure and desires on the rest of us using the judiciary and warped interpretation of the 1st amendment.
Not at all. The courts have sided with the constitution (you know what the constitution is, right?), to keep the Christian extremist nut-bars from forcing their dogma into the schools.

You need a better conspiracy theory.

Forcing Dogma? The only Dogma being forced is that of the Radical Atheists, who want hostility towards religion, not neutrality towards religion, which was the REAL concept of the 1st amendment.

And as a strict constructional federalist, I know and respect the Constitution far more than you ever will.
Hardcore Atheism is a belief structure. Its the active denial of a deity coupled with a desire to rid the commons of any references to theism.

Said Atheists have brought this on themselves, by being stuffy, insufferable assholes.

Apparently, you need a dictionary.

Apparently you can handle someone having a different opinion than yours. its not like I am calling a dog a cat. Hardcore atheism is a belief structure, hence a religion. Agnosticism is closer to "not being a religion" than Atheism is.

No it's not. Atheists do not have a specific doctrine, and we do not worship a higher power....things that you need in order to be considered a religion.

I have a list of things I do not believe in, like Bigfoot, and I'm pretty hard core in not believing it. That is not a religion. Get a dictionary.

Bigfoot and a supreme being that created all, be it a "person," a life-force, or simply the universe itself are not the same thing. And there are some Atheists who have a very specific doctrine, i.e., "there is no God" or "God is a construct of man." Again, agnosticism, indifference to God is far more closer to "not a religion" than Atheism as I have described it.

Its amazing the amount of butt hurt Atheists show when you call their belief structure a religion.

You can say it all day long. If you surround yourself with idiots, you might appear to be intelligent.

I'll put my IQ up against yours any day of the fucking week there, hammer.
Muslims are on a killing spree, and you object to Christianity?? Way to go.
I have not been subjected to islam. I have to christianity. I love God. I don't much care for His followers. Some company excluded of course.

So unless you are personally effected, you can't form an objective opinion? Which bothered you more:
Muslims flying planes full of innocent people into buildings full of innocent people, or some one posting at usmb in all caps?
Muslims beheading infidels like yourself, or someone knocking on your door?
Muslims killing and maiming people in Boston, or someone saying, "I'm going to pray for you."?
Christians building orphanages, or Muslims kidnapping their occupants and selling them on the black market sex trade?
Muslims burning down churches with parishioners still inside, or parishioners handing out food and clothes and paying people's electric bills?

If you dislike your Christian neighbor because of the crusades, do you intentionally give the Ottoman Empire a pass?

The, love Christ hate Christians Gandhi thing, has been done to death. It's a ruse.
It is a catch all favorite for discriminating against a specific religion.
Without Christians, Gandhi would have never heard of Christ or become so "enamored" with Him. Did Gandhi love Christ but have a problem with Paul?

We deal with the times we live in. I find it hard to believe that you really believe that Islam is less of an "annoyance" than the Holy rollers in the church down the street singing, "Draw men unto Thee" .
Want not to be annoyed by a Christian? Say, "Please stop annoying me". Want not to be targeted by a Muslim? Tough shit.
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Muslims are on a killing spree, and you object to Christianity?? Way to go.
I have not been subjected to islam. I have to christianity. I love God. I don't much care for His followers. Some company excluded of course.

So unless you are personally effected, you can't form an objective opinion? Which bothered you more:
Muslims flying planes full of innocent people into buildings full of innocent people, or some one posting at usmb in all caps?
Muslims beheading infidels like yourself, or someone knocking on your door?
Muslims killing and maiming people in Boston, or someone saying, "I'm going to pray for you."?
Muslims burning down churches with parishioners still inside, or parishioners handing out food and clothes and paying people's electric bills?

The, love Christ hate Christians Gandhi thing, has been done to death.
If you dislike your Christian neighbor because of the crusades, do you intentionally give the Ottoman Empire a pass?

We deal with the times we live in. I find it hard to believe that you really believe that Islam is less of an "annoyance" than the Holy rollers in the church down the street.
Want not to be annoyed by a Christian? Say, "Please stop annoying me". Want not to be targeted by a Muslim? Tough shit.

And this ^ is a perfect example of christians. Bickering, arguing, trying to force someone to kowtow to what THEY want you to believe, do, act like, etc.
I remember you having an opinion, even though your nose remains intact, when you posted a pic of a woman who had no nose after Muslims cut it off. But it is my posts that truly get your goat?

Which bothers you more, a Christian speaking her mind or a little girl being raped and shot on a bus for wanting to improve her mind?
Christianity, no question.

Reason being only they co-opted my Jewish holy text and pasted their's onto it. Islam might wanna kill me, but Christianity wants my soul.
so you're cool with getting your head sawed off, but not cool with people wanting you to go to heaven

Religions whose authority is top down. Specifically, the Mormons and the Catholics. In protestant religions, the congregation rules. In top down religions, you can not even fire your priest. You are told what the rules and the creed of the church is, and there is no room for disagreement or discussion. They are both dictatorships.

Sort of like every non publicly traded company out there....

Well, now that you have brought up Scientology as well.......

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